How do you relax...

How do you relax? My body tenses up a lot and it causes me to plateau in everything I do no matter how much work I put in- tennis, BJJ, weightlifting, even things like playing the piano or target shooting. Today I got a vaccination shot and my arm just tensed up on its own and it hurt so much more. Sex always hurts (am female).

I always automatically tense up in all the wrong places and it fucks with my form for everything. The more I think about relaxing the harder it is. During a routine medical exam, the doctor was convinced I had been abused or something because of how much I tensed up. My tennis swing will never get better because I can't relax my neck and shoulders. I had to stop doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu after 2 years even though I love it, because I can't relax when I get thrown and it just causes too much injury.

I've never been abused and have been in a healthy long-term relationship with my current husband for 10 years.

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Probs got abused as a child and cannot remember because it was to traumatic.
Or chronic anxiety lmao

Try pot and yoga.

Meditation like my hero Geralt of Rivia.

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Post body

What’s happening when you’re going to sleep / sleeping?

OP here I didn’t ask for your help incel

No thanks not ito drugs.

Only relax for sleeping cumming or posture

You did ask for his help though. Now you’re gonna have to show all of us your tits to make him come back since you hurt his feelings so bad you rude jerk.

Women are constantly phrenetic. It's a shame that the female can't be aided by a doctor nowadays because of "he raped me" claims when the obvious remedy is slight orgasm to the point of symptoms residing.
I recommend either sexual release to the point of symptoms residing or leeching until death.


What does that word mean user. The p word. Are you a doctor ? Do you think our roastie friend is gonna make it doc?

OP here fuck off faggots and stay out of my thread

Anyway I’m tense lads what should I do. Also are protein shakes good for you or are they a meme

I'm not Jewish if that's what you're getting at you scoundrel.
That said, my doctoral experience as someone who has seen someone get cut in half on an oil field says she'll be fine if she stops being such a retard and gets over the mental block she is experiencing.

>someone cut in half in an oilfield
What. Greentext that shit fuck this chicks stupid shit I wanna hear about that.

holy fuck, please kill yourself. I don't even want to see tits anymore

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I've never seen vapours so unbalanced. I recommend 5 self-flagellations and one Hail Mary for good measure.

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Yoga, meditation, and a few years of consistent pratice. You're basically going to have to consciously rewire your brain and reflexes. If there's anything that makes you relax, explore why that makes you relax. Conversely, explore the opposite too, see if you find a cause.

I'm afraid it's not all that interesting but I'll give er a go.
>Working one day
>Taking a lunch break
>Loud crack from jobsite
>Guy is on the ground with half his torso ripped out
>Well blowout shot the lip of a pipe into his torso
>dead in 15
Pretty uneventful otherwise.

roustabout life

How she is if you don't want to spend a bunch of money on college.
You either get fucked financially or get hit with a workplace accident that kills/maims you because some retard is too meth'd out to give a shit.

Try pot and yoga

Dude... Just smoke weed.

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Who knows, it might even erase the part of your brain that makes you post frogs and wojacks.

Cut out alcohol and coffee and any other drugs if you do them.
Drink just water and plain teas (without caffeine). Chamomile is a good one if you want to sip on something.
Take cold showers.

Might not fix it but it would 100% improve it.

Tits or GTFO you attention seeking roastie whore.
Everyone who didnt reply with this is a fucking cuck

>painfully recreate a wojak
>post it on 4channel
>someone talks shit about it

>No thanks not ito drugs.
Yoga isn't a drug its basically stretching.

OP don’t tell me what to do I need advice but not advice like that. Also how many calories should I eat a day if I want to tone up but not get too bulky

Sauats n oatz

How many squats and how many oats also it won’t make me bulky but just toned right? Also will it help me relax

You need to activate your pelvic extractors while in maximum squation position and get no less than 24g of almond protein as part of your daily intake

Asks for advice.
Pulls the “I dIdNt AsK yOu FoR yOuR hElP aSsHoLe” card when she doesn’t like the advice she receives.

Over this bitch and her cries for attention

t. Angry incel

Yeah but it’s pretty funny, you didn’t hafta call it out like that.

Not real OP. I'm the real OP

>falling for an obvious b8 thread with 14 posters and 34 replies

Jow Forums is pretty fucked without post IDs. Idk how many fucking assholes here are pretending to be me but I do appreciate the help. I suck at yoga cuz I can't relax. Sleep is hard, I'm a night owl and seem to always tend to 2-3 am sleep schedule even when I travel to a different country on a completely opposite timezone. I think I would like to try meditation

>Sex always hurts
Your need to step up your sex game. You and your husband both.

Somehow I get the feeling op bumped her already derailed thread because she still wants help.

I think she(male) is long gone. I was pretending to be the OP asking stupid shit the gig is up boys it was me along and you fell for it

That was obvious for a couple posts though. I still get the feeling she shunk into the background pretending to be someone else to bump.

Magnesium Citrate my guy

look into breathe exercises, that might help