Unironicaly what mode is he and how do i achieve his physique?
Is he even natty?
Unironicaly what mode is he and how do i achieve his physique?
Is he even natty?
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Why did he stop Youtubing?
>he had a kid
He stopped youtube 2-3 years before he had a kid. He use to be full autistic with it, uploading all the time. Especially liked his prep-vlogs.
I noticed he stopped when that whole "Apocalypse" shit started in 2015 or so. He making money from some other source of social media I don't know about?
>Is X natty?
90% of the time the answer is no
Also, no he isn't natty.
He wasn't even natty in 2012 when I first started watching him.
He had cannon ball delts and stupid retarded big traps back in 2012, also massive moon-face.
>legitimately did g4p
>no personality
>still managed to get lean and knock up Brittany Lesser who's like a solid 8.5 in my taste
can't even hate the guy just keeps winning. most likely on roids though
it's impressive how contrived he manages to make even holding a dinner plate look
true. if you need any further proof that most above-average girls don't date CHADs, look no further than britt lesser
Shes a social media girl and he has more followers than her.
Shes wouldn't of had anything to do with him to begin with if he had less of a following than her
but that still goes to show that status and wealth >>>> height, face, frame.
Lol not sure if he claims natty, I know of him but have only seen like 1 video, but if his hiatus for 2-3 years prior to the kid wasn’t a huge indicator for gear use then idk what is, aside from the gear physique.
Stops making vids while he cycles off so he can have a kid again
Also someone post his jaw changes, lol at mewcels not just hopping on tren and hgh
tiny pinning insecure manlet mode
No, I watched him for years. He doesn't stop making videos for steroids. He was on them all the years he uploaded consistently.
No. He made videos every week from 2011 to 2015 without fail, sometimes everyday. He had all the signs of gear use that entire time.
He did GAY4PAY before he started his main channel on youtube.
Uh...and? All these guys with height/face/frame can get everything a rich/status guy can get without any of the toil.
did anyone archive/save those old gay for pay videos he did? They were legitimately hilarious
>one video is him in his room and two burglars rob his house and punch his abs while he's flexing in his underwear
>the next is him doing a camshow and saying "sniff the poppers, fag"
>the other is him walking around a condo he just leased while saying "you fags paid for this with your fag dollars"
shit was so fucking funny
Just google them.
Thats how almost every single "fitness" channel you see started.
>get twink mode natty
>start doing Gay4Pay
>use G4P money to buy roids
>do more G4P
>get more money for roids
>start bodybuilding fitness channel
>stop G4P and switch focus entirely to making money from your fitness channel
Ogus isn't the only one, pretty much all the fitness youtubers have done it.
Did you even read what I posted? I said 2 things dude, that I have only seen (1)one of his videos and that if what the other poster said is true about him not making videos for 2-3 years that he stopped due to cycling off so his fertility could come back (and to prepare/take care of the kid) which is what a lot of gear users do when they want a kid.
I have no idea what you’re saying but all you had to say was either “he actually didn’t take time off YouTube” or “he found more money in g4p, seriously”
This. Nearly all youtube/Instagram personalities are on some type of gear
That’s retarded. All you have to do is get a wage job, go through training and quit one week into actual work. So long as it’s not minimum wage you’ll have enough for multiple cycles, food, and equipment.
99% of the time the answer is no if their image and career depends on them being fit and muscular
found some older ones. my question is who was filming these videos with him?
y-you can hear people in the background...is this fag filming gay4pay shows at home while his mom/sister/grandma is chilling outside the door?
You can explain away jacking off, sure it's embarrassing but it's not that unusual. There's no talking your way out of licking and kissing your own arm.
Gay porn turned out to be much more profitable
and yet he still scores more than you do
He is not bad looking and really proportional body with insanely good muscle insertions. Not to mention is reaching thousands of people and making it with his self made business meanwhile you are coping about height on chinese basket weaving forum