Guys, i just discovered an ultimate Jow Forums secret and i have to share

guys, i just discovered an ultimate Jow Forums secret and i have to share

we all know eating meat(protein) is really important for building muscles, and can be expensive. but there are some beef cuts that are cheaper, because they are tough.

you can buy them, roast a little on the pan, and then proceed to eat with you hands and teeth. the benfits are:

1. you are working your jaw muscles (mewing)
2. getting your proteins for a lower price
3. increasing your test by acting like a neandertal (like power posing)

i just did it for the first time, and i can feel my jaw muscles sore, it's amazing

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Other urls found in this thread: breast calories

the pic is a illustration of the technique

don't let this redpill die, spread the word

> Eating beef
Yikes, I don’t want cancer, heart disease, or stroke thank you very much.

i mean, if you're vegan you can try it with a stick, or something like it

great haha, you get starvation and malnutrition instead

If you invest in an immersion circulator (~$100) you can actually cook cheap cuts sous vide to become really tender and nice. There's tons of recipes and resources out there for it, it's my favorite way to cook now.

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Does CICO not apply to vegans?

but then you lose the mewing and test boost effect

The only calorie dense food that vegans eat is sugar.

Nothing about CICO requires the food to be calorie dense

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Yeah it does, unless you want to be eating constantly and always be bloated.


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Just mew when you're not eating and eat more meat to make up for the test loss. There you go, perfect plan.

yeah, but good meat is expensive

Try to compare any of those plants to beef liver. I dare you.
Plants do no have high bio availability of their vitamins, calling them nutrient dense is an absolute farce. "Nutrients" are not necessarily calories either. There are no fucking calories in kale.
The only calorie dense food that vegans eat is sugar. None of them hit their maintenance caloric intake without massive amounts of sugar which is why so many of them waste away and become skeletons.

So eat lots of food then user, it’s not that hard.

That way calorie requirements can be met and sugar not consumed.

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Stop being poor.

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>eat less, but packed with calories food
>eat more just to satisfy your ideology

On god. 13 less calories. Fuuuuuark

A 5oz russet potato only has 110 calories.
6oz of lean sirloin steak has fucking 312 calories

Stop posting lies, kike.

>"meat" having a singular caloric value by weight
This is pure Vegan cope LOL


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t. carnie

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This. Some types of pork have over 200kcal/100g.

you can google search whatever cut you like breast calories

Sugar does all of that, not meat, you fucking bitchnigger

>being mad at simple facts
I'm sorry for hurting your feefees.

>t-t-the only "meat" is low fat skinless chicken breast
>I-I-I'm not talking out of my ass like a faggy little Vegan cuck cultist

LMAOing at ur life, faggot.

Carnies now turning on chicken

All this cope

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Its called grasping at straws, and you're doing it.

Or you can tenderize a tough cut of meat in at least a dozen different ways.

Can you give me a retard’s guide on how to do this? I’ve read about beef liver etc before, how exactly do you cook it for max utils? Just put olive oil on a skillet and cook for 5-10 minutes unseasoned?

kek--- just googled this and beef tenderloin is 334,1 kcal and potato fries is 311,9 kcal while normal potatos are 76,7 kcal

Of coruse Jow Forums would attract facile, hipster vegan faggots who don't have a clue what they're talking about.

Overall you need to consume MORE calories of vegetables to get the equivalent protein intake because vegetable protein bioavailablility is significantly lower than meat. Basically, you're fucking retarded veganon

Or you could eat roo
>straya masterrace

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