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u mirin?

I got more muscle mass than him right now.
So, yeah, no.

>So, yeah, no.
Why are you trying so hard to be cool? Seems weird to me

all i need to know about roids is that even based rich piana advocated against them, saying that if he could do it all over he would've never taken them. unless your goal is to become a pro and compete against jay cutler - you have no business taking steroids. work harder faggot!

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Life is not worth living past 23 anyway. Aesthetic life span 2bh.

Post body

arnold is probably going to live a longer life than you

steroids is bad yes, absolutely

but most of these early deaths are due to complete lack of cardio

zyzz literally never did any cardio ("cardio kills gains brah")

to the roiders here, do your 30m of cardio every two days

Arnold looked natty and he only used very small doses of test. It's his revolutionary training that gave him his physique, not the roids

He was a kind person and did not deserve to die so young...

Have some respect!

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post body

>Arnold looked natty

>he only used very small doses of test
no, regular stacks of dbol and test

>It's his revolutionary training that gave him his physique, not the roids
no, it's the training + roids
also what was revolutionary about his training?

yeah and a lower bf% on top of that, and more charisma and a bigger dick

He's a dead skeleton, you fucking retards.
Of course I have more muscle mass than him right now.

This. His only redeeming feature is that he has low bf, nothing else

but you're a probably a dyel faggot anyway for posting edgy shit like this

I'm 250lbs shredded though 6'4

>looked natty
>small doses
>revolutionary training
buddy what lmao

Away with you, heathen

and i'm 700 pounds ripped 8'0 freak
post body man

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haha jokes on you im a 1/2 ton 1% bodyfat giant

You do realize that Zyzz what actually small right? Look at his stats he wasn't impressive at all.

>father of aesthetics
1970s bodybuilders would like a word

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Alpha as fuck

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