No symmetric strength thread? Post any milestones you've recently hit...

No symmetric strength thread? Post any milestones you've recently hit. I hit 1pl8 on bench this week as well as 3pl8 squat.

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More like ASYMMETRIC strength thread! Hyohyohyohyohyohyohyo

oh believe me I know man, I want to get my lifts closer to each other but it'll take time. despite being skinny I've always been way more naturally talented at squat than anything else.

Scrub here
I'm not sure what to make of this

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U better be a woman

More like he better not give up.

We all start somewhere user

Extremely based

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Still a damn chestlet, I'm making progress on my upper body while letting everything else rest a little while I work on my form. I'll be teal man soon brahs

Forgot my fucking picture.

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What the fuck is that exercise selection?
I have never taken this test but it does not even come close to the variance of movements someone SHOULD have.
The fuck

Pull ups

What else SHOULD you need?
Fucking burpees?

Its just all the canon big lifts. Its not a fitness tracker. They're not going to include the 3 different types of butt plug pulls you do in an app that rates strength against a given standard.

Former blue boy, I wish my ohp wasn't so shit

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You best not be rounding your back on those diddlys and squats user, and you damn sure better be taking those squats to depth.

lmao my squat is nowhere near elite what is this website

Attached: elite.png (1183x966, 444K)

What the fuck do you weigh?

>Squat 550
>DL 530
Nigga what?


>literal dumbass half squatter
>"wow why is my bench so weakk xDDDD"

post body for science.

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post video


>tfw finally got rid of the last "subpar" section today after doing 95lb bench 3x5
It's a good feel. I've been lifting for a month now and I can already see progress.

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10 months and a half in
bench has been the same for over 4 months

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I’m like 5’7 I have really short arms but big quads and short femurs so I squat a lot but shit puller

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keep it up user, you're gonna get that 1pl8 soon, you're halfway there


fracturing my wrist cooked my bench

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>looking like this
>squatting that
>at that weight
>not elite

elite means you're way above gym bro level, doesn't mean you're a pro at it though, that's world class

giving manlets like me hope. God bless.

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He was saying the SS calc says his squat is elite.
He's not saying he, himself, is elite.


yes, I am still talking about the classification of that exercise. he's prob still ranked as exceptional in the website, which is really good.

>for me it's the push
one rep away from full yellow pecs

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recon its worth paying for the app?

not really. there is actually less on it than the website because you can't just analize your lifts you can only analize and log and is missing a few other things. i just bought it as a tip

Shoulder press

There is shoulder press on the site.

For how long have you been lifting my dude

around 4 years I’m natty but also super autistic with strict training and eating

5'7 at 163

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Trying to escape this blue hell. Deadlifted 140kg a couple days ago to get one intermediate body part.

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Daily reminder that Pendlay Row is not a real lift, much less one that literally anyone cares about

yeah the weight becomes imaginary when you do pendlay rows.
overhead press is also an imaginary lift because no real powerlifting federation does it.

imagine not overhead pressing bw+ for 5 reps

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Tfw was oceanman until a month ago.
Tfw it began with just my pecs.
Tfw it's spreading.

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5'10" 155lb

All my backcentric lifts are a lot stronger than my bench and press. Even my dips are a lot stronger than my bench press (relatively.)

I blame long arms.

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Presslet here.
And my legs are turning blue again because I can't squat due to a knee injury.

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homegym curlbro without squatrack reporting in

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Need to work more on my deadlift

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What the fuck are you talking about? It has every important movement unless you want a strength evaluation on your fucking band pull-aparts

>finally intermediate
th-thanks guys

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Chicken legs 4 dayz bbe

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I think this is the first time I see a goldman, how the fuck are you so symmetric?

Im out there pumping sets of bent over delt flys and raises with 25kg dumbells and my shoulders are the weak area. >Feelsbadman.jpg

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w/TeamTeal/ here

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Back Squat: 150kg/330lb
D/L: 205kg/451lb
Bench: 140kg/308lb
OHP: 95kg/210lb
Pendlay: 105kg/230lb.

Bodyweight: 100kg / 225lb. 20-25% bf

I am well aware of my squat deficiency, I have fucked knees.

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knee issues wont stop me from being from bicepman

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is that website credible or you autists just like the coloured man?

This page is mostly manlet cope, but it is fun to visualize your progress and compare it with others.

Is the row/chinup/pullup part of this site incorrect? I always get a way higher number for those than everything else. It seems like my deadlift would also be stronger if my back was really so disproportionately strong.

How fat are you that 220 lb bench is novice?

lmao does nobody on this website train calves?!?!?!

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I always program my routine based on my weaknesses. I used to have a really strong squat compared to my bench, so I starded doing less squats and more bench. Now my bench has surpassed all my lifts symmetrically and I need to work more on my deadlift. It's just just basic programming and acknowledging weaknesses

I can do one arm pullups now.

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