50 days no fap. God bless.
50 days no fap. God bless
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Thank you for the reminder OP
God speed Ameen
best I ever did was 36 days and after that I almost jizzed up my own pelvis bone. what a disgrace :(
good luck to you my friend, all the best
So, I had a nocturnal emission this morning. But I haven't masturbated for 11 months (By God I am not a liar) , advice?
Yo I masturbate nearly everyday 2-3 times. Do you have a tip how I can stop?
Nocturnal emissions and wet dreams are God's way of rewarding you for abstaining
That's your body's way of saying you want to fap.
You are weak willed.
Hello brother
Think about the test gains
Better mentality
No brain fog
Just stop
Nocturnal emissions don't count as fapping, brother
God wills it, so it was ok
Just don't break your 11 months
Going on day 8 here, PR is 10. And on that day 11, i fapped to imagination and got into some weird ball and dick slapping shit. felt good at the time but my balls hurt pretty bad after...
My life has reached new levels. I don't even get boners anymore because I've surrendered my life to Christ. Going to wait until I'm married no matter how long it takes. Will only cum inside my wife. If God does not intend for me to be married, I will never cum again. I've never felt so strong in my life. My mind has reached new heights. All I want to do is learn. I'm 100% sober now. No alcohol. My IQ has probably gone up by about 50. My fat is melting away. My eyes are bright white. My skin looks better. I'm more handsome. I don't need as much sleep. I'm more creative. God protects me from dreams about sex because I've given up lust and I don't allow these thoughts because I don't watch movies, listen to music, or play video games.
Nocturnal emissions are the work of the flesh, not God. Your spiritual defense is weak. Repent.
what do you do all day, just read the bible? how does God feel about Jow Forums? do you feel as if you may be close to reaching super saiyan?
This is cool. But me personally, i love my erections and my attraction to girls. I feel very blessed that God made me a man, and even more so that God has helped me stop watching porn and masturbating. I feel really great and horny and driven. I redirect all of this energy into productive things.
Has anyone else fallen really far into fetishes?. I want to be closer to god but I also want to see girls spray whipcream up their butts and brap it out.
Work. Talk to the girl I'm courting. Look forward to getting married and making babies. Focus on everything I can do to be righteous and provide for family. Everything else is a waste of time. Health and fitness of course. Learning language, reading, and instruments are good too. Thinking about picking up the harp like David. Reading the bible is important.
Amen. Righteousness is the most manly thing there is. Even thinking about someone not your wife (even if you are single) is adultery.
I was into traps for 7 years. God delivered me from sexual immorality.
If you think that's bad for you, that should be enough reasons to proceed. I feel pretty fine doing it once a day, but I know from experience that I had negative effects doing it more than that. So if I were you, I'd try max once a day first.
Actual tip : Find something to occupy your mind with, it will be even easier if this thing is a long-term project that you can look forward to progress in. This could be something as dumb as practicing speedrunning a game. Any passion that makes you obsessed about.
The only correct answer is that nocturnal emissions are a natural occurrence that you have no control over. It is your body's way of disposing of excess sperm. It is an involuntary function that you were not conscious of, like digestion. You have not sinned.
incorrect. They are spiritual attack. Holy spirit protects.
actually wet dreams are the result of latent repressed untransformed desire and/or succubic influences trying to suck the sexual lifeforce out of you. I've fought them in my dreams but lost. It's been ages since I've encountered any. But all of those particular dreams are hellish and to a hidden extent, traumatizing on an imaginal level.
genuinely curious how is a dream of me fucking a girl traumatizing
can you explain or link anything credible
It's tough to fight flesh with flesh. The only way to do it is to allow the Holy Spirit to work in your life.
I'm doing great on Nofap cause I b fuckin
Nikola Tesla was no fap and celibate because he knew that it allowed him to be the smartest man in history.
What happens after 10 days of Nofap, how you feel? Also does anybody feel depressed, nervous or tired after fapping?
go lucid in the dream.
oh yeah lemme just do that
>TFW got sick
>Didn't want to fap because felt like crap
>Haven't fapped in 4-5 days
Not sure, but I think I'm on day 4. I mean, for someone who faps 1-3 times a day I think I'm doing pretty good so far. Hoping to make it to the 7 day mark and than keep going. My original plan was to just fap LESS and not give it up completely. I was planning to fap like every other day or maybe 4 times a week or so instead of like 7-14 times a week.
After 10 days you enter flatline and you gotta power though that. I used to feel pretty shitty after doing that mostly because you see the material with your own sober mind
My PB was like 7 or 8 days but I remember getting REALLY irritable. I wasn't so much depressed, but I just felt like I was always in a bad mood. Didn't seem like it was worth giving up fapping to feel like shit. They say it boosts testosterone and gives you more energy, also supposedly it elevates your mood, but I didn't get any of that. I mean, if more testosterone means being pissed all the time than count me out. Also I did notice that I wasn't getting aroused as easily, like my dick just died. I wasn't getting boners all the time and my mind stopped living in the gutter, so it kind of does reset your porn if you're a porn addict like me. I'm a huge degenerate pervert, but not fapping for like 7-8 days I did notice I wasn't thinking lewd thoughts or getting as horny as easily .
Well that and obssessing about specific subjects for decades, having high IQ and a mind that approaches things differently independently of IQ. He was also not larping and trying hard like you to appear virtuous.
I want to overcome this addiction. I'm so ready to live my life. In just over an hour I'll be at the one day mark. Each time I do it I feel exhausted, hapless. I feel like my energy is being wasted. I give myself pep talks to not do it again. And yet I do anyway about a day later. Sometimes an hour later. This time will be different. No edging. No casual viewing of porn. This is the one.
Through Allah, anything is possible.
Think I'm gonna rub one out after working out.
Just get a gf. How hard is this? Post workout sweaty sex daily.
>tfw no gf
My record is 3 weeks. Started to have emissions.
usually by day 3 - 4 i started to be obsessed with sexy thinking. what to do. Been trying to drown myself with video games.
Video games is worse for you than fapping.
very bad idea
nofap is a retard meme, the true crimsonpill is noporn. Fap if you want, only do it to your thoughts of pics of your girlfriend
Well he owns a car company and you don't zoomer
>pics of your girlfriend
Counts as porn.
God protects. I will follow His law over science. Besides there are messages you can do without masturbation to ease tension.
At which point do you draw the line between a dream that is a product of flesh or a product of a spiritual mind?
Hitler too
dreams about sex is not of God.
Based and Christpilled...keep up the good fight
I just get deppressed cause when I go for a long time my boners are weak and my dick looks smaller. Week 1 and I got a boner the other day it was just sad, sub 5 inches and i started to stroke my dick to see if I could get it to its normal length but no. Nofap sucks but im doing it for a month
Sometimes I wonder what's the big deal. Been fapping for over two decades and never spiraled too deep beyond /s/-tier stuff. It's like taking a shit, feels nice knocking it out, go on with the day less irritable and distracted. Still can get it up for the wife, though I'll admit getting to see something new is a pleasant treat.
Youre retarded. I didnt use porn when i had a gf. If we were not fucking I was fapping to her pics, or we were snapchatting nudes all the time. Thats not porn.
congrats op. heres your reward
Well that's because most of us are choking the chicken since we produce sperm at like age 12. We don't know what celibacy does for us.
Jesus loves homosexuals all the same. No sin is greater than another. He wants all to return to the Father and repent.
Zeus says sex is good.
if you think thats a dude ur the homo
You... have you ever seen a woman naked?
3 days of no fap. When I last tapped, I did it about once every 2 hours for the whole day.
Fun day,
Okay you're right thats a girl... I just saw hair on leg and didn't really look at the genitals.. either way. gross. A woman who would take such a picture is no woman I desire.
How many people do you know who died from prostate cancer?
I realized that I don't really care even about exual act itself and that it is rather some features that attract me and nothing else.
I find it strange. If I don't like sex then how come I still have libido and the urge?
Whenever I fap I usually just sort of rush it as fast as I can just to be done with it and get rid of that desire for some time. Not even imagining me in any sort of position and with any sort of partner.
30 minutes of no fap.. Wish me luck
I can barely a week
>t. hypersexual ghostly hikikomori
>was on day 5 of nofap
>woke up feeling horny
>kept thinking about sex
>gave in and jerked it
>no joey
>1 day no fap
>day 2 fap and shoot an insane amount of cum, i counted 14 spurts
I don't think nofap is for me guys
>social signalling: the post
>pictures of naked female
>not porn
based rart
how the fuck do I power through this when I have nothing to do besides browse on here and forage?
Longest I've done was 5 months of no fap. It's all a matter of self control and moderation. I can get by with jerking off 2-3 times a week and still be a productive member of society and don't have the urge to look at porn whenever I have internet access. Eating a whole foods diet helped improved my blood circulation giving me rock hard boners but I'm an incel so I have nobody to impress.
Find something else to do
nofap and fasting is the way to go. truly the lord's way.
day 25 here and i'm feeling great. Peel the layers of ego and desire and find what truly matters.
I went on to create my own PR of 34 days
Then I took nutmeg and I fapped, and then I fapped again and then again
Been fapping for 3 days now
The guilt is killing me, I’ve failed My Lord Jesus
What do bro’s?
God forgives
I've read the opposite, that he purposefully fapped three times a day to rid his mind of anything but science thoughts.
from the summa
“Wherefore what a man does while he sleeps and is deprived of reason’s judgment, is not imputed to him as a sin, as neither are the actions of a maniac or an imbecile.”
so no, it's not a weakness or a sin, but it's something that we shouldn't dwell on
godspeed, user. it really does get easier after a few days. don't know if you're religious but i'll pray for ya
Cut it out of your life. It's trashing your body, mind, and spirit more than you think. Congratulations on 4 days - Keep going!
Just accept what has happened. Failing is part of the process. Move on and try again. Aim to do better this time.
As long as you try again you have done nothing wrong and have nothing to feel guilty about.