Despite medfags opinions, apparently it works:
According to studies, one can gain up to +/- 3cm in span of 6 months. Will Jow Forums finally embrace penis exercises?
>inb4 penis is not a muscle - it's stretching, the same mechanism in case of placing discs in your lips or earlobes.
Penile Lengthening
Is it like gym gains? Will the gain disappear once I stop jelqing?
Only increases flaccid length, apparently. That counts for something, but the discomfort, inconvenience and potential risks seem to make it overall a poor-trade off unless you are really concerned about it.
Penis shrinks naturally a little when you get older, but ''gains'' will remain. Muscles will ''disappear'' over time (they actually just get smaller when you drop died and stop working out), but in case of stretching, you make microdamages between cells, and in their place new cells are created. So gains (cells created by stretching over time) do not disappear.
Anybody tried bathmate?
I currently have to use XL king size condoms but I want to move up to magnum - give me the advice.
Yeah it's great, but I can't use it anymore. I don't like the way it makes my balls feel.
What's even the point then?
Did the angion 1.0 for a month no gains. Angion 2.0 for a month got me rock hard erections and more veins but no gains. Now about a month into the thundersplace newbie routine. Gained about 0,3 cm in length not sure about girth since it's kinda early and girth gains are slow. I'm sure about the length gains because no matter how hard I would press into my pubic bone I could never crack 15.5 cm now I'm about 15.7-15.8 cm consistently. Hoping to get to 16 cm soon.
is there a pornhub link showing actual 2.0 technique? i feel like im not quite getting head swell
Dunno, I tried to do it as in the yt vid. I know what you are saying tho I had similar things happen. Like I'd get really hard, head would swell up then after some time of doing the angion it just deflates, I would usually try to get my erection to 100% then but it goes away really fast but even with this I noticed a difference.
Ive have had an unorthodox grip (2 handed) when fapping all my life, its basically this 2.0 faggot over here but mine is more of a rounded grip to the tutorial video. I can confirm 10 years later penis is thicker but now have ED which is probably through my porn addiction. FML
Reminder HCG injections can increase erect penis length
>but in case of stretching, you make microdamages between cells, and in their place new cells are created.
>Implying this is not the exact same thing that happens to muscle tissue
That’s absolutely disgusting. Sensitive tissue. I just stay grounded to the idea that I’ve never been 100% erect. Honestly probably true of most people. Improve your erection percentage, improve your penis size. Didn’t read the study but lol at stick shit in your penis to try and get some gains. Reminds me of those insane jellquing guys who would lose all sensation.
Ewwwww. People are fucking crazy.
Magnums are smaller than you think. Just try one and see how it goes.
>lol at stick shit in your penis
>reading comprehension
>4-6 hours a day for half a year for a couple of cm
only worth it if you are a true dicklet desu
>Didn’t read the study
>lol at stick shit in your penis
Now, now, no need to be shy - we all know that if we could add that 2 extra centimeters in length to our peckers just like that, we would. After all, 17 sounds better than 15.
>apparently it works:
I just want more skin. Being a cutfag sucks. But I've yet to see a method that works with my schedule.
Kegels are great though. You can reach your max potential way more consistently.
>med-student claims it does not work
>doctors who performed research from OP links claim it does
Gainswave fag here ,gained almost half a inch in girth and length using penis magic soundwaves ,did P-shot too ,gained half inch girth ,evem better erections ,better sensitivity.If you have the money ,do the procedures ,they are safe and the results came fast ,but not 100 percent permanent. Before anyone ask ,yes i learned about it through Ben Greenfield on Joe Rogan podcast ,shame me .If anyone have any doubt feel free to AMA .
Tell us more
Expensive ,almost U$3000,00 on six gainswave session +some steam cell injections on the dick .The girth gains were more noticeable than the length gains,and girls enjoyed more the girth gains ,the difference in moans before/after is night and day .Erections went to 80 percent with pharma tadalafil to 95 percent without using anything .The effects dimish with time ,six months from the procedure i had 80 % ,rounding up .The nurse fingered my asshole ,being a sad beta ,done anything ,she touched my dick without gloves maintaining visual contact ,in retrospective i could had a infection /fucked the nurse .The biggest gain with the procedureis mental ,like always felling ready to fuck ,showing your dick flaccid like a shower and a grower the same time .
Chrome crashed ,my nametag went to hell .
Are the gains semi permanent?
>med-student here
i stopped reading
It DOES work, ive gained .75 inches in girth. Im not confident in the accuracy of my length measurements when first starting so I won't claim any length gains.
lmao listen to this fucking shill
How long?
They minish over time ,if you want to hold then ,you have to go there unil you die .The docs wont make clear that the gains are not permanent, not until the follow up sessions post procedure .If you have a fuckload of money,its worth it ,would recommend only for richfags .
You got me ,actually i own GainsWave clinics all over the world ,and several sex slaves on my private islands ,but i rather expend my time on Jow Forums shilling my services .
I've been doing it inconsistently for 5 years. When I first started I was 5in girth. Messed around with jelqing and stuff for a bit without seeing any real gains. I had maybe .1 inch gain in girth but honestly it would fluctuate. It wasn't a real gain in size, more just an improvement in erection quality.
I noticed my first REAL gains from doing erect jelqs and clamping with my fingers. My dick was sore as fuck. Every jelq I did felt like my dick was filling up like a hard balloon. It hurt a little bit but in a good way, like the pain you feel in your muscles after a good workout. My dick was super pumped up afterwards, even flaccid. The gains I got from this were not just an improvement in erection quality. I gained a .5in increase girth from doing this and it has never went away, even sustained from any sort of penis exercise for months.
When I first started penis exercises I didn't measure length properly. I used to sometimes bend it forward to measure it so I can't say with accuracy what I've gained in length.
>we all know that if we could add that 2 extra centimeters in length to our peckers just like that, we would.
honestly if it was like an hour or two a day i would. but buying a device +6hrs is too much for me
jelqing forums specify not to do it hard cause that is very likely to give you ED
I did jelqing for a month and didn't really see shit for gains. Maybe there's a way to make it work, but honestly it's too involved for me when extenders exist and are clinically proven.
Is erect jelqing the only way to increase girth?
I've gained +0.5cm of length no LARP with AM2.0 but I want some more girth to round off 6"
Would PTDs be the same as just hanging some weight off your dick? Say for example you get a bunch of cylindrical shaped neodymium magnets and for a bandolier of them around your cock, would that not also provide constant tension then?
>AM2.0 ?
3cm isn't much. Is that the max?
i literally have an 8.5 inch dick but i would pay whatever to be 9.5.
yeah im retarded and shallow but nothing turns me on more than seeing girls react to it
>Vaccinations are bad.
>I read it on the internet
>WHY YES! it was on the very last page of yahoo search results.
There is guy who claims that after +10 years of stretching supposedly managed to increase length by around 6cm. Anyway, it seems that after gaining some length, gaining more and more gets harder. Research claims that 2-3 cm are doable in 6 months. After that, maybe we hit some sort of natural barrier that prevents sick gains. Sad!