He didn't fell for the carnivore meme yet

>he didn't fell for the carnivore meme yet

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I'm almost 90% carnivore and It's nice to not be hungry all the time and have 0 bloat

I wish I could afford it, but I live in a Scandi shithole

I can't afford carnivore anymore and it's a nightmare going back to being bloated and farting and burping aaaaaaa

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How to afford carnivore?

Murder homeless people and prostitutes and eat them

this girl is ugly

Someone post Jordan Peterson's daughter to negate this slampig

you gotta become a cattle rustler

Who dis?


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Lmao looks like a fucking caveman

>you will never have her cook you a daily carnivore diet
>she will never tell you to come to bed after dinner because all that meat gave you a food coma
>she will never sit next to you in bed while she pulls down your boxers and you suddenly feel the warmth of her carnivore diet cooking right hand on your uncut Johnson while she whispers in your ear, “cum for me” while you fondle her puchi through her pajamas with your left hand and her breasts with your right hand and as soon as you blow your biggest load thanks to your high T carnivore diet, you fade away into a deep rewarding slumber

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lmao she's married while you're single and lonely

Hunt your own meat.

You don't know me.

I do now

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Buy cuts of organ meat at your butcher, they're basically trash for normies but contain more protein and vitamins than other cuts, they also taste better.

if i wasn't a NEET i would pay you to write posts like this all day... but then again maybe being irresponsible with money is why i'm a NEET

>girl is married, thus has more value
grug know water wet, but why soft weak grug contract for sex??

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lmao she has a genetic disease and i don't

Y-yes I will!

>not going all the way in his fantasy
virgins are truly fucked.


too bad no vegans look like that. if i got someonle like that on a vegan diet, do you think they'd slim down?

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I'm 100% vegan and im not bloated or hungry. Keto and carnivore diets seem to work for the same reason fasting does, but fasting is probably even better, at least for me.

Nice fantasy bro
there is no way to get into "food coma" from carnivore diet

how many times do you shit/ a day

>there is no way to get into "food coma" from carnivore diet
incorrect. eating a large meal stimulates mechanoreceptors in the stomach, increasing parasympathetic activity and causing the body to enter the "rest and digest" mode, aka "food coma"

>I'm 100% vegan
post your soys tits

Not him but for some reason I don’t get this. Even when I eat way more than I’m supposed to, if it’s only meat I never feel coma.

Once a day. Zero a day when i dont eat anything, so mabye once every other day

I dont have tits unfortunately

>vegan "male"
>no soys tits

for the love of god SAUCE who is THIS SEMEN DEMON



wtf is this bs lmfaooooo

>zero gains is probably better, at least for me

Imagine being this retarded and thinking the carnivore diet is even remotely healthy for you. Just look at the blood work of any carnivore dieter like Dr.Shawn Baker. The guy has low T and is a pre diabetic. Don't forget that he fucked his gut flora so bad that anything not animal product gives him an inflammatory response (apple slices). The reason you have farts and gastric issues is because your gut flora is shit. Fixing that will allow you to digest plant food properly and actually live past 50.

She literally sent this pic to her dad on twitter. What a normal father daughter relationship.

Eh, don't about him or his bloodwork. Mine came out perfectly and my autoimmune disease is finally under control, so I'll keep eating meat, eggs and dairy.

How long have you been on this diet. These problems take a few years to show up.

you are gay

what disease do you have?

>he guy has low T
He used steroids and when he came off them for the blood test, his levels dropped.
>and is a pre diabetic.
He literally isn't, this is vegan propaganda. His bloodwork is representative of athletes who do keto.
>Don't forget that he fucked his gut flora so bad that anything not animal product gives him an inflammatory response (apple slices). The reason you have farts and gastric issues is because your gut flora is shit.
I don't think either of us know what he was doing for his gut flora before.
>Fixing that will allow you to digest plant food properly and actually live past 50.
Shawn Baker is 52.

Did a long research before I went on it, but I'll be honest enough to concede that I forgot most of it. If you're interested, though, I'd recommend you the Crohn's Carnivore blog, it's what got me into it (though I waited a few years, it is a fucking huge cultural shock, even when all evidence you read points to it being safe). Also, The Bear's Words of Wisdom is a nice read, and there's the book by that Arctic explorer with the fucking complicated name, Fat of The Land, iirc.

Chron's. Tried everything there is, even the stem cell treatment, nothing worked. I was in constant pain every day for over a decade and a half, vomiting when things got really bad (my Crohn's didn't give me diarrhea, luckily). This was my last ditch effort. All symptoms went away in a couple of days.

And it's in Scandinavia and Switzerland that meat is cheapest in relation to their wages.

What Keto athletes?

>Imagine being this delusional
The guy only started the diet in his 40's you retards are starting in your 20's.
His kidney function markers are shit, his LDL/HDL cholesterol is shit. No human race that has lived long lives only subsisting on meat. Even the so called carnivore cultures like the maasai and the Inuit did eat plant materials during select seasons. The only reason the maasai don't drop dead from atherosclerosis is that they live a very cardiovascular demanding lifestyle which causes an increase in blood vessel diameter. They are literally outrunning their artery plaque buildup. Chances are all you fags are just semi senditary NEETs who think 30 minutes on a bike or treadmill is good enough.


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I dont know what you mean with those links, but none of them says you need to eat only meat.

Holy fuck whats her name

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>His kidney function markers are shit, his LDL/HDL cholesterol is shit.
>No human race that has lived long lives only subsisting on meat.
Hong Kong consumes more meat per person than any other nation. It also has the world's highest life expectancy.
Shouldn't they be dropping like flies? I guess meat must not be a huge killer after all.

If she's on carnivore wouldn't that be an indicator that males shouldn't do it rather than evidence for it?
She's got pretty sizable titties and a huge ass that is most certainly not all muscle, which would indicate higher estrogen levels.

hahahahahahahahaha jesus christ

Tell me more. I've got crohns and it's totally fucked my life, longest I've ever been off steroids is 2 months and if i ever manage to lift ill just about get up to 85kg then it will all melt off again and I'll be off work for weeks.

why are bodybuilders so fucking weird

thanks, I will look into this, I have ulcerative colitis, very similar to chron`s

Some good work went into that image

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Me too man. Feels good

I know the feel, bro. It used to be like that for me too:
>bust your ass for two months
>gain just a little bit
>have a bad flare-up
>back to square one (or worse)
But other than boring you with my life story, there isn't much more to tell. I strongly suggest you read the Crohn's Carnivore, he did this before all the hype and is the actual reason I took the plunge. But anyway, it's a really simple diet plan: eat meat and eggs, dairy if you can. Eat more fat, put butter on everything, don't worry about calories (it's almost impossible to overeat on this), and drink water. That's it.

No problem. If you search on YouTube, you'll find some folks with IBS who went carnivore too with great success stories. Vegetable Police is probably the highest profile among them. Went from vegan to carnivore and finally put his gut at rest.

Do you have any experience with the AIP diet?
>t. new Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

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As a natty lifter I cannot fall for any meme.

Haven't tried that specific one, no. But looking at it online, it doesn't seem like it would work for me. Right up until I went "carnivore", my diet was some sort of more restrictive paleo. I've never been big an dogma, dietary or of any kind, so I just tried different foods and slowly learned what hurt me and what didn't. Some things were easy and I caught real early, like papayas and apples, but others caused less inflammation or took longer to give me the symptoms. Over the years I went on eliminating most things, but only when I completely cut out all vegetables that my gut stopped hurting. Part of my small intestine (the terminal ileum) is pretty much scar tissue now, but I've always been very stubborn and cautious, so I managed to avoid any surgeries.
If you're on the fence about trying this admittedly weird diet, my advice is go for it and then try to slowly add one new supposedly safe food at a time, if you feel like it. Personally, I already felt too much pain for one lifetime, so I'll keep eating this way forever.

The only reason they don't have arthritis clogging is because arteries are clogged by insuline resistance caused by refined carbs of the American diet

I'm not "american", you idiot. The staple diet in my country is rice and beans, and my family is italian. SAD was never even a thing in my life.
You people treat your diets like religion and your doctors of choice as priests. Your handpicked studies are your holy scriptures. Sorry to tell you, but the real world doesn't conform to your supernatural beliefs.

Hunt rats. They should exist even in shithole countries.

>didn't fell

What's a normal days food like? Also from the sounds of it the ketones, sat fats and lack of fibre and vitamins id incredibly unhealthy. I am however interested as even so it would be healthier for me to have all that and less crohns. Which speaks to how badly im rekt by this disease.

How did this shit even start? My ex has gone nuts over it

Find a good butcher that cuts his own hanging cow, ask for the Denver steak cut. It's cheap

Get a job.

Normal day goes like this:
4 eggs fried in butter
250ml of milk (with coffee when I hit the gym)
*optional: cup of tea

1 plate of around 500g of fatty meat, with butter or cream cheese on top

250ml milk once again

Same as lunch

If I feel hungry during odd hours, I'll have a cup of yoghurt sweetened with a spoon of honey. If I'm hungrier than usual during breakfast, lunch or dinner, I'll add 1 or 2 eggs to the meal.

That's it. I have eaten this way everyday for the past 7 months, except for the occasional barbecue, when I just eat meat all day. If you decide to do this, you'll probably notice a spike in testosterone from all the fat you're eating, so consider yourself warned.

Also, about vitamins and other nutrients, I can't tell you scientifically how it works, but due to me having done the stem cell treatment, I get bloodwork done on a constant basis, and all my markers range from good to stellar. Will this last long term? Who knows. But the alternative is taking crap like Infliximab or Prednisone, so...

Can you put on weight with just that? Pre-crohns i was a nice 86kg lean natty, currently im about 78kg.

Yeah, you can. I went from 62kg to 69kg currently. How much of it is just not being under Crohn's curse is debatable, but I look noticeably stronger and needed some new clothes (still a lanklet, though).

idk what you mean, I already want to eat that ass

excellent image


Hmm, realistically I'd like to be able to get back up another 10kg which may be hard without carbs.
I also have a hard time determining if any diet is working, my symptoms don't vary day to day. I just start losing weight and getting more and more tired over weeks. I have severe entire small bowel crohns but fortunately never get pain or shitting symptoms.

Your situation is quite different than mine then. Other than tiredness and weight loss, what else do you get? Do you get the occasional flare-up? Bloating and vomiting?

sometimes I forget who posts here

>Being so poor you can't afford normal food

The absolute state of eurocucks


>sOyA hAs eStrOgeNic EfFecTs iN mAleS lMao

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You should probably fall for the "learning to write meme" first


Does the carnivore diet come with the 10/10 slampig or does that happen after a couple of months?

You can get fat on a vegan diet too

This is what happens when Jow Forums is your only source of "information"

>do you think they'd slim down?
If they cared about their health and appearance, probably

But if their metabolism is endomorphic it doesn't matter because they're going to be fat and ugly like that regardless, pretty much the same with mesomorphs except they can be skinny but they'll likey be midgets and have ugly facial features as opposed to just "big"

>tfw I live in the only rat free place on earth

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top fucking kek
can someone shape the bulge a bit more to make it look realistic?

Isn't that bull testicles?

Where is this picture from? Tell me.

A few things, i get some arthritis and my vision gets filled with junk. I also have a strictured area that when further inflammed can send me to hospital repeatedly with obstructions. However nothing varies day to day, slow build and then disappears with steroids. I stop the steroids and within weeks it's back again. By far the worst symptom is the fatigue that stops me getting out of bed and as my whole small bowel is involved i start tl starve very quickly.

So with any diet i wouldn't even know if it was working for a little while as I'd have to go on energy returning and weight, which would come after gut healing. Hence why i haven't tried much before.

yeah it would be so funny haha

Imagine if some madman sent juden peterstein a image of his daughter with a shooped bulge, that would be truly hilarious.
