Who did you vote for in 2016 and how much do you deadlift?

Who did you vote for in 2016 and how much do you deadlift?
If non american who would you have voted for?

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Whatever you're trying to prove, it's not gonna work.

Would have voted Trump. Diddylift 110 kg x 5, diel?

185k 3x5, never tried 1 rep max, Hillary Clinton, German tho

back to Jow Forums faggot

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Hillary. I don't deadlift because i don't want to hurt my back

actually just curious

nobody lol

I voted for Trump because I didn't think he could win.

I understand my own stupidity now and have come to accept that I am a brainlet.

Deadlifted 405 lbs natty age 18
Squatted 405 lbs natty age 18
Bench was shit, only 255 lbs
The Press 185 lbs

Drumpf because i was superbly poor and benefited nothing from the healthcare or tax plans of the left.
>lets take your 12% and make it 28% also your premiums went up
325 lbs is my 3x8

would vote hillary
450 at 190

Dubs of truth
Jow Forums fucking shits

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Imagine valuing strength to the point you are on a fitness forum yet are so mentally and morally weak you vote left wing

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I'm with Her

Trump, prolly like a hundo or so.
I only do 90 for reps though, I'm no ego lifter.

Gary Johnson (Would have prefered Jeb! or the Jew)
430 deadlift
Pressed 210 about a year ago but got hurt now im stuck at 190
I don't squat because I don't fuck men
Also I'm no longer american thank god

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Salright lol amercan politiks are even more of a shitshow then the rest of the world

300 for 2 reps

Trump. 3rd parties are forever worthless and the dems have gone insane.

I dont vote in elections kek
I dont deadlift at all kek

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I would have voted for Trump but only because I suspected the news would be funnier if he won and that's the only way the US president can really influence my life at all. Your shitty two-party system churned out a couple of particularly shitty candidates that time around - I can see why your voter turnout is so low. Sort it out, seppos.

vermin supreme

I voted for your mum.
I don't deadlift.

Would have voted Trump but only because the Clinton family deserves to be exterminated, rounded up, shot, burned, and danced in the ashes.
t. Serb

Trump, 4pl8
t. Norway

3plate DL + some microplates

Belgian, but I would have voted for Bernie in the primary and Trump in the general

Nigger what