Natty bulking is a joke. Please leangains bulk

wasted so much time instead ill just do martin's book leangains method next bulk.

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Seriously like a 10% difference right now

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Looking good tho!

Am I only one who thinks that those are good gains? Are you in rush or something?

>makes hell of a progress
>hurr why am i not ronnie coleman yet

I have this same build. Similar insertions. I was really worried about my pecs although it doesn’t look that bad so long as I get this lean I now see.

Anyone have a pic of these insertions after a test cycle?

Also how’s your strength OP? The build looks powerful to me, like chimpish almost (in a good way) and I found despite the gap between my pecs like yours I easily progress on bench and am almost pushing 3pl8

I like it. If this is what achieveable natty looks like, I like it.

could it be possible in theory to just bulk for 2 years then go on a cycle to cut down without losing much muscle? Would you lose muscle as soon as you came off if you kept a good diet?

You always lose muscle on a cut, how much you lose is determined by workload, frequency and protein intake
Also bulking for 2 year is a bit much.

Yes, dirty bulking is a meme. Clean bulking is the way to go as natty.

Looking good m80. If I was you, I'd up the ab work and maybe cut some more. Your body actually looks pretty similar to mine, almost the same insertions.
Do you just lift or also do cardio?

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>Arms stay exactly the same
>body fat lowers, but otherwise no real noticeable gain of muscle mass
We, lad. Yah really making a point for yourself

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Elaborate where you see it? I have gained some muscle obviously since I weigh more and a little leaner than before, but it's not visible anywhere. Compare for eg side bicep it looks identicalI'd be very curious to see what a chest like ours is cycled. Kinda shitty chest genetics but unflexed it seems normal looking. I think Jason Statham has the chest?

Not too bad, I can hit 120kg for 1rm on bench. I don't dead or sqaut due to suffering a nerve injury in my lower back.
Strength is going down now though as I'm still cutting while at 12% body fat from dexa scan.

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You don't bloat enough, nor do you cut enough. You should bulk for 5+ years on end, then only cut once in your life and maintain.

The thing is I didn't dirty bulk in huge excess only like once a month. My calories were around 500 surplus. I think it's useless desu, Martin's lean gain method seems more appropriate for natty success.

Yeah I started kickboxing 2x a week the past six months and I try and hike for a couple hours on weekends.

you have really shitty pecs but holy shit that lat spread is good brah

500 cal surplus is about 2kg weight gain a month. That's okay for scrawny noob lifters, but obviously too much for intermediate ones. That's ~12kg in half a year, ~24kg in a year, so definitely lots of unnecessary fat gain.
No clue what "martin's lean gain method" is, but I usually just go by weight gain/loss of weekly average (weighing myself daily) and don't bother to count calories anymore.

Kickboxing and hiking is good, keep it up and you'll be fine.

the FUCK is that chest in august 2016

What do you mean?

that's the fucking point of the original post you dumb fuck
he bulked and STILL made no extra muscle gains just extra FAT gains
bulking is a waste of time for natties unless they're skeletons

same here
bulking is a waste of time if you're natty

Lean gains is natty too, you retard. It's also slow as fuck.

>year and a half to not even be 80kg
Lifting bitch weights is the only joke here

Your chest looks more defined but seriously there’s no difference noticeable since 2017 - start doing measurements instead of just photos

+1. Curious to know OP's stats. He barely gained muscle mass even in his crazy surplus. The only explanation for this is a poor routine or not giving it 110%.

Also, he gained 12kg from Nov to June is way to quick lmao. Try a slower bulk next time.

Either way, he still has an ottermode body which is enough to pull bitches on the beach.

>gaining muscle is a waste of time if you aren't injecting oil into your ass

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