Do you keep your brain gains too, right Jow Forums?

Do you keep your brain gains too, right Jow Forums?

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I let my brain a trophy so it uses less caloeies for energy and they go to my muscles instead

Damn why I didn't think about that.

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>Jow Forums 131
Anybody else remember all the >tfw too intelligent to lift posts?

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I let my brain a trophy so it use lets calorie for energy so it go to my muscles indeed

My brain a trophy

>not a trophying ur brain
not gun a make it

Jow Forums and /out/ absolutely iq mogging everyone

I let my brin a trophy so I don loose caloogolies that cod go to my moosles insted

Yes I play chess

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>>tfw too intelligent to lift
retarded newfag, it was only like two years ago

>implying that's not 90% of Jow Forums

>any board above 90
>Jow Forums and /tv/ not near the the bottom
Fake and gay

Jow Forums is playing intergalactic dominos by pretending to be retarded in order to cause beneficial market shifts and /tv/ is unironically just ironically pretending to be retarded

>carnivores who think videos and blog posts are valid sources
>actual valid sources are a vegan Jewish conspiracy
>thinking a picture about stomach pH is the end of the argument
>vegans who think a picture of teeth is the argument
>vegans who use vegetarian and med based diet studies as evidence
>flat earthers
>nofap raises test
I could go on but there are other things to address. Such as
>fa/ being 123
>copy paste zoomer fashion
>sci/ is full of retards and Americans
>lit/ is the same
>both talk out their ass
>tg/ lower than tv/
>thinking IQ is an argument for intelligence

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>most of your openings lead to early castling or castling before exchange
>most are boring games which will lead to equal trading and a single rook three pawn game
Lmao what's your elo, same as your IQ?

>1110 iq
Hell yeah

>1110 elo
>IQ higher than 80
Pick one

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To be fair most of the meat=bad studies are pretty low grade. Adding up a large number of studies for one continous review of vegetaries vs red meat eaters is poor science. Sample size =/= proof. A vague statistical trend with absolutely no control over variables, such as smokers, alcohol drinking, obesity and any number of outcome-altering conditions means fuck all. It doesn't matter if the WHO makes statements saying the study supports it, frankly they shouldn't overstep their boundaries with shit they don't know. Same with their red meat = formaldehyde conclusion, eating fruit does the same shit.

That's exactly my point RE: vegans on this board user.
Truth is both sides make terrible arguments but at the end of it the ones making the arguments on either side are the most Retarded.

>A vague statistical trend with absolutely no control over variables
they literally do this though
>It doesn't matter if the WHO makes statements saying the study supports it, frankly they shouldn't overstep their boundaries with shit they don't know
look who's talking

>he doesn't acknowledge that the King's Indian Opening is the best opening
Sad and patheticpilled

>high IQ

You clearly haven't read the WHO meat study, shut the fuck up.

I didn't mean to undermine your argument or anything, I just saw the vegan conspiracy stuff and it kinda resonated with me because half the studies against meat are funded by batshit insane vegan orgs like peta, and conducted by vegan researchers, it's hard not to see a pattern and stop yourself from outright ignoring every article posted these days. The same really can't be expected of Jow Forums, who aren't used to dealing with academia.
What I'm trying to say is that it's kinda reasonable for normies to dismiss studies vegans cite, within reason.

vegans are such whiny bitches, jesus christ

What the fuck is a weishaupts plateau?

>weighted average board IQ is 110

>Thinking your gymbro mind is smarter than the Yale researchers who coduct these studies for a living
>He can’t even read the study to see they obviously accounted for these variables or else it wouldn’t have even been published

Never gonna make it brah

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>meat is bad goy
>grains are good goy

Jow Forums is actually pretty smart, at least in the /SMG/ threads. You just cant take everything said at face value between 9AM and 4PM M-F and must have to have some understanding of the stock market itself. From there you can more accurately read when people are shitposting, baiting people into penny stock traps, trying to force FUD, etc. Those generals will also tend to move slower and actually be more helpful and less shitposty on the weekends when people take their masks off.

not a single board on Jow Forums has a higher average IQ than around 115 I'd wager, certainly not in fucking high 140s

The real IQ test is by posting this on boards and see at how many people think it's real.

You do realize Jews can use this themselves to misdirect you?

That meme only works when there is actual evidence backing up the kikery.

These guys worship Saturn who demands baby sacrifice. If anything they want you to slaughter, kill, and devour as much flesh as you can i.g. Juden Peterstein

Jesus ate meat, so I will eat meat

In the Bible it’s explicitly stated in the time when man was good we were all Vegetarians. Jesus diet is pretty much unkown but we do know a few things he probably did eat (fish bread). Which makes sense considering there is no literature on fish causing cancer (just some mercury pollution these days).

The science also correlates nicely with the karmaic morality aspect of eating flesh.
Fish are much more primitive beings and quite distant from us in our ancestral tree so eating one isn’t bad for one’s karma. Meanwhile eating a fellow man/child is seen at the gravest sin of all, plus the red meat gives you cancer PLUS Kuru (natures big fuck you to cannibals specifically).

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Jesus actually promoted sea food diet
Drop the pork and add salmon senpai

>/tg/ /an/ and /toy/ that low
>/lit/ /tv/ and /lgbt/ that high
LMAOing at your life

>Do you keep your brain gains too, right Jow Forums?
Ignoring the very silly graph, I try to regularly take on new projects, experiences, skills and try to prevent atrophy or stagnation.

I don't think I'm particularly good at it though. Need some output to show for it. Should stop going on imageboards for hours on end. Will do that.

Interesting, my IQ was infact rated at 131 by an institute near me (Stanford probably) that tested me when I was like 13. You'll be happy to know I havn't done anything of value with my 131 IQ, but instead just shitpost on Jow Forums.

nofap does raise test though babe

impossible to have intelligent discussions on this site, every day you spend on here you get dumber

no, i dropped out of hs at the age of 16, i can't do online iq tests because the questions are way too complicated to understand, i'm a wagie and every free day i have i waste it on mmorpgs instead of studying.
at this point, i just want my brain to rot. if smart people are more depressed than dumber people, then i don't want to be intelligent.

Theres no way the weighted average of this site is 110. This is one of the biggest hotspots for brainlets on the internet

>/tv/ above average
>/v/ not sub 80
>/lgbt/ not at neglible
>/an/ and /tg/ sub average
>/wg/ above 120

I've got my own fancy STEM degree and working on postgrad metabolic physiology. I'm as qualified, if not more so than the poorly-funded, limp-wristed vegan researchers spending weeks collecting bias-confirming articles. You won't find a single vegan physiologist, I'm telling you now. Shit is inefficient as fuck. The study is a joke and everybody in the field treats it as a joke.

The outliers drive the average up. Just look at the Haruhi Problem. It took mathematicians 7 years to realise the brilliance of user.

This image is very old. While good, thoughtful content was posted about 8 years ago, that is no longer so.

Fart noises are literally, for some embarrassing reason, popular. This board is full of damn retards, now.

>muh appeal to authority
Shoo shoo, shlomo

>no Jow Forums
>/lgbt/ presesnt


>high IQ
Reading neutralizes your capacity for original thought just as much as television and other media does. It is simply designed to be the last veil used against those who think themselves smart enough to surpass the earlier more childish ones.

>/x/ that low

Nice bait

>Reading neutralizes your capacity for original thought

And other things low-IQ tardfarms think.

Care to expound, friend?

>tfw too intelligent to lift

>I read like mama and papa tell me smart people do so I must be smart

Every board has dumbasses but /lit/ hosts the most intelligent, high effort posts

I read at least twice the time I lift in a week.

and your capacity to speak or write properly

as opposed to the stupid safe shit people talk about in real life like their faggot jobs that they themselves hate but feel like it's some big fuckin badge of achievement to brag about
or any other mundane status shit they talk about
gayer than AIDS
there are no longer people to have intelligent discussions with anymore because everyone has turned into a total fuckin cultureless tard
personally I blame greed and the biggest fans of it, the jews

Who Jow Forums, /out/, /trv/, Jow Forums and Jow Forums here?

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There’s no way this board is that smart. Outside of PLG and fraud this board is full of retards shilling memes

/pol hates plutocratic jews. Of course they have low IQ's because rich powerful Jews would never exploit the gentiles and empower Israel coz THEY ARE THE CHOSEN ONES.

IQ is for faggots who like circlejerk over it. So pretty much plebbit.

Jow Forumsness discord

There's nothing such thing as brain gains. You can increase your knowledge but not your intelligence.

True. It's why nigger majority countries suck and will always suck. Can't undo 100,000+ years of evolution by singing cute little 'we're all one big family' songs.

90% of all posts on Jow Forums are regurgitated meme spouting

>average iq on any board being over 105

LOL. /lit/ included.

I've seen this all the time and no one has ever provided any reference to its legitimacy.

particularly on /x/ people come to tell everyone how retarded they are.

when do they claim this massive study took place? where are the numbers for how many respondents responded per board? where are the confidence intervals? why are the IQs for the four lowest scores omitted?

I for one call BS.

It's not an appeal to authority if the source is a verifiable one and there is a consensus on its validity.

For it to be an appeal to authority you need to be in disagreement with the above. You disagree that verifiable, peer reviewed scientific sources are a valid source?

>I disagree with evidence
>Evidence is a Jewish conspiracy
>I don't need evidence to prove this its just how I feel

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/tv/ is the worst board on 4channel

You're right. I know imagination is a subjective thing but if you're already intelligent you will be able to create worlds out of your head anyway. I was friends with a guy and we were probably of equal intelligence. This guy read loads and when we were kids and played sci fi and fantasy stuff I'd make up races, ships, etc on the fly, draw maps and characters all looking pretty unique. He would just regurgitate stuff described in a book.

Although, is correct. When it came to final exams at 16 I failed my English language and literature and struggled with descriptive answers in my science papers. Excelled in art, philosophy, science, and maths though.

What the fuck is going on in /x/?

get on my level

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This is quite likely bollocks. There's no reference to any valued or credited research organisation, no explanation of method or even a link or contact details to find the actual methodology. The top line can honestly be whipped-up buzzwords used to sound smart. The writer literally uses this autistic chart he made on excel to say 'if you don't browse lit you cannot argue with me as you are less intelligent', actually fucking stating this in the last line. Basically really epic bait.

My iq is 138 but iq means nothing if you dont work hard which I dont.

Dumbest thing I've read all week
Reading != literature

It was >>tfw to intelligent too lift

Got my MENSA invite and it became my goal to OHP as many kg as I had IQ on that test.

I'd settle even for the Weschler scale IQ in kg, because there's no way my weak ass is putting 156kg overhead.

>dvds are a psyop created by corporations to subtly inject Flat Earth Theory into society and make it seem as though Flat Earth Theory is a conspiracy. think about it. these flat discs can hold extreme amounts of information, just like the Flat Earth can hold life forms and materials. though if you are to bring up this comparison in real life, you get kicked out of open discussion forums in public meant to discuss scientific dilemmas of the modern day. if you don't think corporations like Sony are in on the One World Government plan to continue to convince us that Flat Earth doesn't exist, you're sorely mistaken.

This is literally from the front page

Well at least he's sort of well spoken.

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Even /smg/ is pretty retarded. I regularly post there and am astounded by their terrible strategies.

shit this is my favorite conspiracy theory, right after mudslide and mud fossils.