Why is this board so fucking negative nowadays? Where is the based "We all gonna make it!" mentaility...

Why is this board so fucking negative nowadays? Where is the based "We all gonna make it!" mentaility? What the fuck went wrong?

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too many Jow Forums and lookism incels

>lookism incels

incels, faggots, trolls...
ppl just came here to shitposting

Trap cults, incels and the kind

newfags just want attention

bad thread

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Just report non fitness related threads and if you can't control yourself and need to reply to a troll post, Sage goes in the option field

Crabs in a bucket.

We aren't all going to make it.

worshipping chads doesn't make you a chad

>incels are the problem
Where the fuck do you faggots think you are?
They're not even an organized shitposting effort like discord trannies

>Where the fuck do you faggots think you are?
On an anime forum that has nothing to do with incels

As a sub-6' male I've come to grips with the reality that it is biologically impossible for me to actually make it. Now I just lift in complete mental isolation with the only goal being to get stronger than yesterday. This ride never ends.

Well it certainly isn't an anime forum with chads

Posts like this are the reason this board sucks

>what are short women

Invaded by pol and r9k

It should be a requirement to post body on every post

Fuck you faggot, Jow Forums is a perfectly toxic environment


Only the strong make it. There is no point in this "everybody is good enough" bullshit.

That post unironically proved you are going to make it

Those times are gone, old man. No one is making it anymore.

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>these are the people populating the board nowadays

You literally got trolled so hard and so frequently that you started believing all the bullshit that people say just to fuck around.

You should be driving your life by the rule not by the exception. There are normal girls that don't give a fuck that youre under 6. You're literally just being shown the extreme cases of shit and then assuming that that's the normal behaviour.

Goddamn I hate this board now. So many fragile kids growing up with zero critical thinking.

third-worlders are posting here nonstop now. Pajeets, russians and huehues don't believe in future prosperity because they have no current prosperity to base it on

maybe we should make "sage" a checkbox and make the description something people would understand like "do not bump thread"

It makes you fucking pathetic and weird. Imagine spending your life on the internet autistically examining the looks of other men.

you do realize the height meme was made solely to troll a 5'0 midget trip, right?.. its ironic

I'm 6'4 and every guy below 6'0 that I personally know (as friends) is successful with a wife and kids.

Too many faggots and people just posting bad/wrong advice that the Jow Forums incels keep repeating

>height meme
>its ironic

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>having a meme folder
>making it
you wont

i have too much anxiety to ever "make it"

after hearing that stupid phrase for 3 years I've realised it's a load of bullshit said to give people peace of mind

It's easier to push something down than to lift it up

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Literally all asian women are sub 6' so kys doomer

Niggers and mutts

Jow Forums hasn't been that way since 2010

Some of us made it and interacted with women.

no shit dumbass

This. At least a quarter of their user base is really handsome, just mentally ill.

Russians and politics.

>"We all gonna make it!"

That old lie Most of us will not make it. An overwhelming majority will not make it, in fact. We're talking 90%.

>manlet wanting to breed with short women so that they pass their inferior genes on and further destroy the human race.

depends on what you define as "it". making it doesn't have to mean being a famous billionaire with the most hits on social media. being in healthy and in shape, a stable income, and a companion or family is all anyone really needs to be happy and content.
and we're all gonna make it.

being short isn't inferior. It's less attractive, sure, but it doesn't make it harder to survive. Also, genetic diversity makes species more likely to survive. If a disease appeared that killed everyone over 5'10", would being tall still be superior?

wait those dudes are real people?

No it was pretty clear that he meant incels

A lot of underaged anons, and they're even more bitter and autistic than the oldfags were when we were new.

you can't make it in the age of tinder unless your face looks like that of a model

Yeah, they’re just absurdly photoshopped by that girl

We were all gonna make it.

But we didn't.


I'd say about 10% are good looking. Not even model tier. Rest are genuine autists obsessing about looks.

>Manlet cope

LOL, won't do anything if the janitors and mods don't care. NSFW threads get deleted but lookism threads stay up

I'm here brother

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It was infiltrated by traditional incels but also by left wing incels and trannies.

Basically, the first group are doomers and the second are Redditors who organize via discord and think that Jow Forums is a bastion of white, republican masculinity that needs to be destroyed.

I remember seeing a 100+ fucking question quiz you had to take to be a part of this faggot discord. Talk about indoctrination.

essentially this I remember progress threads being mostly non-posters hating on people and saying they had gyno back in 2013.

why is dom so cool

Too many self hating Indians and other Asians on the board now

R9k and pol

Jow Forumscels and r9kers

Jow Forums has been absolutely filled to the brim with NPC antifa/sjw/discord tranny/kike shills lately, and Jow Forums is no exception. Make a nigger joke and you get dog pilled with the same cringy scripted responses every time now.

It's a reflection of modern day life, where information is so transparent, competition is so fierce, and depression is so rife that only the top 20% feels safe and the bottom 80% finds it pointless to continue.

Zyzz died

Fuck you.

Why doesn't he hug her back?

Rip zyzz

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i started working out a month ago after 7 years or so of not going to the gym or doing anything active. yesterday i added 10 lbs to my bench press. feels happy bros

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ayy lmao

im trying to escape skellydom bro dont make fun..

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Guys, don't lose your whey.

We're ALL gonna make it as long as we belive! Belive in me that believes in you!

No go smash that PR!

You are going to be mocked until you make it. Complacency kills.