Is nofap and especially noporn just something useful for people with genuine masturbation or pornography addictions?

Is nofap and especially noporn just something useful for people with genuine masturbation or pornography addictions?
When I don't masturbate for a long time, I just feel really horny all the time. It doesn't help me talk to people, I don't feel more confident or energized.
As for giving up porn, is it supposed to "reset" your standards of attractiveness or something? I don't watch actual porn, just drawn stuff or pictures, but I don't feel like it has an effect on how I see women.

Could someone explain the meme to me?
Do you have to beat off five times per day until you cum blood for nofap and noporn to have a tangible effect?
Some people actually claim masturbating kills your gains or lowers test or whatever, have any studies been done on this?

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>fapping to cartoons

There's no hope for anons like you

I've actually been improving myself quite a lot these past few months and I'm feeling pretty good about myself.

excessive jacking off is a symptom not a root cause

What do you consider to be excessive?

There have been a couple of studies on testosterone levels short-term, but honestly the effect seems small enough to be statistical noise. If you are unhappy about your masturbation, it might be a good idea. If not, probably not worth giving up something you enjoy for 1% gains in strength.

Increased motivation does seem like it would be worth giving up jerking off for, but I don't think that can really be measured, so there is no science to back it up. All I can recommend is trying it and seeing if you notice a difference. If not, give up.

what is the cause then?

The problem is that every time you say you've done nofap for x days, people tell you "nah bro you've got to do it for x + n days that's when you'll start to see the changes". Should I wait until I have a wet dream or something?
I tried nofap for a few weeks some time ago. I was horny as shit all the time, and I suppose it gave me a feeling of "accomplishment" for managing to not touch my dick despite how much I wanted it. However, when I finally jerked off, I felt nothing different aside from mild frustration because it felt like I had given in.
So basically I haven't noticed much benefit, but I've noticed the drawback that obsessing over my masturbation habits (or lack thereof) just gives me something to feel bad about.

And what about porn?

anything over like 2 times a day.
depression and anxiety which can be caused by a number of reasons. your life isnt fucked up because you jack off too much. there is something lacking in your life. do shit like forcing yourself to talk to the people you want to fuck and have relationships with, eat healthy, work hard, and exercise.

It's probably the lonelyness I guess, thanks for the tip user

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as long as you keep trying to get your life on track youll be fine

>testosterone levels short-term
So the thing about levels rising consistently for every seven day continued abstinence is bullshit?
What about the alleged ejection of important nutrients through semen (i.e. losing gains)?

You are effectively poisoning your brain with the "reward" and "anticipation" neurotransmitter. You are training your brain to seek reward via porn. But neurons recquire novelty so paraphilias develop.
At the same time your brain tackles the shock from immense amounts of dopamine by creating an excess amount of enzymes that degrade and reuptake dopamine before it can reach the receptors of satelite neurons. Effectively introducing the building blocks for several types of depression.
Moreover, the method of stimulus introduces dissonance, your brain interacts with the experience by assessing it as something passive, via the somatosensory system. This has an evolutionary perpose, but it's highly disruptive since it increases the risk of anxiety disorders over time and it might affect how the parasympathetic system does its part in sexual arousal. Ergo, erectile issues, arousal related anxiety disorders, anhedonia and rarely even heart palpitations and circulation issues.

After the one week it dips but if you keep at it your base test levels that get dips from your initial fap increases over time giving you a higher base test levels

Dragon ball z tier pseudoscience

It's like...I will never understand why people try to argue against not fapping. Like at worst it is just broscience and nothing comes from it, at best it is an actual thing and there are real benefits from not fapping every week.

>2 times a day being normal

w h e w

isnt 2 times a day alot?

Yes, it is bullshit. It's all placebo. Not masturbating isn't going to fix you.

It's only healthy for people that compulsively jerk it every day and have pornography addictions. All it will do for normal people is make them horny and more prone to getting boners in public.

Gotta fap at least 21 times a month for that healthy prostate goy!

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You basically explained the whole nofap movement. If your masturbation doesn't bother you and you are still fucking then keep it up.

yes, it's literally the narcotics anonymous / alcoholics anonymous of sex addiction, backed by the same types of religious personalities and interests

its a non-scientific program aimed at harm reduction through complete abstinence, you'd have to be a moron not to see the parallels


I'll never understand the people who make such a big deal out of nofap. I used to jack it a lot, at least a few times per week. When uni picked back up and I started taking fitness more seriously, I literally just never felt the need to jerk off. Only do it when I'm home from school, if at all. Jerking off is for people who have too much free time.

sometimes I jack it once a day sometimes 2x a day sometimes I go a 3-5 days without jacking it. It all depends on how much time I have. I think frequent masturbation is more a symptom of too much free time.

There have literally been no studies on long-term effects. Anyone claiming to know what happens is full of shit.

Seems plausible, but guessing how neurochemistry works based on what should make sense rarely seems to translate to the real world. Until we either have a much better model or studies showing an actual effect in real humans, I'll continue to class it as 'who fucking knows?'

Masturbation does bring short-term pleasure, which in some philosophies is a good thing so long as it causes no harm.

>Yes, it is bullshit. It's all placebo.
Placebos, be definition, are effective.

So what if there isnt? Why are you arguing for people to fap more? There is literally no harm in choosing to not fap.

thats what im saying, one time a day is normal, the double is not.

Eh idk
I didn’t jack it for a week, and this morning when I beat it I felt a lot less motivated, didn’t do anything. Not addicted to porn btw