Daily reminder to keep nofap BUDDEH

Daily reminder to keep nofap BUDDEH

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emsisd.com/cms/lib/TX21000533/Centricity/Domain/1365/Elie Wiesel - Night FULL TEXT 2-1.pdf

>muh hitler

I've been going strong for about 6 months and now I'm starting to feel discomfort in my left nut on and off. Should I rub one out just to see if it makes the pain go away? If it doesn't what could it be?

It's not cum related and fapping wont help. Might be a pulled muscle

He had some kind of vegetarian diet plan he wanted to initiate for the Wehrmacht, but they stuck to the old iron ration. Anyone have details on what exactly Hitler’s ration plan for the troops was? Heard it had lots of nuts.
Also, does getting your nuts blown off in WW1 help with nofap?

He'd also get meth shots on the reg. muh purity

Figure I should post here and I might get some actual advice.

So after about 7-9 days of nofap when I get horny I get this weird bump right around my left side of my penis. It can be tender to the touch and it goes away right after I cum.

Any idea?

dont rub one out


If you are ejaculating through sex or wet dreams, then don't masturbate. If you haven't had a release in many months or however long, then don't worry about treating your health first. I went six months nofap last year while having sex and there came several moments of testicular pain when I needed physical release of build-up through sex.

Hitler also hat only one ball -> low test. He was fooling around with other homeless hobos in the 1920 nd he was a good friend of Röhm whom he merely shot himself because of his own closetedness and jealosy (n-no homo) and he was a closeted sub.

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Fuck nazis

No one prosecuted at Nuremberg raised the defense that it did not happen. Not one of them.

about the testicle thing, my buddy lost 1 as a kid in an accident. He hasclower T levels as a tesult, which I suppose helps nofap. But his is still higher that basedboys because he’s active as hell.

>believing that the Nuremberg trials were anything other than a show trial
Educate yourself, unironically

Day 11 here, physical effects have been pretty minimal but the biggest gains I've seen are self confidence. I'm no longer a grown man who plays with his dick

Thanks OP, I resisted the urge yesterday and it paid off today.

And what, precisely, would have been the point of that? The serious debate of the time revolved entirely around whether or not the kangaroo court at Nuremberg should even be convened at all in lieu of summary executions. The court did not seriously entertain any questions of fact about whether or not the defendants were guilty, the only matters entertained were questions about their level of individual culpability.


The only mention of Gas chambers or gas in Night is in the modern foreword. Gas chamber isn t in the original text.
Probably forgot to mention it.

emsisd.com/cms/lib/TX21000533/Centricity/Domain/1365/Elie Wiesel - Night FULL TEXT 2-1.pdf

Gas leftypol

just relapsed, day 68

Fuck. Don’t edge bros. Never edge.

I will say that my balls feel quite relieved after busting that nut... not really a good thing though since it was to lesbian porn and not to healthy, normal sex with the girl I love.

Fuck my life.

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fucking hell dude you were doing NoFap 2019, why did you edge... I am on similar day right now

I almost relapsed 5 minutes ago.
On day 3.
Glad I was able to resist.
I start to notice that my body and my mind would need sexual intercourse on a 3-5 day basis. Too bad I don't have a gf or bf. Not even a fuckbuddy.

First day, didn't even realize it was lent!
Not Christian, but feels good man. I've gone like a week before.
See how I feel after lent.
I'm doing hard mode, but I don't have my Vcard anymore.
Kinda helps, honestly. It honestly does give you a good perspective.

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It’s not even difficult after 3 days and of course if you don’t stay indoors all day