What's the best cooking oil bros? I'm leaning towards pumpkin seed oil or walnut oil

What's the best cooking oil bros? I'm leaning towards pumpkin seed oil or walnut oil.

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palm or coconut

Wtf, isn't coconut oil stupidly high in saturated fat

Avocado oil

Refined coconut oil.


-500F smoke point
-neutral flavor
-actually v healthy

Macadamia oil


Standard Oil

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I hate the term “ghee” so much. Just say clarified butter.

fuck off princess the world doesn't cater to your trigger words

Simple lard

wait so my parents weren't lying wtf

Extra virgin olive oil, everything else is trash and it fits well with the vibe of this board

I live with olive oil.

Saturated fat is unfairly demonized. You’re fine

Olive oil is goat

I get 700 cals a day from that

>inb4 retards who claim that saturated animal fats are the best and vegatable oils are the devil

Hydrogenated coconut specifically. Butter and fat from ruminants can be ok too if grass fed.

Use butter or ghee. Vegetable oils are rancid and highly processed and cause heart disease. They use palm oil and sunflower oil in most GMO and highly processed foods.

>inb4 get out mr. natural scientist

Holy fucking shit

You want the lowest amount omega-6. Omega-6 fats cause heart disease especially when put into high temperatures

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cooking with extra virgin olive oil is for boomers and retards, only cook with refined

>mr. natural scientist
I'll have you know that I got my p.h.d. in Aromatherapy from the most reputable naturopathy school in poolooland

If you need it to be really hot (e.g. for searing meat), canola/rapeseed or flax oil.
For moderately hot cooking, like when doing scrambled eggs, coconut oil.
If it's only going to get warm, like to drizzle over steamed vegetables, or it is going to be served cold, like salad dressing, then olive oil.

Is plant sourced saturated fat healthier than animal sourced? Sincere question

sunflower oil for cooking; olive oil for salads, side dishes etc.

Not for the most part no.
Veggie oils are behind most cases of obesity, ass cancer and heart disease, in the first world.
Sugars as well.

Oh yeah I didn't mean seed oils. I mainly meant coconut and palm versus lard and butter

>wait so my parents weren't lying wtf

No, Pajeet, they weren't
Also great bulking food too

Coconut is fine, palm is shit. Lard and butter are fine.

This. Has healthy fats and tastes amazing.

Rapeseed oil, objectively.

Extra virgin olive oil
Corn oil
Vegetable oil
Peanut oil

only downside is price

honestly just avoid vegetable/canola. palm oil, coconut oil, lard and butter are prob the best. olive oil outside of actual greece is generally cut with lesser oils

But doesn't flaxseed fuck with your hormones?

>Rapeseed oil
>Corn oil
>Vegetable oil
>Peanut oil

Read the first 60 pages of Nourishing Traditions and learn. It's available for free as a pdf on Google.

Extra virgin is for dressing not cooking you barbarian.

Can someone redpill me on ghee?

Also does cooking oil really matter that much? I highly doubt much of it gets in my body.

Clarified Butter
486F smoke point
healthier than any nut oil

so coconut oil is basically butter
why do people demonize one yet praise the other


whole flaxseeds contain way more estrogens than SOnionsY, but flax oil has had all the estrogens removed so flax oil is good for ya

Olive oil is not a good cooking oil brainlet, this oil can't resist hot temperatures.
Use coconut oil to cook, and olive oil for salads and cold dishes.

>using coconut oil for anything other than lube for buttsex with guys

This. Any other answer is bait or bluepilled.

Sovth Evrope meme belongs here, can I have it? Please.

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your face and your mother and your sister and your life is trash so there

Provide studies.

that's like saying
>inb4 retards who claim that healthy food is the best and literal fucking posion is the devil
just kill yourself already my man

After quickly browsing this thread, it seems no one has provided actual knowledge, but yet their opinions. OP, if you are truly seeking knowledge on oils then please do so from someone that is highly qualified to give it. These boards are full of regurgitated misinformation. If you are serious about your pursuit for knowledge on the subject, I would highly advise you read a well compiled text from Udo Erasmus. He has proven himself to be an expert on the subject. I have provided and image of the book you should seek. Good luck on your new health and wisdom!

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