Halp Tender Sensitive Breasts and Nipples No Homo

What hormone could be causing me to have tender sensitive nipples as a male
Aparently women have breast tenderness and sensitivity during ovulation up untill their Period starts, but for me it's been lasting for years without change and it's unironically ruining my life lmao.

Blood work came up with:

>Progesterone 3x times over the limit for males
How do I lower it, bros?

>Total testosterone high to very high
>Free testosterone mid range to low.
>Estradiol very low sometimes below the refference limit

Will visit endocrinologist again soon.

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well talk to ur doc about it and try to engage in every masculine activity you can (sports, cold showers, waking up on time, trying to be constantly fucking angry), or you can take the leftist approach which is "be happy with yourself, accept your body, become gay, cut off your penis"

who is the tit cow

such an old face but such young looking tits, is that just because of the bad quality?


prolactin and progesterone do that
stop masturbating, stop smoking weed, stop taking depression medication

ugly desu

It's not worth it anons, she stopped camwhoring a while ago and the gif OP posted is as good as it gets.

Pls post that pic again, i need to save that shit

How much sun does your chest get? Used to have sensitive skin as a child before swimming almost everyday. Now it takes some major damage to get a notice.

How old are you OP? Nipple tenderness is a common side effect at the latter end of puberty for both boys and girls.

is it more enjoyable playing with them during sex though?


God those tits are perfect

I read that it may be related to iodine deficiency, causing the thyroid gland to not function properly. I know it causes breast tenderness, especially in women, but not sure if that extends to nipple soreness in dudes.

A lot of sun, I live in the Mediterranean and sunbathe often


Nope, they are only a bother and BTFO me can't even play vidya with my shirt on.

It's within normal range according to the tests.

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only clicked on this thread cause in the thumbnail it looked like a milf to me


idk man but i can't wear certain types of cotton shirts, they scratch my nips super bad for some reason and it hurts like hell
doubt that helps but there you go

at first glance she has the face of a woman over 40

That bitch looks like Teresa May.

Probably just a britbong

Ill check it out, thanks senpai.

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pushups and more pushups, get to being able to do 500 in under an hour every day

Post your chest

Attached: Sturdy_Treasure_Chest.jpg (608x502, 54K)

fuark lads,
I just want a slim G or H cup tiddied gf ;_;

Attached: big tiddy goth gf.jpg (1100x1500, 96K)

>Sunbathe often
EspaƱol, y hermano.
Nice dubs. Do you have any sauce of this glorius qt?

God I wish I had your problem. I want to be able to cum from just having my nipples teased

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Lmao I bet you're lactating. That's the price you pay for posting degenerate whores on a fitness board

If it's really ruining your life, I suppose you could take estrogen blockers like anastrozole but check with /fraud/ first, they're mostly girls iirc

Attached: Yury_Belkin_418kg_Deadlift.webm (645x540, 2.72M)

>mixed grip

Attached: 1529365775597.jpg (598x415, 60K)

Look here user. Look into my eyes and smell by breath. Stop this degenerate behaviour of asking for source on whores. Stop being a cuck. Stop watching porn and stop fapping.