Who here plays chess and solves tactics in-between sets?

Who here plays chess and solves tactics in-between sets?

Attached: arnoldschwarzemater.jpg (600x525, 64K)

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I play solitaire between sets.

i lock my phone away to avoid any distractions, but chess is pretty based. my fav hobby desu

Attached: giri.jpg (623x640, 43K)

I play chess and solve puzzles all the time but I don't do it in-between sets

ill bust out the monopoly board and everyone takes turns inbetween sets

only really works if you have a bunch of bros

I saw someone playing angry birds at the gym once.

Attached: heymickey.jpg.jpg (664x373, 16K)

I play hungry hungry hippos with the fat people.

>he doesn't use the King's Indian Attack
Never gonna make it

Attached: KingsIndianAttack.gif (312x312, 8K)

bring it on

Are you black or white?

The dude that offered the match is white.

Idiot you could've trapped the rook G5


gg to the user I played. pic related was my performance
this is nice board

Attached: bend-it-like-beckham.webm (1920x1080, 2.14M)

I listen to niggers yelling about shooting each other between sets to cultivate my mind.


What's your rating?

used to be around 1800 back in the days when i played in a club, but I haven't played in a really long time (except for some blitz here and there and teaching my exs)

I would guess it's around 1500-1600 now

>tfw analyzed our game and it is full of mistakes and blunders
>mfw remembering how I used to be able to have long "perfect" games without mistakes, blunders or even inaccuracies
I gotta do something about this brehs

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S-someone else play plz, i wanna watch, too dumb to play

I can play another one if someone accepts soon

How do i into chess?

you can watch some on youtube. Agadmator is pretty good for getting interested in chess and its history although he isn't the best player himself. Otherwise I suggest buying a beginner's guide from amazon or a book store. oh and play on lichess. Hope I could help fren :)

Watch agadmator while you eat

I play for my local chess club, nothing too serious. Don't play online anymore, it's not as fun when you can't beat them psychologically. Nothing funnier than playing an aggressive mediocre move and watching them get defensive because they don't want to risk losing the board for their team. Just not the same online.

This is my go-to opener.

Fuck you, I was exactly that guy. I was the best one in the club so I played on board one, but the other board one players were always so much better than me. After some time I just started trying to get everything off the board as quickly as possible and draw
Funnily enough I had exactly the same experience in tennis. Fuck that sport.

kek, are you also the guy that sweats if I make a cryptic move and then get up and go for a walk as if i've played something genius

yup and fuck you again. Elo was as stated above always around 1800. Yours?

Ty, fren

>kek, are you also the guy that sweats if I make a cryptic move and then get up and go for a walk as if i've played something genius

Kek, is chess the chaddest sport?

Ayyy I went to Monash. Recognise those halls.

>not playing the far superior Go

Ha, OP. You addlepated simpleton.

Attached: baduk.jpg (1400x1400, 474K)

Chess is a cold and boring game. High-t men play backgammon.

Kings pawn takes the white rook en passant forcing mate in two.

Black people don't play chess.

Go is the superior game.

Nice, you learned baby's first opening.

What is this, autistic Othello?

t. That one guy who always goes for the four knights opening

French defenders hate him, found out how with this one simple trick!
Go seems interesting but I don’t know anyone who plays it or how to in, maybe online is good? Also it seems like a based boy autist game where as chess is very classy

Go is fuckin hard, man. I play occasionally and it can get really frustrating when you lose. Not because I lost, but rather because understanding where you went wrong is nigh impossible without some sort of resource

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London System or gtfo

Attached: 240932.3505a025.630x354o.6504edd5f951.png (221x228, 9K)

I play sometimes on the Chess Time app


literally the most brainless opening at the club level. cmon bro, so embarrassing

what's the elo rating of chess hustlers usually?

mirin dem stats.
lmao naw Othello is autistic Go

i play the chess.com app against a level 5 (1200) computer. win rate of roughly 55% cuz i'm fucking trash. working on getting my blunders down but again, trash. how do become less of a chesslet?

>black hasn't moved a single piece and white's fully developed

Nice cheating

Lots and lots and lots of tactics
