Should i eat a dozen eggs a day

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just stick to 2

2 Months ago I started eating 6-12 raw eggs a day because I read a article that old school bodybuilders used raw eggs and called them a "mini steroid cycle" because of how good they were. They were right, they are amazing. Eat your eggs

Based on a 2000 calorie diet a dozen large eggs would give you just under 100% of your RDA for Fat and Saturated Fat. So honestly you could eat a dozen eggs and you'd be pretty healthy, as long as you don't go overboard with other fats in your diet.

>fats are bad goyim

Eggs are so good for lifting that's just below roiding

Sorry to be that guy but RDA is just a mix of D grade opinion lv scientific evidence and big food/pharma interests

How would you prepare them? Can I just eat eggs raw with no prep? I don’t have a blender and I don’t feel like cooking so many eggs

Crack the egg in a glass and drink them. They taste great, and the texture is very refreshing, it lubes up your throat and feels very nice. Also absolutely ZERO digestive issues from raw eggs. No eggs farts etc. as well.

I just fry it with butter, sunny side up

Raw eggs have high levels of avidin (that hinders biotin absorption)
Hard boiled eggs are too tough to digest that many eggs at once

Thanks brah will try

Do one egg at a time, swallow, crack another one. Don't put 6 eggs in one glass and do it. It's easier one at a time at first.

Crack one in a small glass, put it all in your mouth and swallow (chew and swish in your mouth if you like the taste, I do sometimes).

It's a really good snack, I don't understand why more people don't do it. Like I just had 4 raw eggs about 30 minutes ago and I feel energized from it so much

>dozen eggs a day

you know numbers have been invented since like 5000 years ago, right? why the fuck would you write "dozens", which literally means absolutely nothing to the civilized world, instead of a number? Is that 1 egg, 2 eggs? what? what the fuck is it you stupid fucking retard?

What if I just ate em raw and supplemented biotin?

Biotin deficiency is caused when you ONLY eat egg whites. Egg YOLKS CONTAIN excess amounts of biotin, meaning you will never get a deficiency if you eat the white+yolk, or just the yolk.

Egg yolks contain biotin, you will never get a biotin deficiency if you eat the yolk with your eggs. Deficiency occurs if you ONLY eat egg whites and NO yolks

Didn't know about that, thanks for the info
I will try raw eggs as well from now on; frankly it seemed too good to be true a food that nutritious that ain't need no time to be cooking and could fit anytime in schedule

The first time I tried a raw egg I almost puked it up because I wasn't used to the texture. Now I thoroughly enjoy them for the taste, texture, as well as the benefits it gives me (energy, strength etc.) Would recommend


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Just tried four raw eggs via the glass method

Not horrible desu, definitely worth it considering how long it takes to actually cook food

It's 12, you dribbling moron.

absolute madlad

>you don't have to tell me what happened

You sick fuck