How the fuck do you stop eating with a wife/woman in the house...

How the fuck do you stop eating with a wife/woman in the house? I am not fat but just bloated all the time from all the carbs. I am trying to stay on 2k calories to get down to around 10 percent from 14 percent in a few months but it's impossible when wife is putting pasta, pizza, bread, tons of bread in front of me all day long. It's impossible not to go over 2k calories and all these carbs bloat me out the next morning so i feel like a big fat man until i go for a shit. The next day it's back to the same thing with her feeding me constant bread and pasta and wanting takeout and pizza ordered in on top.

I know from past experience on cuts that dropping the bloat and fat from around my abdomen area only happens to a noticeable degree when i cut out bread and pasta completely for a few months, which i did last year. I got ripped and dyel in clothes but felt incredible shirtless. This time she won't stop with the bread and pasta and pizza. Try resisting a big pot of tuna + pasta + cheese every night when you're eating less.

Now I should qualify it by saying wife is fat and doesn't really stick to any form of exercise or diet so she doesn't take me seriously when she knows i am doing it. To her it's normal to eat a massive calorie-bursting meal at 1pm, booze until about 9pm and then come in and say "i'm starving can we get some pizza or chinese in". By this time i have already filled my calorie allowance for the day and i am winding down for bed.

Wife doesn't much care about me being ripped. She says she likes men with some fat on them, men that don't look unnaturally lean. Guys who look like bloated biker types or Jason Blaha. I said to her well guess what i says i like women who are curvy like instathots with a big ass but who don't have a big fat gut hanging out. She got upset.

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....I am an Ecto with a fast metabolism so i am pretty lean year around but in order to get rid of this layer of fat around the gut i have to restrict carbs, there's no other way yet she won't stop with the bread and pasta.

How do i resist the carbs and get ripped with a woman that eats high carb and boozes living with me and having it in my face?

>im not fat, just bloated from carbs
and other things you tell yourself when you live with a literal gains goblin

Have her joing you in the gym or start making separate meals

He has a fat wife! HAHAHA RIP.

You're probably a wage cuck as well LMAO

Imagine typing this much on 4channel .ocom

the obvious solution is to get rid of that gains goblin of a wife or girlfriend that you have. you'll get lean and meanwhile you can play yatzy with yourself during your lonely nights.

I'm not a wagecuck i'm on benefits (welfare in the UK)

Not being a wagecuck is unironically part of the problem since i'm home all day with her while kids are at school so it's more time to eat high carb and go over my calories although i usually don't eat for around 5-6 hours after waking up at 6am, hit the gym in between about 10am and start eating around 12pm

Your lack of discipline and self respect isn't your woman's fault you fat fuck

Stop fucking your fat wife for longer than usual. Make her ask questions and just say, “um I just got a lot on my mind” or whatever. Then let her catch you jerking off to pictures of her before she was a fat ass.
You also have to deny all of the shitty food she puts in front of you, but I’m willing to bet that you’re a weak bitch and that’s why you made this thread. Overall, women are emotional psychopaths that are constantly questioning everyone’s actions. In short, make a woman even more insecure and force them to question their own actions and they will do anything to get your dick into their puss, including losing weight.

>i'm on benefits (welfare in the UK)

Well it seems to me that your problem isn't your "gains goblin" wife, or your weight gain. Your problem is that you need to WAKE UP and SMELL THE ROSES, and spend more time OUT OF THE GYM and PUTTING IN SOME HARD GRAFT to GET A JOB like a CONTRIBUTING MEMBER OF SOCIETY!

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I have tried that twice. She only did it for about 4 days before going back to the booze, weed, and poor meal choices. I do eat separately from her but it's the additional food she eats or orders in after i have expended my calorie or carb allowance that is too tempting. For instance at 10pm i'm still awake on Jow Forums there or watching something on youtube and a big steaming cheesy pizza will arrive at the door and i can't just sit there watching her eat it when my belly is telling me it still has plenty more room in there

I really want to get ripped like last year. There's nothing better than stripping the bloat away and feeling lighter and full of energy and not feeling like a big fat man after eating a heavy meal. I mean i was almost dyel in clothing but taking my shirt off in the mirror and seeing shoulder veins and abs and chest like granite all grainy feels better to me than looking like say Blaha but that's what wife prefers so she doesn't encourage me to get ripped even though she does like rubbing her fingers and hands on the abs when they pop through.

>contributing to society in 2019

Keked at the end. Good bait.

>I have a fat wife

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I am weak when it comes to resisting food no question but i was always a hard gainer and it took some good solid years of eating and lifting to build my body up, when i was putting size on i never had to worry about what i ate since as long as i exercised enough i never became fat. And my wife showed me off to all her friends and said "look look how hench my man is" and all the rest of it. Of course now i am in my 30s and i got complacent and stopped lifting for around 8 months while i was depressed about some things. During this time i packed the bloat on around my waist and hips area because i did nothing but sit on the couch all day long eating and researching history and reading, literally no exercise except walking.

Anyway at the beginning at last year when i was lighter i felt a lot better than being bulkier and i want to go back to that now i am back in a regular routine of gym and eating again i just want to stay lighter around 170lbs i don't mind looking smaller in clothes i just want to feel better to myself again

not even a britbong but i saw this show randomly on youtube one time

kek'd underratedpilled

Lol I can't tell if this is bait or not but just have some willpower and don't eat it. But you are a benefit scrounger, probably don't any idea what that feels like.

Why do all retarded britbongs write the same? Always a massive wall of text with no punctuation, giving way too many useless details and repeating the same words like 10 times in a paragraph

>who are curvy like instathots with a big ass but who don't have a big fat gut hanging out.

Your wife must be white

Probably off topic but why does everyone hate that guy in OP's pic? I looked him up a couple of years ago because i kept seeing him on memes and he had become like an object of mockery and it was just a guy sitting at a table talking about random stuff, very boring. But he didn't seem to come across as someone who has an "I know it all don't you dare question me" sort of attitude about fitness and bodybuilding. He didn't seem smug to me, although granted i don't know much about him.

What exactly is it about him that people can't stand? Is it just that he looks bad in terms of aesthetics?

Why the fuck are you on welfare? Get a fucking job you disgusting animal. Your body fat is the least of your problems.

That sounds like a horrible relationship where you don't like each other and are passive aggressive so I suggest you get a divorce first and better that aspect of your life. Imagine being so immature you can't even have a conversation about changing the food for dinner.

Packed on bloat?

You are a fat jobless waste of space. Get your life in order first.

So what's it like to be a cuck anyway? Does she ever have a problem finding enough big black bulls (BBB) to fuck and how does that affect your relationship?

>I am not fat but just bloated all the time from all the carbs.
Stopped reading there.
>ecto with fast metabolism
You're a fucking retard and never read the sticky. GTFO

You've got a wife who puts loads of food in front of you and wants takeaways, and you're on fucking benefits? Sort your missus out and sort your life out.

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Your wife is a fat, undisciplined slob, and so are you. Why the fuck did you ever put a ring on her? Stupid question; you're two peas in a pod.

I cucked her with a female friend of mine lol. This was about maybe 4 years ago. I did give her the opportunity to "cheat back" and she didn't appear to be interested. She wanted to marry me even after i cheated on her. We've been married for 2 and a half years so take it up with her i guess.

Her sister was blacked by 2 blacks and has 2 kids by them if you must know but i'm not going to get into my entire personal life. If you'd like to know more we can discuss it away from Jow Forums lol

Yes i was lean and then got depressed and didn't go to the gym for almost a year. This culminated in me getting fat and bloat almost all around the abdomen and hip and ass area from doing literally nothing but sit on the settee and eat pizza and cake and ice cream.

It's not that that difficult for me to strip away the fat i put on but i simply have to cut bread and pasta and some other carbs like potatoes out for a good solid 3-4 months and then i become nice and lean again.

Stickies? What is this? Misc? lmao
Muh read the stickies
Read the stickies by Emma Phaggot


I'm not new to this you idiot. I've been lifting for years. I know how to diet and how to bulk up. My problem is that dieting has become HARDER because wife has started to eat more high carb high calorie meals in front of since the last time i was cutting fat.

Do you understand what temptation is? THAT'S my problem, not how to put on size or cut fat you moron.

Here’s a crazy idea: discuss it with her? Say “I feel like lately we’ve been eating a lot of high carb meals, and I’m trying to lose weight. This is why and this is how it’s going to benefit us both.” Then you negotiate and compromise and maybe things will be better.

>she says she likes men with some fat on them
Yeah, because she don't want you to leave her for a younger fitter version of herself.

You type like an unfunny low IQ tard and if you had actually read the sticky, you'd know that somatotypes and "muh metabolism" are memes.

Just eat less and stop making retarded blog posts on Jow Forums, nobody cares about your lack of willpower fatty.

I tried that but she says "come on you're a man you're supposed to eat" "don't lose too much weight again please" etc yet at the same time she likes it when i am in good condition and enjoys touching the abs when they are all popping through but she said she needs "something to grab onto" when we hug

I lifted and built my body up with a bunch of black men who had built theirs up in jail who knew absolutely nothing about metabolism and somatypes and all this stuff. So I am willing to accept those are memes and i spoke incorrectly. I bow to your superior knowledge on the topic. All i know how to do is lift and eat to get big, lift and eat less to cut off fat. I took time off the gym and did no exercise which resulted in me packing on SOME fat and bloat on my abdomen and ass area but not A LOT of fat. I now need to get rid of this layer of fat and get lean again.

Okay here it is broken down for you.

My wife prefers men with the body type of a Jason Blaha that's why i used him in the pic. She prefers men who look like "big men" but who are carrying bloat or fat ontop of the muscle. Husky men, big bloated stocky viking men, or whatever you wanna call them.

What i am trying to explain to you is that i do not have the frame/the phenotype/the somatype whatever the fuck it's called to LOOK LIKE BLAHA and guys like him. My frame is one that holds very little fat so i will never look like him no matter how much i eat. Now somebody told me that was an ectomorph but if it's wrong then i accept that term is the wrong one but that's what i'm trying to convey.

Since i can never look as fat and as and bulky and bloated as that my wife likes it when i put on SOME fat at least rather than being completely lean because the man with a bit of fat on him is what she likes.

I cannot explain this any clearer.

This is what i look like over a year ago when super lean and carrying no bloat.

Notice how the frame or whatever the technical term is much smaller than the Blaha type of guy my wife likes. So no matter how much fat i put on as a couch potato i will never have HIS big wide bloated build.

My goal is to get back to this condition but my wife is happy for me to have some fat so will keep feeding me the carbs because for her being bloated and a bit fat is better than having no fat since that's her preference for male body. She doesn't see being lean as being necessary but for me i feel a lot more motivated and not depressed when i look fit and ripped.

I trust this explains my position clearly for you guys

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Get all your posessions and money out of her reach and then divorce. But research the courts and choose an MRA lawyer else she'll steal everything.

you have blaha hips just get fat and youll look like him, hes like 5'6 btw

Your wife is a fat slob and she only wants you fat to prevent other women from being attracted to you.

I am so sorry about your hips dude.

looking real good otherwise.

>cycling with wide hips

what's the point madame


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It's because he has a channel offering advice and guidance even though he looks like shit. It begs the question of why you'd listen to him if that's the body you have to look forward to.

Cut it off with this meme. He doesn't have wide hips; it just seems he does since he has no oblique development (his torso in general is very underdeveloped compared to his arms) and isn't lean despite all the mental gymnastics trying convince himself of the opposite.

OP, you've never even been close to be lean and in pic related you're around 13% bf. Your core look like those of a beginner lifter: bloated rectus, poorly developed intercostals ans obliques due to inadequate activation during exercise. Look up 'hollow body setup' and use it when doing bodyweight. You have to use the totality of your core.

And that's one thing. Second: 'bloated' is a buzzword. You're in a bigger calorie surplus than you need, thus are getting fat. You want to be leaner? Eat less. Your wife serves you pasta with cheese? Tell her beforehand that you can't eat it. She cooks it anyway? Refuse it and cook your meal instead. She'll learn how to behave by the third time she sees you pass on what she cooked for her. If she's from the UK she's probably terrible at cooking anyway and her pasta is an insult to the idea of edible. (No offense. The same goes for the rest of the western world besides Italy. You people's unwillingness to learn the proper three steps to making pasta never ceases to baffle me, by the way.)

Either way. Cook your own meals. You can't cook? Holy shit OP, you're a waste of oxygen. I can tell because I'm a waste of oxygen and I've cooking half of my own meals since I was 16. The totality by 20. You have to learn to cook. You have to for your sake. From the raw ingredients, not pre-prepared overpriced supermarket fucking non-food. Fuck supermarket brands. Buy the ingredients as much as possible. Ingredients are food. Boxed shite is money down the drain for useless packaging and surrogates for food. Learn the difference.

Hang on, I have to follow the rest of my uni lesson. For now try and stick with hollow body and proper groceries.


Simply eat less. Put less on your plate, ask for a smaller portion, anything. What, are you retarded or what? do you eat everything that is put in front of you like an animal? You can't tell your woman "honey, can you put less on my plate please?"

>I am not fat but just bloated all the time from all the carbs
from the author of
"im not bald, i shave every morning, i have blonde hair so you cant see the shadow"

That body is not in this board asking for basic advice. You are clearly just an idiot who is lying or just an idiot.

Friends from prison and no job.... Loser.