my dermatologist recommended them to me for scars. so i just bought 6 of this ones, two 0.5s and four 1.0s.
how your experiences with dermarolling and acne scars were? how good? some tips?
Looked this shit up and apparently it makes you bleed
I aint fucking with that, I'd rather let the scars fade away
They left a thin pad of scar tissue rather than smoothing the pick pocks I already had.
Just know how your skin behaves.
fuck, really? i probably wasted arround 40 bucks then. fuck again.
Most beauty care is voodoo shit, if you had bad acne or ance scars, its best to just eat right and wait
I don't understand why you bought six of them.
because they can only be used 4 times to prevent infection.
>rolling a thousand needles over your FACE to puncture your own skin thousands upon thousands of times
>this is considered skincare and not torture
what the
>Eating right heals acne scars
Why do people always need to contribute even though they have no idea what they are talking about?
Boredom. Nobody with something to do is here to begin with.
Beauty is pain.
I'd only use each one once like I would only use a syringe once. This is literally a hypodermic device.
I use 1mm ones ever other week. I bleed more from shaving and I hardly bleed when I do shave.
It's to increase collagen production which can help with acne scars, stretch marks, and other issues.
Turned my cystic back acne scars from deep craters into pretty much smooth scar tissue that's not nearly as noticeable.
thanks guys, i was scared as fuck becuase of first anwsers. does 05mm/1mm leave you holes in your skin ? (face skin) i just want to use it on my cheeks and maybe my front head.
also, how long is the lifespan of your dermarollers? how much time do you use them before they go to the trash?
This sounds like nonsense to me. Can't you just sterilize the one you have?
The needles blunt. You might not see it with the naked eye but just look up images of syringes before and after use. It is also almost impossible to guarntee that you steralized something like this well enough.
But it is your risk. People have used the same dermaroller more than once with no problem but that does no mean it is safe. I'd just buy a new one each time (it's not even expensive).
they probably weren't paying attention and only read "acne" without looking at the next word.
i will use alcohol, but im not sure how many times i should sterilize a derma until it is dangerous.
i have used 0.5mm, 0.75mm, 1.0mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm, 2.5mm
0.75mm, 1.0mm, 1.5mm on face/acne scars
2.0mm on self-harm scars
i recommend 1.0mm on face and no more. i didnt believe the "dont use more than 1.0" on your face, but i did a treatment on my cheeks at 1.5mm and literally it left pin-prick holes in my face that have been there for a month now
they look like ice-pick scars, if you google this is actually a pretty common issue but hard to find on google
some dermatologist said it goes away after a few months but still dont fuck around with 1.5mm on your face
even pressing hard on a 1.0mm could do it, they are serious when they say go gentle with them, no pressure
the whole needle isnt supposed to go into the skin, just the point
as far as pain even 2.0mm isnt bad, the 2.5mm i got was shit quality, gts or some shit and came in a plastic cylinder rather than a box but was literally shit. the ones i use are koibeauty
what you want is a 200 needle (not 540 because they are supposed to be bad) made with real titanium needles, not metal cylindars with triangular points on them which most are
but really the pain is completely bearable, though you could get a lidocaine cream
as many times as you want, really its the dullness that will become an issue
i believe you use them until you find them starting to dull
theres a bunch of guides online though
but sterilization is not a problem, what you do is sterilize it with rubbing alcohol 70% before using it, then wash the roller with water, then use it on your cleaned face, then rinse it and sterilize it again and store it in its container till next time
i'm pretty sure a lot people replace them every 3 months or sooner if they have heavy use, usually because they can get dull
and for bleeding really even with the 2.0mm there's barely anything, just pin-prick bleeding that is nowhere near enough to form an actual blood droplet, it looks more like bloody mist
Not true. They should be taken out eventually but if you sterilize them they last a lot more than that. I don't have an exact timeframe aside from throwing it out if you notice the needles getting a bit gross, bent pins, dullness and so on. Replacement rate basically depends on your budget.
That's also wrong and they have no idea what they're talking about.
No, it's just a bit of irritation, it goes away after a few days. I don't even bleed from 1mm ones.
You need oils and meds on the skin too not just plain puncturing.
>bought 6 of this ones, two 0.5s and four 1.0s.
Do you plan on dual wielding the fuckers and bring some friends too?