I lift for her

>i lift for her

Attached: __kunikida_hanamaru_love_live_sunshine_and_etc_drawn_by_yopparai_oni__sample-60cf9e50f646c48c90876b2 (850x1201, 229K)

that just looks like a drawing

Good thing you're only implying you lift for an imaginary girl written by men. Real girls are way better (and worse).

its my girlfriend

You have to go back

>real women are way better

they are not

>(worse) yes


Attached: 1548640069215.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

>another waifu thread
Don’t forget these discord raiding faggots have literal child porn
>Robots rise up, we don’t need real girls
Let Tyrone fuck them
>rubs hands violently

Attached: 2F30CD54-45EA-4332-9E5D-7A6D95326EBB.png (657x527, 29K)

Maybe you bring rejected all those times might have something to do with you, instead of bettering yourself you cope and make up imaginary gfs, it’s sad
>op is a fatty dyel
Thought so

You lowlife tards need to fuck off back to incels.is and r9k

Not a single one of you lift so I don't understand what the fuck you are doing here

Attached: 1551706072883.jpg (1024x576, 36K)

Rosa is best waifu. (Although canonicly she is only 10)

It’s a psyop
Four to five days straight these faggots have been raiding with waifuposting
They want to bring us down to their level and make us permavirgins like them, were gonna make it but not with these pedophile faggots around

I warm up with your maxes. Faggot.

Yeah, you don't.

>they are not
Seriously though my dude, having a waifu is really no different from those tulpa clowns on /x/. It's even on par with transgender people. It's all in your head...

Post body, robot

>Maybe you bring rejected all those times might have something to do with you, instead of bettering yourself you cope and make up imaginary gfs, it’s sad

100% accurate desu


>lifting for a girl that doesn’t know you exist
>lifting for your imaginary girlfriend who was made out of loneliness and isolation
Jesus Christ I wish mental wards weren’t deemed inhumane
Also I reported this shitty post as evading spam filter so if you report it file it under spam or off topic

>they are not
You've obviously never been with one, so how would you know?

Where’s that bod pic

>Also I reported this shitty post as evading spam filter so if you report it file it under spam or off topic

cops ass licker u claim hood but hood don claim u

Nothing wrong with having a waifu you faggots.
Nice projecting though, 90% sure I'm bigger and less autistic with girls than you.

Attached: szg56h64whg3.jpg (1203x664, 94K)

Don’t speak Ebonics unless you want me to go demonic, faggot

Attached: 9E6E8F7C-4039-451F-AA7D-86E47F51F792.jpg (575x640, 97K)

You’ve never been on a date outside your man cave
Where’s that timestamp, you got three minutes

i find that drawing attractive what the fuck is wrong with me im not even into cartoon or whatever and im 33 !

>better with women
>chooses to date imaginary girls made by men
It's not adding up, m8.

only people who watch anime will make it

Attached: 1550345423575.gif (241x328, 3.89M)

Daily reminder these discord fags have Child porn and fuck babies
Stop samefagging and bumping your shitty thread

Can't be assed to take a pic rn, but never posted this one, so feel free to image search.
Having a waifu and spending time with 3D girls are not mutually exclusive.

Attached: asdafqefqewf.jpg (909x1283, 234K)