
Few questions about em

1. Can they really "cure" ED, or improve erection quality?
2. Do you have to do reverse kegels as well as regular ones? I can do plain ones really easily, can't for the life of me properly do a reverse one, least I don't think I'm doing them right.
3. Do they increase libido at all? Stupid question probably but I know almost nothing about them.
4. Can you really do too many too often?
5. Do they really change your dick as much as in the picture here, or is this a huge exaggeration? I've pretty much always been a hanger, but, used to be more uh, straight out when I had a higher sex drive (now non existent thanks to depression+anxiety.)

Bonus question, unrelated to kegels; has anyone here tried the angion method before? Curious if it'll really increase sensitivity or the quality of erections.

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>reverse kegels

wtf are you talking about cunt

the fuck is a reverse kegel

Source: lurked PEGYM for way too long.
Not bothering to answer all of your questions in order, we're not your personal army.
Kegels are not a meme, but not a magic pill either. Theyre just an isolation exercise for ONE PART of your sexual organ. Oftentimes this seems to be undertrained or overtrained (tense and tight), so when people first start doing it it helps a lot. How much is mindmuscle connection vs training, don't know.

Probably the bigger help would be mobility training for the rest of your sexual organs i.e. squat depth, hip hinge, etc. Squat depth and breathing deeply will itself be a reverse kegel (breathe into your taint/anus).

Angion method can help blood flow, it seems. So does cardio. L-arginine is easier and cheap as dirt, would recommend. Not a meme.

Sensitivity and sex drive? Kegels are low on your list for solving that. Stop deathgrip, lower how often you look at porn, and sort out what's causing your depression/anxiety. Those are much bigger issues.

Tl;Dr kegels are good but not the silver bullet folks anticipate them to be. Don't just isolate your dick as a sexual organ, it's involved in a complex system of other factors.

pegym? you get pegged you reddit fuck?

bad post

downvote it then..oh wait shut up cunt

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What the fuck would you think a reverse kegel is, you dullard

Kegels allow for increased blood flow to penile tissue thus encouraging an increase in size during both flaccid and erect states. Over time this will lead to healthy growth of the penis and testicles.

Your pelvic floor is also a key part of core bracing, it is the weak link of the chain for a lot of people

>squat depth
I have noticed that ever since I stopped going atg and started doing low bar parallel I have been getting better erections and thrusting. could also e because the weight is heavier and strengthens the groin and the muscles around it more.


Well congratulations, you've just about cracked the code Robert Langdon.

PEgym as in penis enlargement gym, they also have a big forum for premature ejaculation which is why I went there in the first place. Kegels kinda help with that, but again, not a magic bullet.
I can do multiple male orgasm after all my autism now tho so that's pretty cool

you should identify your problem first

I had ED but it was caused by a really tight pelvic floor, I could only get 70% erections

without training, I could hold a kegel for a minute and thirty seconds. I googled around and realized this was not normal and that years of clenching and rubbing one out fast had given me a tight pelvic floor and likely premature ejaculation (if I ever get laid).

I've been doing yoga stretches that open the hips, hindi squats, and reverse kegels, and have noticed big improvements.

Google it, it's an actual thing lol.
I actually haven't been on there for more than a few minutes, don't really trust anyone online entirely so when I do go online for info I make sure to check multiple sources, like here.

Thanks for putting actual thought into your response. I never really thought about training other parts of my body for a better erection desu, but it does make sense that kegels aren't the only possible thing that'll help. I'll try doing those things you listed, already taking L arginine, L cittruline too; not sure if it helps or doesn't, really. Lot of people do say it does though so I'll continue it.

I don't watch porn anymore, but it has only been a month. I'm seeing a therapist and a psychiatrist for my anxiety and all that stuff, pretty new to all that but I'm staying hopeful. Works for plenty of other people so why not for me too right?
Thanks again man, good post.
Too tight of a pelvic floor eh? That could potentially be part of my issue... I have a pretty fucked up back for my age so probably tight in alot of areas. I looked into trying yoga but the classes are too expensive, gonna try doing it with Jewtube videos instead.

Fuck this is funny.
Really tho is shitting not the reverse of a kegel?

is 1min 30 long or short?

Well the shitting isn't the aim, but basically you're doing the same movement. It's the reason you do reverse kegels on the toilet.

I suffered from porn induced ED myself, after a few months without porn my erections were harder than ever before. I managed to defeat my anxiety by learning to not try to fit in anymore, just breathing deep and realizing that I belong just by existing.


How was your libido prior to quitting porn, little bit after?
I literally have zero sex drive, kinda pisses me off, lol. I'm not sure that's common, but I did watch porn pretty much all my teen years up until recently, 22 years old now. So it must've really fucked my head up pretty good.

As for the anxiety stuff, I'm honestly not really sure why I have it. No triggers at all, I just feel anxious most of the day, sometimes more than others. It's bearable 90% of the time but it is almost always there. I'm just glad it's not always so bad or that I don't get panic attacks much anymore. I saw my therapist for the first time a few days back, he said it was odd that I don't seem to have triggers or any of that but it's not unheard of..
I did smoke pot for more than 3 years so, I mean shit, for all I know that's the main cause.

>How was your libido prior to quitting porn, little bit after?
existent psychologically but not backed up physically. I wanted to cum/fuck but could barely get it up. Just eat well, lift heavy and stop watching porn. It will come back bro.

>I did smoke pot for more than 3 years so, I mean shit, for all I know that's the main cause.
I smoked also for 4-5 years every day, and most of my anxiety was due to that. It took a coupled of months after quitting to clear my head. But in all honesty I think my anxiety was because of the pot, probably so is yours.

Best of luck user, you will recover.

>4. Can you really do too many too often?
I used to do kegels so much and hard I did 10 minute holds at a time

I am 99% sure this had led to my current pelvic floor dysfunction with hypertonic pelvic floor. I have to get up and piss at least once a night. Shits are more difficult and incomplete. 1st nut is always worthless during sex IE 30 second bust in the vag no matter what

I'm trying some self therapy now really trying to relax PF with reverse kegels and stretches. The only other alternative is going to a PF therapist to stick some electrodes up your ass a few dozen times

Been waiting on this thread
Anyone using Elvie or similar devices? I want to be able to squeeze the soul out of a man

>existent psychologically but not physically
Literally me. That's reassuring, it really is. I see a hot chick and I think damn I'd love to dick her but yeah... nothing happens otherwise, not even a tiny bit of actual arousal.
I haven't looked into it much, but, I know that marijuana can exaggerate shit or make stuff you didn't know was there pop up. Not sure if it literally causes anxiety but has to play a part in it, I think. Unfortunately it's been about a year and a half since I quit, still got anxiety. Could be worse. Glad to hear you're much better, thanks for the reassuring words man. It helps.
10 minute kegels?
Jesus Christ lmao. I thought 30 second ones were long. Yeah I guess like any exercise it can be overdone, hope you can fix that shit.
>therapist to stick some electrodes up your ass
You made this up, r-right? This isn't an actual thing or treatment for anything?

post brapper and i will let you squeeze my soul out of my benis, if you catch my sniff

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