Lets be honest fit, the only reason you're not frauding is because you can't afford it

lets be honest fit, the only reason you're not frauding is because you can't afford it

Attached: wagecucked.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

Steroids are very cheap though

Yes, unironically i wasn't a neet living off his parents i would.

actually i'm fine with my body, don't want gyno, balding, acne, a shut down reproductive system, fucked up bloodworks & a hypertrophied heart

I don't want to inject chemicals brewed up in some chinks bathtub in my ass. If I could be assured of source quality, I would.

I’m an americlap and don’t know how to get them legally desu.

>having to rely on drugs to look like you lift
too much dependency desu

Test isn't that expensive, I'm waiting to reach a higher natty cap.

I buy russian pharmacy test

Only reason is injections, if trt was taking a pill every week, or shit even every day I'd probably already be on it. I dont really want to inject myself

Having no outside connection and lifting in a home gym is the only reason.

Would hop on gear fast otherwise.

No, I'm just too uneducated on this topic and there's too much broscience in the internet to actually educate yourself on roids. Even when I would be educated on that matter I'm too afraid to buy stuff from China. Who the fuck knows what they put it into it. I don't want to trust them blindly. Basically too many uncertain factors.

i heard that stuff does funny things to your balls man

Attached: balls.jpg (480x360, 12K)

I frauded at one point when I was depressed, but stopped when I realised I didn't like the idea of messing around with my hormones to feel better about myself. I used what little test and var I had to get my moneys worth, did my pct and didn't look back.

I don't have any source so I'm fucked.

Actually thinking of trying sarms because of it. Is it worth it?

where do you even get them? like fuck associating with shady dudes anyway


I don't wanna go NW2

Steroids are pandoras box

NoAngina? They are expensive as fuck

I don't because there seems be to be no safe way to do steroids, they enlarge your heart and you lose quite a few years off your life.

I hope to get on TRT though eventually

But TRT is doing steroids. Damage and risk is dependant on the dose. Steroids are relatively safe. Some people predisposed to complications and some retards start taking multiple grams a week.