A man should be able to bench press his body weight at least 12 times

A man should be able to bench press his body weight at least 12 times

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I can do this, yes.

Why 12? That's just as arbitrary as saying 4 or 20.

Sorry you're a dyel and can only do 4 reps bw bench

>Why 12? That's just as arbitrary as saying 4 or 20.
no it's not. 12 is entering strength-endurance territory. it's basically saying that benching BW is no problem for you. personally benching BW fro 12 is such a low bar i cant really imagine anyone not being able to do it, but we are on /fit so who knows.

A man should be able to OHP his body weight at least 12 times

bench is fake ass made up shit lying like a bitch

Because he can do it for exactly 12 reps.

>i cant really imagine anyone not being able to do it, but we are on /fit so who knows.
There are pleanty of guys on here who think theyre buff because they hit muh 2pl8 bench but can't do 12 reps with their bodyweight

How the fuck am I supposed to bench 924kg?

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Prime example is

I can bench my bw for 18 reps even 5 days into a fast

>not being able to bench a car

heres a poster that doesnt go to the gym

my chest is so weak but my legs are lethal what do

change split and hit chest twice, or incorporate close grip press into triceps day

170lbs here. 12 times? I can push 9 for failure at 170. This has to be broscience.

how the hell am i supposed to bench 400 pounds?

Congrats on benching your bodyweight for 12 reps for the first time

How the fuck am I supposed to bench 86kg for 12 reps? Literally impossible



I can do it about 25 times

what can I do for forearms, doing deadlifts I just cannot keep the bar in my hands after 3x8 1pl8

Finger curls and reverse curls. You could switch to over/under grip but only on your max DL to not miss 4arms gains

Lose weight

Im 82kg and can bench 82.5 4x20

The strongest man in the world Hafthor Bjornsson can barely press 200 kg over his head a couple of times.
Really makes me think.

>A man should be able to OHP his body weight at least 12 times
no. the ohp and bench press dont scale the same. 12xBW on the bench really shouldnt be difficult, regardless of bw; the same is nowhere near true of the ohp. you just dont have any experience with these lifts if you think the way you do.

When I was a teenager, I did neat my bw (225) for 16, and weighed about 235lbs. Now I am a 325# old man, and can do it for 7. I still feel pretty strong.

because OP is a faggot that holds others to the standards that HE can meet

I can do my body weight of 200lbs 5 times so that’s means I can warmup with you...semi homo


>mfw read the OP as "A man should be able to bench press at least 12 times his body weight "

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>4 or 20

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Are you retarded? Your body weight goes up as you lift. It's an unattainable goal. Sure, at some point that weight increase will stop--but if you keep chasing OHP your own body weight, you'll miss the rest of life in pursuit of this one goal that is completely irrelevant.

Proportional strenght is a meme, an object does not care about the bodyweight of the person lifting it.

>86kg for 12 reps
Holy fuck dyel.

haha that's wild lol

If humans were the size of ants they'd have a similar body weight to strength ratio.

>tfw no 1cm tall anime tier MMA fights

But most of us don't weigh 200kg