Hows your cut going bros?

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is that chicken sushi? yuck

>white people

>putting yourself through this

Just fast for the love of god

>not gonna make it

Honestly it's really bad. My goal is 150lbs and I've been stuck at 160lbs for over a month now. At least I haven't gained weight. I cut every spring and I've never had this much trouble before. I am really disappointed with myself.

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>My goal is 150lbs
How fucking short are you? Why are people below 6'2 even allowed to give advice?

I am 5'8.

there is literally nothing wrong with being short.

How come bro-split guys are always 20lbs less than full body guys at the end of a cut?

I’m 5’7 and I notice most lean guys on here at my height who do brosplits or PPL end up being like 130-140 for abs. Meanwhile I have abs at 165 and I could honestly get away with upward of 175 and still be lean.

Is it because they don’t really train legs and I train them 3 days a week? I only assume this because our upper bodies tend to be similar. They never show lower body though.

this stupid fucking meme needs to die, you're talking about 10% of the planet, which doesn't include a vast majority of the actors, scientists of great renown, politicians, or famous military leaders you love

i get that you think you're being meta-ironic but this stupid shit is attracting people who actually believe in discrimination by height beginning at some absurd cutoff like 6'2

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tastier than yours

how to keep broccoli firm bros?

dont feed the meme and it will die out

good thanks

my cut is going well, thank you for asking

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Holy shit that's bland

At least put some fucking spice on it

i hate white rice, why not eat brown rice or bulgur or something with a nicer texture

Fuck, bud.

Pan fry them chicken titties, man. Get some color and flavor on them.

what the fuck, fluffy white rice is god tier

>been following a jeff nippard plan during my bulk
>decide to cut
>he doesn't have anything for cutting
>really like how he formats his plans, including how hard to go during a given lift etc
anyone have something like that but for cutting?

Going to start cutting in one month since I really want to get some last minute strength gains in.

You providing a (((fact))) and being this mad tells everyone here that you're a mega manlet
Either live with it or fuck off

Nah, i'm just from Serbia, move that distribution a few inches to the right

This is the manlet of darkness, absolutely seething. Heres a tip, go back to your reddit complain about bigotry, fag

>Mfw eat bacon, eggs and sausage for breakfast
>Dinner spicy chicken thighs or pork belly fat with a coconut milk shake

And I still lost 3kg in the past 4 weeks

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Like shit, I ate a whole pizza yesterday. But to be fair, I saw my ex on Saturday, so I was trying to eat the feels away.

You should feel emboldened to be better, not cry like a fucking baby.


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Only 4 days in but prettayy, prettayy good.

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Should cut 6 kilos before summer.
I hate cutting.

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Hey! I am better! I'm in AA now, I lost weight, I got a job. I lapsed just a little and even that was only because Sunday is the only rest day I got. I should probably start doing something on Sundays to distract myself. Maybe running in a park when it gets a but warmer, or tanning. Bouldering?

You're gonna make it user
Easy going and you'll get there

Why dont you season your food, legit adds near no calories and makes your meal actually fucking taste good, Jesus fucking christ.

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If cooking from frozen, just boil the water and turn it off as it starts to boil. Leave for 2-3 minutes (depending on how much broccoli you have), then pour the hot water out and pour cold water into the pot. Leave for 5 mins and drain completely.
If not from frozen, put cold water into the pot almost immediately.

Works well for me, the broccoli stays a vibrant green, crunchy and full of flavour.

anyone have a decent 6 day cutting routine that doesn't just drop recommended weight every week

You tell me

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Started at 140 lbs 5'2", just finished my first month, sitting at 130 lbs.

6 day/week, my bad


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Roast it in the oven with blackpepper and seasalt, much tastier and bettet texture

197 down to 169. 9 more lbs bros we in there.

At least grill it or something, this just looks sad

How the fuck do you lose fat while eating rice?

Good but I have such a hard time doing it on friday-saturday.

I don't think I can do it more than 5 days/week. I want to have some beers and a few cigarettes once a week or I just get bummed out.

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Eat thighs then. Or wings. Or hearts.

Season it with what though?

Was going great, lost 20 lbs since the start of the year, then last weekend I drank a case of beer and have been eating like a fucking animal since. Why do I do this to myself?

My cut is going great. 5 weeks in, down to 165 from 172. Ez-pz

Im bulking actually.

> muh actors


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And for flavors

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Gotta reiterate what's been said multiple times. Bro, you gotta learn how to cook. The right combination of technique, seasoning, and condiments can make all the difference. And by that, I mean how successful your cut will be. You'll have a much easier time sticking to it if you can enjoy the food you're eating.

fuck off manlet

Can we make this into a cooking/cutting infograph thread?
I need a keto shopping list

Your life sounds fucking horrible bro, glad you're growing up and turning that around

Pretty good, down 10 lbs since middle January, want to shave another 15 before May

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Trying intermittent fasting for the first time, about 2 weeks into it. Mornings are rough, but otherwise is going well. I've shed about 10 lbs in the past month and a half

pretty well, I'm one month into it and down 10 lbs, hoping to lose another 20-25 by summer

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Here’s your (you)

>implying 62% of the planet doesnt need to die out

The real redpill. (((((THEY))))) want to turn us against each other because they know when short people and tall people work together, we achieve great things.

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Based and (((Them)))pilled.

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Did you even tenderize those breasts?

Idk if you can spare 25lb of fat familia

I just started my cut today.. but I'm going on a work trip where I wont have access to a gym for a week.. Should i just maintain calories for the time being? or keep with the cut


I think I can. I don't store very much fat on my arms compared to the rest of my body

I'm in the same position
It's because that last (visual) 2-3% of bodyfat can be up to 10lbs hidden on your thighs, lower back, ass, etc.

68% cope more like

back to the pit

Going well, been doing a 1500 calorie cut with a reefed day every week

What's your diet user?

When cutting for a long time you can take a day or two AT MOST to eat whatever you want. Just don't do it for the whole week

the cope is strong in this one

Summer bulk of 2019

That looks really unappetizing, faggotron.

I started using cardarine and cut my bodyfat so much that my dick stopped working. I'm stopping today before my girlfriend fucking dumps me.

I've lost 11 kg since the middle of January

>poor people

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Holy shit is this true? Based 2% reporting in. Feels good.

Pretty good, started at 275 am at 258

A male in the U.S. has a 0.00002% chance of playing in the NBA.

But if you're a male in the U.S. that's 7'0"+ tall, you have a 17% chance of playing in the NBA

That’s what spices and sauces are for.
Or try turkey.

How do I escape bloho mode, guys?
From 228kg to 220kg
Height 5ft 11in

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t. indian cave dweller

Does anyone else look forward to their meal prep day? On Sundays I fire up the grill and cook a shitton of chicken that’s been marinating all Saturday, roast up my veggies, and finish with the brown rice while listening to music.

It’s literally the most relaxed I ever get all week.

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What did you season those veggies with bro?

How do I do "the cut", anons?
Cut calories? I'm down to around 2000 a day. Seems hard to go lower.

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Lost 5 lb in one day haven't lost weight in 3 wtf explain this


water, sweat and poop

That’s kale with walnuts and raisins, nothing too exciting. I’m a freak who enjoys the taste of kale on its own for some reason.

If from frozen just microwave it


Doing body recomp, made a fuck ton of lentils yesterday, about two pots and stored them in the freezer.

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>cutting when bbc genetics could be doing all the work for you

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Way to get those micronutrients, bro!