Why even bother if you're not gonna roid? Behold: the natty limit. He's 145 pounds here btw

Why even bother if you're not gonna roid? Behold: the natty limit. He's 145 pounds here btw

Attached: hqdefault (1).jpg (480x360, 31K)

He looks decent, and told he lost to much weight. If he was 20 pounds heavier he would look even better. Also, his chest is not as big at it could have been.

Thats what happens when you do bodybuilding splits.

They dont work, because theres' no such thing as natural bodybuilding.

If you're not going to take steroids you're wasting your time lifting unless you're strength training.

that's photoshopped too

that guy trained arms 3x a week

Good luck putting on another 20lbs of lean mass without gear.

now post the real pictures
he looks smaller than that

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

Also reminder there's little reason to be ultra lean at a low bodyweight as seen here

what's his name and what does he look like on an average day with normal lighting?

nick's strength and power

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 222K)

He looks great tbqh, just too lean but that's a given considering he's competing on stage

he looks natty an nice. Ripped as fuack


My point still stands. There is no such thing as NATURAL-BODY-BUILDING.

If you're going to do BODYBUILDING you need to do steroids.

If you're not, and want to keep on lifting, you're a fucking idiot if you keep going to the gym if you're doing anything other than STRENGTH TRAINING.

Anything else is COPE and DELUSIONAL.

he looks mediocre at best, not even trying to be mean, he just has piss genetics for being lean and muscular, he has almost no vascularity in his body even at his leanest except maybe his right bicep, his face looks like that of an anorexic skeleton but he just has no vascularity, tell tale sign of shit genetics.

Wtf u on about, muscle look is not just myofibril u absolute brainlet. Plus HE LOST MUSCLE MASS CAUSE HE CUT TOO MUCH.

you're the one who's delusional if you honestly think he would look better if he focused on strength training instead of bodybuilding lmao
specially considereding he trained his show muscles really heavy.

I never said such a thing you retarded faggot.

What I said is NATURAL BODYBUILDING DOES NOT EXIST and that anyone who wants to bodybuild naturally is a fucking idiot and wasting their life. If you want to continue lifting, despite not wanting to take steroids, you're a fucking idiot if you do anything other than strength training, because again, for the 50th time, there IS NO SUCH THING as NATURAL BODY-BUILDING.

Professional body building is fucking disgusting

calm down Jason [spoiler]based, 100% agree[/spoiler]

Based retard.

>If you want to continue lifting, despite not wanting to take steroids, you're a fucking idiot if you do anything other than strength training,
you forgot to explain why dumbass
what the fuck is the point? plus it's definitely harder to look good while doing strengthceling meme shit routines that the average dyel skinnyfat trex retards are doing.

Still looks 10x better than any of the mentally ill autists on this board that let threads like these trick them into juicing ever will.

Based bodybuilding sperg

Thank you. I thought I was the only one who picked up on that. This is not at all what he looked like while posing in his video of the contest.

There you go.

>nick's strength and power
>overly obessed with gym and muhh fitness
>still comes across more normal than me
come on

Attached: curtis.jpg (300x400, 24K)

He's an alright dude
But have you ever noticed that Cant/doesnt pronounce "Nick's strength and power"
>hey guys nick here with nicstregtandpur

Post body twink

horribly photo shopped

That's a bit of a stretch calling guys who strength training 3 days a week gymcels.

The real gymcels are the faggots like you who go to the gym 5-6 or 7 days a week doing bro-splits. Get a life.

>not enjoying lifting
What the fuck is this shitty meme, why don't you want to lift as often and as much as possible?

>Yes goy stop working out and bettering yourself
>just stay complacent and let these poor immigrants do what they please to your women and children
>take these anti-depresents too! it will make seeing your wife get raped and beaten to death much more tolerable and accepting!

Attached: aborted fetal tissue.jpg (963x652, 168K)

I do enjoy lifting. Getting stronger, seeing progress in performance and athleticism.

I don't enjoy randomly demolishing my body everyday with random exercises, random sets, random reps, and random body-part splits that are entirely random, leaving no proper recovery,complete random retarded shitty training methods that only work for people taking steroids.

>Why even bother if you're not gonna roid?
why do you care what i do?

>random exercises
>random sets
>random reps
>random body-part splits that are entirely random

What the fuck are you even on about? Do you think people who do splits just cover their eyes and throw a dart at a wall and see which work out it lands on? You keep a schedule and a work out regimen just like any other program.

>Do you think people who do splits just cover their eyes and throw a dart at a wall and see which work out it lands on?

Yes, that's literally exactly what they do.

You do realize you can do a bodybuilding split with progressive overload, right? Heavy compounds first, then volume work after. But keep posting about MUH STRENGTH you fat powercoping autist.

No they don't.

Post body, I bet you look like dog shit

As natty you will lose shit ton of muscle when you go below 10% bodyfat.

These faggots love pushing for steroid use just like how jews push opioid use in the US.

My weighted-pullups with 100lbs+ for reps guarantees you're most certainly less athletic, fatter and weaker than me.

I don't see the problem really. He's very muscular and still lean, he probably has an excellent grasp of fitness and great overall health. You have legitimate dysmorphia if you think he looks weak or small.

Normies will think you're beastly if you're just fairly buff for a natty.
3 main reasons for lifting are strength, health and aesthetics. With roids you sacrifice health (and possibly aesthetics) for strength, and you still don't need them for it.
Hair loss and heart attacks aren't worth it.

>automatically assuming I am skinny
yikes, I can smell the fatness from here
that's the redpill, genetics matters more than training itself
dude looks smaller than calisthenics fags

He won't look like he lifts when in regular clothing.

100lb, is that what like 45kg? Congrats lmao, I do that shit 12 reps at 85kg bodyweight

Why do you imagine anyone gives a fuck what you think?

Why do you imagine anyone gives a fuck what YOU think? Bitchnigger


stage tanning is disgusting

I don't.

Who cares. Gymcel mindset

by more normal i mean non autistic even tho gym is aspie hobby

Because nobody should be this lean

Attached: afdssdfdsf.png (642x642, 670K)

6’1 100kg 12% bodyfat and do 45+ kg pull-ups Weighted.

Imagine being shorter, lighter, fatter and weaker than a guy who only lifts 3 days a week.

Keep on going 6 days a week gymcel

Attached: DC5214AD-A992-448D-94AD-812BA9F4BA12.jpg (1242x1320, 596K)

The actual problem is that bodybuilding is a motherfucking shit show.
He lost a ton of muscle and caused god knows what kind of lasting damage to look like that.

If he was about 8-12% bodyfat he'd be huge and look cut.
But that's not what the modern bodybuilding fucktrards want on stage.

Want to know the hilarious thing?
That natty gymbro who just goes to the gym and does whatever, maybe even doing something that he was taught by his old highchool coach has a better body and more strength then you.

Why? Because he's been doing it longer.
He's also athletic and active in a real way, not in that I squat 405 with a weight belt, knee wraps and 5 spotters once after doing a fist full of anadrol athletic and active.

post your natty body

imagine posting your e-stats on the internet and thinking that it matters

>the natty gym dude doing bro splitting super drop set shit has more strength than a someone doing solid strength routines
>it's somehow desirable to spend hundreds of hours into a hobby without ever trying to actually get good at it


Imagine e starting on a Thai crawfish trading image board

Not gonna make it.

You know once you let go of this board's obsession with being 210lbs ripped you can start getting somewhere.

Bodybuilding is a gross sport anyway the only people that still pay attention to it are boomers, niggers and 20 year old boomers that still worship prime Arnold. Strongman blew it out of the water since it's funner watching a 6'9" guy throw atlas stones than some greased up insulin junkie spreading his ass on stage. Powerlifting, weightlifting, gymnastics and so on are much more entertaining than watching these guys come up, half dead, saying they never touched a drug in their lives.

Apart from the fake tan and being too low BF, whats wrong with that? I don't want to be on a stage, I just want to be strong and look good as opposed to like a skeleton

no too bad . his physique looks really good

i wonder what his sarm stack is . anyone know?

Not how bodybuilding works. If you're less shredded than that, you get laughed off the stage

Lol so true

He must be sick of saying it for the thousandth time.

Great channel though. That and juggernaut/Dr Mike israetel are the only ones I watch

You are aware that all these strongmen are juiced to the gills as well right?

>6'9 guy throwing atlas stones
>Not on a gram of test and a gram of deca
>Not going to die when he's in his late 40's after decades of being 300-400lbs
>Your average strongman, weightlifter, or powerlifter can run a mile in under 8 minutes

Yup. For sure.

I'm not saying modern bodybuilding doesn't go too far, but the elite of any sports goes too far(and so do those trying to emulate them), especially sports concerning lifting. Bodybuilding is the most noticeable, visually, nothing else.

Post body oh you won’t go splurge your strength fgt

Post body fat fuck


Shout out for being the only person who ever uses the word "regimen" properly

>>the natty gym dude doing bro splitting super drop set shit has more strength than a someone doing solid strength routines
The natty gym dude who's been lifting longer and trying things out is stronger and fitter and more athletic then the loser faggot who just stumbled onto ss/sl/some other babby's first powerlifting routine and barreled through it in a few months getting to a low tier of moderate low level strength.

>>it's somehow desirable to spend hundreds of hours into a hobby without ever trying to actually get good at it
Getting good at the bodybuilding hobby means not bodybuilding but strength training..which everyone on earth knows is bad for not only sustained strength gains but mass gains.

Are you retarded or are you one of those people who're paid to shill strength training around here?


it's called being natty, retard

That's called being lean and natty.

he looks fine here btw, you all just have body dysmorphia

also he lost a lot of muscle from cutting to retarded a BF% if he were at 10-12% he would look huge

Behold: the natty limit

Attached: runfatboyrun.jpg (1200x630, 118K)

He looks better than 99% of Jow Forums when he's not lean/ready for stage. Healthy and natural body shouldn't go below 10% body fat.

>implying this looks bad

Attached: natt.png (707x608, 691K)

Thats a good goal body for nattys.

But too much effort in my opinion. There is nothing wrong being 13-15 bodyfat and you'll look like you lift in clothes too.

>Why even bother if you're not gonna roid?
>1. I love working out and improving my body
>2. look good while maintaining a good bf% rage (9%~11%)
>3. be healthy, look athletic

This is my goal body senpai

Really? Post body and show us your incredible natty gains? Yep, that's what I thought. Every. Single. Time.

As a natural you shouldn't aim to be bone shredded though, but big and lean

That's Nick's strength and power?! I love his autistic gossip videos. I guess good for him for actually being natty. Shit is for the birds though.

Absolutely seething

Why? Self gratification and pride.

I wish I had his deep voice tbqh.