Any Jow Forums scoly-bros on? What exercises do you do when you literally cannot keep good form for compound lifts...

Any Jow Forums scoly-bros on? What exercises do you do when you literally cannot keep good form for compound lifts? Both my chiropractor and my physical therapist told me I would be purchasing a first class ticket to snap city if I try to do squats, deadlifts, even OHP might fuck me up. They just told me that resistance exercises will be enough, but nobody ever made any real gains by pulling on an elastic band 5 days a week.

I've got two curves, one between my shoulder blades and another at my sacrum. Basically, they're not pronounced enough to require surgery, but they're right in that golden zone to cause me pain during exercise, even just jogging for 10 minutes will start to strain my back. What should I do to get as fit as I can without risking serious injury? It kills me that I'll never be able to reach my body's potential just because my back decided to take a couple detours during my growing years.

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My friend partially tamed his scoliosis by doing deadlifts. Went from 5'10 to 6'0.

I had corrective surgery years ago
I just lift lol

I was told that since my spine literally cannot be straight during a lift, I'm at serious risk for injury. I dont know how your friend fixed his back with deadlifts, but I dont think we have the same problem. Also, I'm 6'2", and if my back was completely straight I might have been close to 6'4", which is my ideal height. Just tall enough to be taller than most people, while not looking like a lurching freak of nature.

Have any of your PTs suggested breathing excercises as meme as this sounds?

The ONLY thing that has helped my scoliosis have been specific diaphragm activation exercises.

Probably never heard of that have you? Stop going to your PT if you have scoliosis if he:
1)is a Jew(obviously)
2)doesn't say or comprehend if asked anything about breath control other than "lmao in and out and tense your abs bro" when the attention to this aspect should be extensive
3)takes less than 90 seconds to explain a bodyfunction/exercise in relation to yout specific issue
4)has a (((group))) of other PTs and works for a facility rather than running his own business

I'm visiting a PT right now for 50 out of pocket a visit for 2 months for an hour and a half once a week and he is helping me massively, I can finally walk and sit still without constant pain and is has been moved down to just light discomfort. Pic related.

The cause of your both your scoliosis and the reason it stays like it is has little to do with your actual bones and more to do with a constant source of exacerbating force to your asymmetry... Your breathing. You may not realize it but your diaphragm is asymmetrical too, and constant intra-abdominal pressure in an asymmetrical fashion on your ribcage, abdominals, and back are causing massive issues.

The key in the exercises is to hold certain uncomfortable yet specific positions and breathe in through your back(not your belly) lightly and breathe out extremely hard until failure to kick on muscles you didn't know you had, this will over time(and believe me it's harder than it sounds and takes longer than you think) will actually move your bones and muscles back into a symetrical position. This involves rebuilding a whole new symetrical musculature over the old and asymmetrical one we are trying to make obsolete for both lower higher functions such as exercise and heavy workloads.

Respond to this post if you want to hear more, AMA.

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Yo homie

I'm 6.5 and had spinal fusion with rods and shit back in 2012 (I'm 23 btw). I just lift like a normal person yo. The biggest issue for me is that because I'm so tall and literally cannot bend the mid section of my spine, I sometimes look werid

The up-side is people compliment me on my squad and deds form because my back is straight 100% of the time

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I used to be in pain ALL the time, now - as long as I keep working out - I feel great


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Damn, turns out Manlet hate threads are a lanklet scoliosis cope

Lol I'd rather have a fucked up back than be a subhuman 5'8" child sized man.

why would you listen to a doctor LMAO

That sounds interesting, I might give it a try. And my PT works for a big company, with many other PT's. It's basically just a therapy mill, offering low quality but cheap physical therapy for all. I've looked and there really isnt any stand-alone physical therapists in my area. Google only brings up big, hospital run programs.

I've also got a bit of a hunch in my back that makes my head stick out forward, and it's pretty noticeable on my back, do you think these breathing exercises would fix this? I'm pretty sure its genetic, as my mother has it, grandmother has it, and my great grandmother had it.

Based schizoposter

Stop listening to those faggots and lift op. I've had it my whole life and have been lifting since 16. It has now actually improved my spine curve significantly. Be careful on deadlifts and don't feel like you need to be a goddamn power lifter. Form should be your #1 priority at all times even if you can't get it perfect. go slow and brace your core with every lift. GL

Trust me, I know more than most about how fucking retarded some doctors can be. I deal with them on a near daily basis as my job, and sometimes I wonder how the system could let someone with zero common sense be put into a position where people's lives might depend on their decisions.

I started lifting a few years ago after graduating high school. I spent an entire year not progressing at all because I felt like I literally could not lift any heavier than what I was lifting. I didnt have any severe pain, but I noticed that standing up straight was beginning to feel like a real chore after a workout.

My PT said that it was probably due to my posture, because I couldn't physically get in the correct position to use all the muscles required for the exercise. I was lifting with half my strength because I couldn't use proper form no matter how hard I tried.

Lmao are your chiro and physical therapist both women or something?
Absolute garbage. Here's how I treated mine (with help from physical therapist):
>started doing 5x5, reducing squats to 2 times a week
>regular progression, starting with just the bar
>start each lifting session with dead hangs (important), then 10 minutes of yoga stretches (butterfly sit, 90 degree sit, squat, lunge/hip flexor stretches etc)
>cardio for some reason makes it better too

And that was all. That plus the stretches my physical therapist taught me was enough to get rid of all pain. I also added in leg raises, pull ups and some dumbell work, can say that the pull ups make a big difference as well.

I asked about surgery and they said it wouldn't be an option, because the curves aren't severe. I wish I could do squats and deads and others, but since my back cant be straight, the rest of my form suffers as well, and I cant progress in my lifts because I cant use all my muscles effectively. I cant even do a pushup with proper form, but that's pretty much the only exercise that I can progress in. I went from only being able to do 20 to doing 80 at a time, but that was years ago and I've since lost pretty much any gains, which were negligible in the first place.

My PT is a woman, and it was mostly her telling me to stay away from compound lifts. My chiropractor just said that if lifting gives me pain, just dont do it. My PT told me that my posture makes it so that I cant use all of my muscles effectively during a lift, and that's why I cant progress in strength with lifting. It makes sense to me, considering I spent a whole year doing a 5x5 and couldn't increase the weight, and my gains were pretty much invisible. It really killed my motivation after a year of no results, so I had pretty much given up and went back to being sedentary.

I went to two therapy clinics before hand and they really didn't do much other than band/kettlebell/planking shit, which helped like 5%. And to clarify, this guy does work with another company but it is not a therapy clinic, it's a powerlifting gym and they gave him a little cubicle in the corner where he operates his OWN business from, and everyone that goes there knows and likes him alot cause he is basically a doctor on the scene that lifts with them.

You can fix basically any postural issue to a massive extent, but don't be disheartened if something like this takes a few months and the exercises are extremely complex and will need you to focus on 5 to 10 different things at a time.

I'd give away his IG or name so you could see and read about him but I don't know if Jow Forums is the safest place to dump that stuff. But he says he is not the only person who does this and theres many more out there but they are hard to find, I'll ask him next week about the actual name and classification of the method and post it in the next scoliosis thread

Kek, I know, I thought it was hopeless before too, and I'll never be 100% again but the long hard road is worth it if I wanna be athletic in the future. I didn't believe it at first either, but it's the only thung that has been able to adress my scoliosis whatsoever.

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I'm 90% sure my back has gotten straighter since I've been doing regular push ups and pull-ups, even made a 1cm height gain. I started at 173cm and now I'm 174, so I'm up from 5'8" to 5'8.5" and if my progress in fixing my back continues I might make it to 5'9" slightly less manlet




>constant pain
>painkillers don't work for some reason
>it's only been 3 months but I can't take it anymore

I don't know how good I had it

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tried using dumbbells and also doing snow angels?

I'm just going to get surgery for it.

i have kyposis / scoliosis with a bad mid back curve. I've gotten hunchback of nortedam as a diss a couple times in my life.
and that was at my face, i'd love to hear the shit people say behind my back.
I get spinal soreness the next day from doing squats and maybe deads if i fuck up the form that day but I'm still young so my wolverine tier regeneration is helping me for now.
i just don't give a fuck anymore. open my back up and drill some metal pipes in me doc.

dude. go doctor shopping and find a doctor thats not as fucking virtuous and ethical as the ones youre seeing.

you want spinal surgery fucking get it. I'm sure theres a doctor that doesn't give a fuck.