I never had male friends before and now that I'm hanging with a few I notice a few guys always making negative comments about other peoples appearance "you got a belly, you're going bald, you're so short, your legs are stick"
So I was wondering if thats normal talk for gymbros? With female friends that's considered bullying, you're supposed to be uplifting
Is this normal gym(bro) behaviour?
get off of my board woman
if your friends arent bodybuilding/aesthetic gods theyre just being crabs in a bucket
At least men are upfront about each other's faults. We can laugh and joke about our appearance, it's just banter. Women however are much more bitter and jealous of each other. They don't say what they mean to each other's face because that's against the social code but get a group together and watch how they bitch.
I don't know man, I'm 30, every single social-circle I have had was me getting shit on all the time. I eventually just stopped talking to people because I noticed the constant negativity affecting me.
I never understood what people meant by "I can't live without friends!" all the friends I've ever had were all really negative and needlessly cruel people. I just assumed that was normal and I decided I wanted no part in it.
My self-esteem tanked a fuck load by going out and trying to be social and have friends, banting and shit talking is all good, but when its just this constant thing that never ends and you seem to be the focus of it, yeah, it gets old.
The choice for me was either be a nobody loner or be the low status guy every shits on, I picked the nobody loner route, it's a lot more peaceful and I waste zero time on other people and their bullshit.
Men don't behave like that, unless they're feminine or homosexual. Can you imagine a group of rugby players doing that?
Yes, it’s normal.
>Men don't behave like that, unless they're feminine or homosexual. Can you imagine a group of rugby players doing that?
Men who grow up in female dominated households are like that, and men who grow up with abusive fathers are like that. So thats like 90% of guys.
Bitches are 100 times worse with appearance talk. The biggest economy in the female Western world is beauty products. 90% of videos for girls are make up reviews etc. Jenna marbles every video is a make up video etc. Funny, but that's it.
Guys talk about girls more than other guys lmao
Unless you're a faggot, eyes are usually on the opposite sex. As are opinions
I am the nobody loner that shits on you.
I had a mate whose dad was a CUNT to women, he had 9 sisters. Only boy. Not sure if that's consistent with your post? But a personal observation
I grew up in one of the situations you've described and I'm not like that. I honestly care very little how one of my male friends looks. I only care about how my gf looks.
im confused, how can you be shitting on me if youre a nobody loner, logistics and all
men banter about each other's appearance all the time m8. i call my friends manlets or fat cunts all the time. they have a go back.
you are not hanging around men
wait till you realize that they never point out any of your flaws that are actually detrimental to your success.
nevertheless, if youre new to this just pay attention to what the common jests are and start counter reply at them with those, begin small.
Brad says something, you say
>nice calves
with a grin and some eye contact until he gets that its sarcasm, if he doesnt get its sarcasm hes mentally deficient and thats the real issue, and you should remove yourself from their/his company
That's different to what OP is talking about though.
also, stop being a narcissist
I'll pull up next to you and shit on you for being a fatty.
Friends never hit you where it hurts, your hair/going bald, or your height/being short manlet. They are not your friends
>wait till you realize that they never point out any of your flaws that are actually detrimental to your success
Every social circle Ive ever had was 80-90% negativity shit talking, and maybe 10-20% positive.
I wonder what having a 80-90% positive social circle is like, it seems like it would be a lot more productive and invigorating.
It's normal banter. The expected reaction is to make fun of their bodies/performance too, or self-deprecating jokes.
If the other person doesn't respond to banter properly then guys usually stop doing it, which is not a good thing by the way. It means they will think the other person is a social retard or fragile.
There is a difference between banter and actual criticism. Learn to recognize the difference. You will notice that banter is always done directly, not behind someones back. And usually in a joking fashion.
t. sperg weirdo with no male banter or masculine influences
Nah. I'd argue you are the one in imbalanced relationships if you think straight out bullying is OK between friends. There's a difference between banter and straight up bullying. Of course you don't see the difference.
>wait till you realize that they never point out any of your flaws that are actually detrimental to your success.
They don't do this because they think it would actually hurt your feelings. Go figure.
if they are talking about other random people from the gym, they are worst than women, kid's behavior. I'd ditch the fuckers.
if they are talking about people in the group, it's banter and it's fine unless they are saying that shit seriously.
It's just banter. But there is a limit, and it's up to your group to decide it.
Idk, here in Germany it's always all about fun and positivity. In young-adult circles that is (high school, uni). And it sucks. Even if something isn't good and you say so (can be anything) you get shit for pointing it out and being negative. Eyes and ears are closed for ugly truths and you can't talk about important stuff with anyone or they will avoid you in the future, because friends and people in general are either a source for cheap laughs or worthless.
>being upset by bro bullying
its just banter. If you read or heard conversations I have with some of my friends since childhood, there would probably be about one serious conversation every 3 months, the rest is non-stop talking shit to each other for the lulz
They are textbook tampon boys.
should i be okay with people watching me drag my self through literal feces from the sidelines though
Make fun of incidental things like a fiasco or a goof or a fleeting stupidity. Things that bother them, I much rather try to help.
>here in Germany
what makes you think the impressions you have from your social circle are valid for a whole fucking country just because you happen to be in that country
Good friends will take you aside and talk about your issues in private. But they won't do it in the form of public banter.
There are a lot of people (both male and female) who try to avoid talking about uncomfortable issues under any circumstances though. Often they have flaws themselves that they don't want to tackle. Try to befriend people who aren't afraid of talking about serious issues.
men disguise envy as "banter", they are worse than women
Because it is a small as fuck country. The density of the population is very high and everyone is watching the same stuff, reading the same stuff and gets schooled the same stuff. Of course there are cultural differences but 1. amongst young people those are rapidly declining because of internet communication, media influence and so on and 2. most differences are more about food, holiday traditions, language and other "smaller stuff". I lived in northern germany, in the very south and in the middle, all for several years and I know a lot of people from all over Germany, which is true for alot of people here, because it is a small country. At the end of the day it was the same everywhere. Students for examples are "well understood" here, everyone knows how it is. In a city with a uni, after the first few Wohnheim or WG parties everyone knows each other. Most big cities here are small, with about 30000 students per city or so. If you choose to not believe me or discard my opinion anyways go ahead.
Didn't really notice this. Most guys, when they do a group activity are usually supportive. Especially in the gym since nobody is perfect and everyone knows the struggle. That sounds something that a feminine man would do. Unless they're joking.
Insecurity, which includes envy. If one feels insecure they will make fun of the fat friend to feel better about themselves
You're a gigantic faggot if words affect you that much. Special snowflake strawberry fag. I bet you have a full trophy cabinet for participations.
Yeah but what determines bullying is based on the group dynamic. I've been in social groups where the banter is kept quite tame but I've also had groups where it's taken to the absolute limit with height, balding, physical deficiencies etc (this stuff seems pretty common in sports teams). As long as everyone is in on it I wouldn't consider it bullying.
I am a 30 year old boomer though so maybe things are different now.
and if they dont act like that the tend to become social outcasts. Catch 22
Men talk shit. It's funny. Grow a thicker skin. Words don't hurt.
youre worse
To an extent, I’d argue once you’re close enough in a group people are comfortable enough to throw jokes like that as long as everyone kind of knows where the line is.
As for OP, your group sounds like assholes if they’re just dishing on random people or saying this behind each others backs or with the intention of hurting someone.
This is why I'm only friends with women and avoid douchbros.
>you got a belly, you're going bald, you're so short, your legs are stick
This isn't normal behavior, despite what the "tough" social outcasts in here tell you. It is true that men are upfront but that's just being a dick.
Did you ever see the dad's parents? Maybe the mother was a cunt.
I generally don't care, I don't bother to talk down to anyone simply because I hear nothing but bullshit from this matriarchy I grew up in. They shit on the men, women are praised.
That's about it. So when I see someone who needs help or is in a tight spot I don't talk down
men talk shit to each other's faces and compliment each other behind their backs, women do the opposite. learn to bantz with your friends
No only with friends we can fuck around, when its strangers men don't give a fuck unless their a bitch or if the person messes with them. Women however do this sizing up shit to almost everyone, the one's that piss me off the most are the hamplanets that call other fatties, in order to make themselves feel better.
My boys and I always ridicule each other with ridiculous compliments. Never tearing each other down, that's just shitty behaviour from shitty people.
you have shit friends then
my friends are absolute bro-tier
we never say mean things to eachother and always pump eachother up
try to get friends that are christian - they tend not to be pieces of shit