
Post your hobbies besides lifting and vidya. I'll start:
>playing bass

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>tfw you realize you have no hobbies
How the fuck do you spend time on a hobby when the Internet exists. Jow Forums is like crack to me, it eats up 90% of my free time.

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I collect action figures

bigger by the day series
Jow Forums
endless search for gym music

Limit your daily internet use brah

spray painting and other art styles

beat making

>Learning languages

Wish I had the self control to dedicate more time to them though desu

There is already a thread

>weekend alcoholism

You think I care, cocksucker?

based rude poster



Classical violin (in a community orchestra, been playing regularly since I was five), amateur radio (Morse code mostly, 20WPM), tea preparation and collection, focus on sheng puerh and wuyi yancha

I'm interested in languages, cooking, hiking, movies and different kinds of handwork
I'm going to start pottery in a month


>how the fuck can somone spend an entire day on this thing, 7 days a week?

Especially since fit is such a slow board.

does running counts as lifting

No it's doesn't counts

>Reading books
>Watching shows???
>Going for walks in the park

2 of these things are still just consuming media and I walk alone becasue Im a fucking loser with no friends.

>learning Spanish
>basketball and voleyball

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>chess (ELO 2040)
>basketball (not anymore since my friends moved away after college)
>camping (see above)
>hiking on occasion

how do i get interesting hobbies? does reading about history or science count?
i need not a hobby which i actually enjoy (i love vidya and could honestly spend the rest of my life playing it with friends and have a pleasurable life), but a hobby that sounds interesting and will give me stories to tell so that I can appear interesting to potential partners, but isn't too difficult or time-consuming. So far I have thought of
1. reading a LOT about random shit like soil taxonomy, microbiology or the emperors of rome so that I can always look intelligent despite being a sub80 iq brainlet
2. learning chinese and travel there as a backpacker (extremely difficult considering my social skills and how different chinese is from my native language)
3. reading philosophy to bring up existential questions in random conversations to appear deep
any suggestions?

Playing bass
Randomly visiting places on the weekend sometimes

What you working on currently, user?

C# or C++? If you're going to say anything else, don't even bother giving me a (you).

What is with Jow Forums and skateboarding? Have you guys never heard of cycling? Skateboarding is the equivalent to wearing heelys.

Running, reading classic literature

It's pretty hard improving at cycling user... Boring as shit

I wouldnt call most of these hobbies because i only have time to do them in holidays
>music (acoustic guitar and fl studio)
>making retarded memes


My brother

For me it’s
>playing bass/drums/guitar
>taking psychedelics


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Goin for walks got me out of depression in my lowest moments when I ditched my old group of friends, user. Don't be ashamed of it.

>In Uni so I study a lot
>learning basic programing languages
I also wanna start learning Latin anyone have any advice to do so?

>being a wagecuck
>skiing but it's hella expensive


Try hard.

>wood carving
>hanging out with my dad when I can

It’s not much, but it works

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Yeah, he's carrying mega heavy and probably for instagram posting purposes. But shooting and bikes are both a blast.

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wood carving? what is that like?

nothing else
sleep,gym,work,get home and eat, play, sleep.
>tfw you will never get a cute dark c@tgirl EB

Judo 3 times a week.
Go to friends house to play vidya.
Sometimes i do DIY stuff in my dad's garage.
I'm boring as fuck.

During the summer i go swimming too and at the beach daily.


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I have stared at my laptops screen and wall and ceiling the past 2 years with very few intervals of hiking. I believe I am finally finished but desu got damnit I want to stare and stare at my ceiling with nothing else in mind nothing else to do for the next 3 months, no thoughts no voice, no knowledge the moment i turn my head side to side no mommy at my door, no work to fully blow out this slumber. 2 portals have appeared to me before, one was to reach out to the skies and ride towards Bootes void the other

So you dont even lift? Why are you here? Sage

work at a warehouse for 10 hours a day

It's not too difficult I did it at school for like 4 years. Just get a good textbook online and grind out the memorization. It's a lot like studying a lot of other European languages unsurprisingly

been getting into tailoring and making cloths been it's nice to be able to go to the thrift store and actually have options as a man
I like going hiking with a moleskin and drawing different plants and insects.
Collecting various native edible plants and marking them on a map. I don't take much or often unless its something nothing eats like sumac.

Im actually currently trying to cut down my internet addiction and dedicate more time to hobbies.

Im currently learning italian dishes to cook, beat making and reading more.

Good going, user

Fapping to anime girls

>ttgayman with a few irl groups
>writing and reading

was thinking abt learning ukelele. thank u for reminding me gna go buy on amazon now

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Choose literally any instrument in the world other than ukulele

I'm not particularly fond of the experience life turned out to be, I don't regret staying in this room.

>If only you knew how different things could be

>stays in room
>doesn't like life
Gee I wonder why

And what am I supposed to do with no friends?

>Get home from work at 7pm
>Eat dinner, finish cooking, eating, cleaning around 8pm
Now what? How do I enjoy my life when there is nothing for me to do, except gym and browse the web

>doesn't like life so stays in room

Yeah. You literally spend at least 1/3 of your life in your room. Sleep should be the one single thing that you do most in your life.

Imagine what the world would be deprived of if some faggot told tiny Tim the same thing

Tiny tim learned how to play legitimate instruments first and probably reached the ukulele skill cap in about 20 minutes


I think it sounds cool and I like playing it so no thanks

>learning Japanese since last December
>learning to draw
>hiking and camping when possible
>hitchhiking or just traveling
>used to write a blog about hitchhiking but got too lazy

I should pick a hobby that involves meeting new people. What would you suggest?

a sport of some sort, nothing brings people together like working towards a similar goal of competitive success

Dude Ive been thinking bout getting into those 2.
Any tips?

> Reading
> drawing
> hiking
> martial arts

Want to do one of those tough rudder or Spartan race.