What does it mean? I just want to know what it means. No one ever gave me a serious answer. Is it 1rm? 5 sets? 3×5? 3×3? Whatever you want it to mean? The friends you made along the way? I JUST WANT AN ANSWER
It's for 10x10. Anyone who tells you it's for less is trying to troll you
Thank you for this post
4x4s cuz onces you reach 1/2/3/4 on SS+GOMAD you'll be 4ft tall a d 4ft wide.
1rep of 2 sets 3 times a day 4 days a week, its for beginners
1/2/3/4 can be either for 1 rep or 5 rep max.
1 plate OHP
2 plate bench
3 plate squat
4 plate deadlift
1 wife
2 dogs
3 kids
4 house slaves
i declare
a thumb war
you lose
1 plate OHP, 2 plate bench, 3 plate squat, 4 plate deadlift.
All usually for 1rm.
90lb ohp/180lb bench/270lb squat/360lb deadlift
Its for 9x7 with 30 second rest intervals
>1 wife
Never gonna make it
It's not 1rm holy shit that is DYEL as fuck
your first goal should be 1/2/3/4 for 1RM. But ultimately for 5 reps.
What does "1pl8" weigh? We use Kgs so idk
90lb Overhead Press
180lb Bench
270lb Squat
360lb Deadlift
Listen to these guys, everyone else is full of shit.
1x body weight OHP
2x body weight bench
3x body weight squat
4x body weight clean and jerk
All for reps
Not doing this.
Never gonna make it
> 1200lb clean and jerk
>600 bench
Shut your whore mouth
You count the bar too, Faggot.
>counting the bar
lol no
it's 5x5 with the 50lb plates
Anyone telling you otherwise is a microscopic dyel
t. 2/3/4/5
It means arbitrary nonsense you will only ever see here. Don't worry about it.
Does it count if I use 15 kg plates?
1 plate = 20.4 kg's
so no
1, nothing wrong with me
2, nothing wrong with me
3, nothing wrong with me
4, nothing wrong with me
It just a mnemonic to get you pumped with this classic hype song, user.
You CANT DO THE LIFT without the bar. Do you count your clothes and fucking arms as well?
Lol in Europe we count the bar like you fucking should
>the bar weighs 0lb
wew why even have a bar in the first place, just your mind powers bro
No we dont faggot
Unless speak for the dyel fags that started in january because thats what you are, you degenerate
As do us Americans. I’m beginning to suspect trollish memmery.
I bet you count the weight of your arms too, don't you user?
1/2/3/4 refers to having reached the below lifts for at least your one-rep max:
1pl8 ohp = 135lb
>45lb bar + one 45lb plate per side
2pl8 bench = 225lb
>45lb bar + two 45lb plates per side
3pl8 squat = 315lb
>45lb bar + three 45lb plates per side
4pl8 diddly = 405lbs
>45lb bar + four 45lb plates per side
Not since penis inspection day.
I just have to do 1 rep? wtf thats easy bro
im tired of typing this shit out eight times a day
It's a 20 kg plate, but 1pl8 is one of those on each end of a standard men's olympic barbell, so 60 kg. 2pl8 is two plates on each end, so 100 kg, etc.
Whats the difference between OHP and bench? You're raising the bar up in both instances?
Yes, literally any plate, for any reps, counts. I personally bench 15pl8. I would go higher, but there's no room on the bar.
Why not make a custom bar?
>It means arbitrary nonsense you will only ever see here. Don't worry about it.
I have been away from lifting for many years and came back and this is a thing. If this is a strength standard for a 120 woman is strong.
It appears to be applied to all biological males though in the context of this board so it is pretty stupid and useless.
How is that bait? I too was under the impression that everyone here was 5x5ing their two plate bench.
>google it because of nostalgia
>turns out theres a thumb puppet parody movie of the star wars original trilogy
wait what. so if i can do 1/2/3/4 im basically the same tier as a strong 120lb woman? the fuck?
O lord
My man he’s baiting you.
He’ll inevitably tell you he hit 1/2/3/4 for reps after 3 months of SS
These are correct. The true question is, what’s easiest to hit? What’s hardest? Feel like bench is easiest, squat hardest
I'm not him but I hit 1/2/3/4 after 2 months at the gym.
I am however a recovering 6'4 fattie at 250 pounds so its not as impressive cause fattie gains.
>Whats the difference between OHP and bench? You're raising the bar up in both instances?