I often find these protein powder tubs in my neighbors recycling bin. They are really large and sturdy...

I often find these protein powder tubs in my neighbors recycling bin. They are really large and sturdy. I've collected around 20 over the last 6 months. I store rice and any kind of dry goods in mine. Sometimes I use them for old grease but I don't eat alot of fried stuff so mostly just dry goods.

Attached: 1F248B55-E977-4B44-8023-AB183669372F.jpg (633x541, 126K)

Great piss jugs too

Tha fuck are you doing rummaging around in your neighbours recycling bin for?

Whey is garbage

I can attest to this

Attached: DSCN4878.jpg (3264x2448, 1.82M)

bro what the fuck
sort yourself out

LTG is that you?

Ever notice the kind of people who keep piss bottles never have clear healthy looking piss? Why do they always have that onset liver failure/diabetic color to them?

makes you wonder

DinoTendies is that you ?


please don t let this die
i wanna know why OP is in his neighbours garbage

>I dig in my neighbors garbage for useful thing

How poor are you......exactly?

is that your bathroom or a garage? that's disgusting


The more piss the worse it looks buddo

Its a combination of the piss aging (I will bet every time that anyone who photographs their piss bottles has had them for a while) and the fact that it’s in a more compacted container and isn’t being watered down the way a toilet bowl dose.

the water goes away after time the piss will be more concentrated

>alcoholic cope

The fact that piss bottles are even a thing in your life or anyone else you know says everything I need to know.

You're lucky you've never had to live through hard times

Look I found r*ddit

I’ll have you know the last time I pissed in a bottle was a couple years ago at 20 and my gf who was in the car offered to hold a bottle to my dick for me

Although I know how it ages because I used to piss in soda bottles as a teen and hoard them under my bed out of embarrassment

Ask me how I know you are American