Thoughts? Is drinking alcohol good for your health

Thoughts? Is drinking alcohol good for your health

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Only if you have one alcoholic drink for your entire life.

Alcohol is poisonous to you, no matter the dosage. Even a single molecule of alcohol will metabolize into poisonous waste (albeit harmless)

I'd argue that coffee is also poisonous, especially 3 cups a day.

In moderation, meaning 2x 0.5l beers, 2 glasses of wine or 2 shots or spirits

>Just for being male
Male virgins who are physically and mentally active and eat well live for well over a century on average
Women who have not had children do not.
>Shilling coffee

Only difference between potion and poison is dosage.

No but it is fun in social enviorments and doesn't seriously harm your health unless you over do it

>-2 for being male

nigga what

what the fuck is this retarded shit?

Virgin cope.

>-30 minutes of life because of a portion of red meat
this is why i don't go vegan

i feel like watching two hours of tv should take off 2 hours

user, that's been proven by science to be true.
A man who is a permanent virgin, is mentally and physically active, eat little and healthily, does not cause himself too much mental and physical stress...can in fact live nearly 150 years on average.
Barring any genetic disease or environmental or social toxins of course.

Hell, I'd gladly go back to being a virgin if I knew this.

well you lose 2 hours but you also gain 1 hour and 30 minutes because of the dopamine, so overall you only lose 30 minutes

thats bullshit but i believe it

zoinks it was all an elaborate ruse user, you fell into my trap
how will you ever recover?

>proven by science
>when no one has done it
Don't use words you don't understand.

a little bit can relax you and counteract the affects of stress hormones. One small glass of wine at night is good of your health, after a certain age, of course.

haha it is you who fell to my ruse. You see i was merely lying when I said I believed you.

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ah but that is where you are mistaken my friend. i knew you were lying the whole time.

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>implying I'm not eventually going to kill myself
Wow, great chart.

>drink 2 cups of coffee every 30 minutes
There ya go, youll live forever

Damn, sucks that if I go lift and shit for an hour and a half then sit on my ass for two hours that's an automatic 30 minutes off my life

>implying you're not a virgin

Go back to masturbating to creep shots on /b/, NEET

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>Do 20 minutes of cardio a day
>Free 40 minutes of life

Not a virgin.
But let's go with what you're saying.
What if I am a virgin?
Now what?

one hour of cardio adds 1:30 to life... if I just begin running and dont stop will i live forever?

If drinking one alcoholic drink adds thirty minutes, every drink after the first subtracts 15 minutes, and drinking 2-3 cups of coffee adds thirty minutes, would you be able to be permanently drunk and live forever by making a batch of drinks which are one cup of alcohol to 2-3 cups of coffee and chugging that all day after the drinking that first cup of alcohol straight with no chasers?

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>veggies good
>meat bad
The jewish publisher is not a man

>Drinking poison to relax


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>Eating poison to relieve yourself of headaches
>Injecting poison to fall asleep during surgery
>Covering your skin with poison to wash it of bacteria

You're not just a virgin, and 12, you're a stupid one at that.

>watching two hours of TV equals -30 minutes of life

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>I'd gladly go back to being a virgin if I knew this.
First you have to lose it

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