This can't be real Jow Forums, no way

This can't be real Jow Forums, no way...

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the nerve of this guy


>your results are back Mr. user. It's much worse than I thought....

Attached: uhoh.png (1025x678, 686K)

It's photoshopped retards.

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hahahah my god, they're multiplying

what am I missing here

I'm with you user. No clue what these guys are going on about.

I'm hope that kid fucks your wife one day.

And your daughter.

>He doesn't know

t. dyel

Lol dude fuck this guy

>using the safety to rest your fucking shaker bottle on
>needing to drink some colored liquid at all times

Let me guess, he needs his BCAAs?

What we have here gentlemen is a case of monkey see monkey do. Also known has Hivemind. You see, this picture has been posted in multiple threads as a source of "cringe" After a couple anons replied with agreeing cringe responses it has grown and now most anons under 18 (about 90% of the board) are replying as such.

I trust the matter is now settled.

Kind regards,

if someone did this in my gym I'd fucking lose it

Thank you kind sir.

Shit meme

Fucking hell

Attached: Toofar1.jpg (800x600, 58K)

It's the latest Jow Forums meme all the zoomers like to post

LMFAO no fucking way

Holy fuck.
This made me remember how me and my friend used to mess with somevrandom skinny incel at my gym. We took out our phones and started recording him from side. Then we started laughing to get his attention and he obviously noticed that someone is laughing about him (he's probably used to it) and immediately turned his head against us. It was so funny when he noticed that we were recording. We turned our heads to different direction and kept laughing and recording. Skinny subhuman obviously didn't do anything. At least me and my friend had a good laugh that day.

lol fucking golden brah, great post. fkn love when dyel incels get put in their fucking place haha

Holy shit this throws me way back

>at small shitty school gym and it's leg day
>it's free for students and has pretty good freeweight selection
>only one squat rack
>no one's on it, nice
>start my warm up
>3 minutes to go and two Pajeets walk in
>decide to finish warm up, they're heading for the dumbbells
>they proceed to do one set of curls, strap on the gyms lifting belts and go for the squat rack
>"Fuck, I knew I should have gone straight for it as soon as they walked in"
>they're taking turns squatting and spotting each other
>"Guess it's chest day then"
>start benching, I can smell them from here
>workout quietly as always so I can hear them grunting and struggling with their reps
>"Shit, looks like they're squatting 165 lbs, not bad for beginners"
>they finish and start unloading the bar
>"Are you fucking kidding me?"
>they've been squatting 4x15lb bumpers for a nice total of 105 lbs
>they've been slamming the bar, grunting like Oly deadlifters, wearing lifting belts and spotting each other for a grand total of 105 fucking lbs
>meanwhile I've changed my workout around them and am benching more than they're squatting
>didn't need a fucking spotter for that shit either

>Kind regards,
>Thank you kind sir.
Hellooooooooooooo reddit


I trust your evening is going well? If you don't respond I will assume it's because you've got a thick penis in your anus.

Kind regards,

bro pajeets are the fucking worst. always come and packs and are 100lbs. reek of curry and poop.

Before any of you fap, know that this girl is dead.

Hahaha, look at this dude. What a fail.

The fact that you aren't missing anything. The gag is that there is literally nothing wrong, special, or otherwise noteworthy about that picture, but OPs act like there is so that marks will twist themselves into knots looking for something that isn't there.

>faggot brags about benching 106 lb

I hate seeing people like this at the gym

I lift in doc Martin's and cargo pants, and have lordosis. How do I avoid ending up in one of these pictures?

Attached: hinata_INHALES.jpg (685x564, 52K)

get big my dude

larry wheels lifts in flip flops lmfao and no 1 cares

Excuse you? Did you just assume my bench? I'll have you know I was actually benching 107 lbs

>gym doesn't have .5 lb plates



Like shes dead in the pic?

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This fap will be 10x better, thank you

too soon

Attached: 1359398798_4176_1.png (415x350, 318K)

it's an urban legend

Yo Jow Forums I saw this kid actually put a bar with weight on each side and try to sit on an invisible chair. What a fucking fag haha