Wakey wakey, what you training today and where?
Brit/fit/ 10 fold acca this time it’ll come in edition
Also are Bristol city gonna beat Leeds.. gonna put a bet on in a sec
Fuckin tans invading Jow Forums like they did Ireland don't ye have Muslims to be taking in?
Anyone from Birmingham? Fucking shithole, can't wait to move away
Move to Warwick/Leam mate, comfy af and actual bodybuilding gyms here too, moved up from my shithole city
No mate sorry
Its our year
Typing this from leamimgton.
Which gym you use? Workout mill?
>tfw shit kicks off in ulster before the end of the year
this is it lads, what i've been training for all these years. to crush hunnic skulls with my bare hands until the wankers take me down
Yeah or fitness worx in Kenilworth. Currently away from England for a bit but will back there in the summer
I'm getting fed up of going to PureGym.
It's always absolutely rammed with 80+ people when I want to go and there are only 2 benches and two racks at the whole gym.
I remember when britbongs made fun of American obesity. Now they're the fattest nation in Europoor and easy as slovenly as any trailer park burger or fried chicken chugging dindu.
I feel you. My PureGym only has 1 bench and 3 racks so you have to be extremely lucky to get the bench. Try going later, since I started going at 9pm it's been much better. Also mornings are comfy asf too, 8.30 is perfect and surprisingly not too busy.
no way leeds win
ez money
>i get my news about other countries from Jow Forums
Yeah but fat people in America are comically obese whereas over here only the children get comically obese but grow in to it or slim down when older.
99% of obese adults don't really look that bad desu.
Any north east Jow Forumsizens here?
Any scousers here?
Also, wondering if anyone has noticed having cold showers has helped dandruff? This morning I had a cold shower and my dandruff doesn't seem as bad, but I did furiously rub my shampoo in so wondering if it could be that. Gonna try them out for a few weeks and see the results.
Definitely dandruff? Could be flaky scalp. Thought I had dandruff but bought that special shampoo and put coconut oil in my hair, next morning it was clear again
Dunno thought that's what dandruff was. It's not really on my clothes or anything but if I was to run my fingers through my hair it would be like a blizzard, or if I wear a beanie then take it off etc.
Nah ones caused by like the heat of the shower and the strength of the shampoo, try reading up and changing it around and using cocnut oil and see how it goes
No, even the BBC reports that English are seeing a sharp and fast rise in obesity.
Why are your children so fat? It's not acceptable to be so nutrient deficient and sedentary durning the developmental years of life. Is that why you need 3rd world "labor"?
Leamington here too, I go Bizz tho
Tynemouth master race
They're not all fat
You see Englard is still at the 'making excuses' stage of it's fat problem. Here in America we've begun actively shaming fatties to great effect.
acca is already fucking up lads, why do everton suddenly have to win...cucks
Yeah fat kids get bullied here too, I wasn't suggesting otherwise.
The real art of fat shaming happens at university. Where the kids who weren't bullied enough have devolved some sort of fat empowerment hugbox bullshit complex that can be shamed.
everton lost teehee
Fuck off
What harm is this thread doing here? It's a good place to discuss gyms etc in the UK rather than shiity trap discussions
Oh fuck of you limey cunt. Go to Jow Forums, Jow Forums, or even britfeel on Jow Forums. If everyone started making location specific threads just because they can't find a gymbro, this place would be cancer. Fuck off m8. MODS
norfwest bros ww@?
So, myprotein or bulkpowders?
No, fuck off. These general threads destroyed Jow Forums, we don't want them here
Aye lad, Gateshead reporting in
Also from Leam, is Bizz any good? I go Newbold and its normally packed at the times I go
Whitley Bay Bad Lad checking in.