I'm only attracted to 10/10 qts

I'm only attracted to 10/10 qts
I'll never have a 10/10 qt

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Well 10/10 doesn’t exist unless 10/10 for you includes what others consider an issue like not knowing how to do traditional things like cook, or you know, keep other cocks out of her body

What is it with these jaded betas?
>hurr pretty girls literally can’t not be whores

The less I think about a female as a person, the better
It's when you start looking at her as a person that you see all the inevitable flaws that you mention. I guess all I can do is admire from a distance

Its because you keep telling yourself that OP, grow a fucking pair

>I'll never have a 10/10 qt
Depends. When you're a 10 you know you can get any guy you want and when you're in your twenties you probably had your share of really hot guys. At that point they're more interested in finding a well rounded partner they can potentially build a family with than in the thrill of being Chad's fuckbuddy.
Whereas 6/10 and below know they can only date second rate dudes so they'll upgrade to a slightly more attractive one at any chance they get even if he turns out to be a trash boyfriend.
Now dating a 10 comes with its own set of issues since they've only ever lived life on easy mode they can't even conceive that people would be anything but excellent to them.

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I already tried once. I failed miserably. Maybe when I find another qt I'll try again. Although soon I won't be around enough people to find qts. I don't like apps like Tinder

It comes down to being an alright person - one that takes care of himself, knows what's he doing with his life, is capable of giving love and taking it etc.
I don't know that I'll be that person anytime soon. Or ever

>never have a 10/10
Why? Women don't rate you based on your looks, they rate you based on how you make them feel.

I can't make myself feel good, probably can't make them feel good either

I only go for girls that are at least 8/10s
One time it'll work and I'll be set for a wife

Source please

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>Source please

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I'm phone-posting too.

In this women rating formula: "9+1/10" what do you think the "+1" means?

It mean's love. Not cooking, not big tits, only love.

>start lifting as a 4/10
>be attracted to legit nerd girls, pic related
>go full looksmax, teeth implants and chin enhancement
>end up as a 7.5-8/10
>still like the same girls


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>only attracted to forgein women
>there are none

Does getting laid through the internet count?
Because that's what i've been doing for the past 2 years everyday

Aren't there any concerts/events where lots of foreigners happen to gather in Poland? That would seem like a hotspot for foreign women

I live in a twin peaks shithole village man
Also i'm kinda looking for something longterm, flailing my dick around isn't as fun as it used to be

What if I make them feel like they’re dating an uggo?

>you will never find a woman like Mommy

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jordan mcewen

this sounds great but is actually bullshit

wow I only knew her from the cute gifs, didn't know she was a whore

She just got married