Got my T levels checked, first time at age 19.
Was 711 ng/dL
Is this ok for someone generally weak, quite slim?
Got my T levels checked, first time at age 19.
Was 711 ng/dL
Is this ok for someone generally weak, quite slim?
that's a good result friend
I'm 19 and clocked in at 490 ng/dl a few months ago after a period of no exercise and daily weed smoking, and I have thick chest hair and lots of natural muscle. You're doing fine.
To know if you have high T check for any of these signs:
>Lots of energy during the day
>High libido
>Generally more strength than usual
>More extroverted
These apply to me anyways. If I work out more intensely, eat lots of healthy food, sleep at least 8 hours a day and do nofap for at least a week I tend to notice these things about me. Big muscles and being hairy doesn't necessarily mean that you have high T all the time.
>sexual activity
But don't men who don't get a lot of sexual activity typically get heightened testosterone? And men who enter long-term relationships have lower testosterone than their baseline?
Sexual activity by itself increases testosterone. Long-term relationships tend to decrease testosterone mainly due to the fact that you spend more time with your girl than working out in the gym.
I agree with most of these
Organic fruits doesn't matter
>excessive alchohol
You're supposed to have none
>more extroverted
Doesn't matter what verted you are, mbti is literally just horoscope-tier information
remember the guy who had 140, and it turned out to be a brain tumor?
tfw my test is 167
You unironically have high test and nothing to worry about
My test is 240
>remember the guy who had 140, and it turned out to be a brain tumor?
Makes you wonder why, in this day and age, regular hormone checks aren't pushed on men.
This doesn't apply always though. I was so fucking sure I had low test because I had all the symptoms of low test and my results came back 1500ng-1700ng EACH TIME. Never touched any fucking peds or juice or anything. I have no signs of high test. Was world breaking desu. I don't wake up with morning wood, sex drive and cravings for women are all time low, chest wont fucking grow, i have no facial hair, high pitch voice, no acne, narrow shoulders (before I started lifting)
>tfw I am the soiboi
>To know if you have high T check for any of these signs:
This is a shitty test, as there's a million of different things that can cause or not cause these things.
It's like saying
>To know if you have AIDs, check for the following sides:
>Loss of appetite
To know what your test levels are, shell out $60, walk into a blood draw center and get your results in 2 days
Bretty sure that's like top of the scale op
What the fuck ? Juste got one too and the reference range started at 150 ng/dL on my results.
do squats do deadlifts do bench press and dont care about testo mirror
Got tested over the weekend, free test was something like 11 pg/mL, about the average for a 60 year old male. I'm 27. Got approved for three shots of test over the next few months, hopefully my dick starts working normally again (and I can finally make decent gains).
Total test?
I'm at total t 1200
Free test between 35-55%
150mg per week
>mfw mine is 45ng/dL
I don't understand what happened to my body
Are you even a boy at that point?
>tfw only sleep 3 hours a night and wake up midway in sweat and heart is pounding
Tranny pills?
I'm 19, mine came back at 594ng/dl with very high estradiol. I did a blood test 2 hours ago to see if my estradiol has lowered because I have been using 0.5mg arimidex EOD. I will start testosterone injections before April 1st.
That's on you for being a pussy
lmao at this cope
your T levels fluctuate through the day , also is that bio-aviabible test or total?
lmao at your cope. Stay natty brother
Yeah Im muscular and strong but t levels are only 470ng/dl, My libido is absolutely fucked though so for me this is low test, endo said I should be around 650 to 750, so Im taking medication right now
>I'm 19
Oh boy. Hindsight can be a bitch, are you fully aware of the potential effects this may have on your endocrine system at your age?
is this a humblebrag?
I am aware. But it's always about the risk vs reward ratio. My height hasn't increased since age 15, I have wide and long collarbones and I wish to compete this year. I know its dangerous but pick any of your favourite bodybuilder heroes and look at what age they started. There are times in life where you must close your eyes and take the leap into the bottomless pit.
Yeah but how much is a horomone check with insurance?
>lowers testosterone
>artificial sweeteners
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