Approaching girls is humiliating

Approaching girls is humiliating

How can normies do it thousands of times without caring?

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what is that haircut hahaha

Haha xD

Because they can exist as an individual that doesn’t rely on everyone validating them.


I don't approach girls, they approach me and ask for my number.

Strong LARPing

God damn, they all look so disgusting

that's a sociopath not a normie he paid her to be on camera then she tried to escape when he literally pulled her in he got no tang from this and will probably get arrested some day

This. Yesterday this absolute MILF approached me and said she just got a new phone and needs some numbers and asked for mine. Home gym masterrace

if youre truly attractive/desirable girls will approach you or signal to you enough that you rarely have to go out of your way

My autism would kick in and question her why would she ask a stupid question like that. Do you need like emergency numbers? I’m pretty sure they’re all “911”. Also why didn’t you back up your contacts from your old phone?

Seems like your mom lost her phone bruh

>signal to you enough
how do i read signals? i catch girls staring at me a lot but when i look back at them they turn away. im not sure if im hideous, intimidating, or they're shy

Congrats, now post your mom's tits or gtfo

it's because you're so good looking, they're admiring and desiring you

I am more interested in how to RESPOND to signals
>be me walking through university area
>girl says "I love your hair!"
>I say "thank you"
>she says "It's wonderful!"
>I say "thanks"
>I keep walking
What am I supposed to do in that sitaution? Anything more than just thanking her seems like it would make me seem like a creep but I'm antisocial as fuck so I have no fucking idea what is socially acceptable

compliment back

Girls that aren't drunk will never approach you, if you believe girls just goes up to a guy and ask for his number you need to go outside more

honestly hard to say. this is why i hesitate to give advice online because its impossible to now what you look like/how you hold yourself/the places those girls are staring at you/a million other factors and all through your biased view desu. just muster up courage one day and say hi if shes not interested youre embarrassed for a but but you can move on
sometimes compliments are just compliments but if she really seems interested and you are too, just say hi im ___btw and shell tell you her name too. ask her if she wants to grab a coffee sometime since its low commitment and normal
drunk girls def do it more but i have been approahced during work ages ago since my uniform was a suit

Every guy has to do it. If you don't you'll be foreveralone. Chicks will never make the first move, they'll get dolled up and look you in the eye at most.

You'll get better at it the more you do it, you will also go numb to rejection eventually.

After being succesful like 3 times you'll feel like this duck anyways.

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>t-thanks, y-you too
But for real, what? Something like "thanks, you have pretty eyes" or something like that?
Then what? Walk us autists through this user.
You might think I am exaggerating, but this was a few years ago and until right now when you mentioned it, it has literally NEVER occured to me that complimenting her back would have been an option. That is how socially autistic I am.
I am fine once I get to know a girl, I've had good relationships. I just don't know what the fuck to do around someone who I don't know.

Just be cheeky
I usually get "oh user you goodlooking", my response are always cheeky and sometimes even weird, but only if im interested in the girl, if not i wouldn't even care in giving a proper respond

It's only embarrassing if you're an ugly fucker like that dude in OP

By fucking dozens and dozens of girls to the point that all physical contact is as casual as sifting through pages in a book.

>sometimes compliments are just compliments but if she really seems interested and you are too, just say hi im ___btw and shell tell you her name too. ask her if she wants to grab a coffee sometime since its low commitment and normal
So for something as simple as a girl complimenting my hair, if I responded by saying my name and asking her to go out, that's not creeperish? She's not gonna report me to her feminist army for verbal rape?

oh thank you whats your name insert quick small talk blah blah gotta head to class but I'd love to talk another time let me get your number

I don't
they approach me

What kind of cheeky response would you give?
Hmm maybe this is reasonable.

>If you don't you'll be foreveralone.
Can testify on this, I stopped doing it 3 years ago and I haven't touched a women ever since. At this point I just don't fucking care, women are not worth the effort an ugly guy like me has to put.

Tell her she has a pretty smile, 100% of the time she'll smile and giggle at which point you go in for the kill.

>oh user you goodlooking!

Let me smell your cunt!

>look you in the eye
that is their move it's literally an invitation

>stop walking
>turn to face her
>stare at her very intently, with a piercing expression, for a few moments, in silence
>say, sincerely and fairly slowly and very confidently and very calmly, "thank you"
>continue to stand there with a piercing stare until she responds
>if she gives another compliment, say "thank you" with the exact same demeanor as the first "thank you"
>continue to stand, staring at her with a peircing gaze
>continue doing this until she makes a move like introducing herself or asking for number
It shows confidence and dominance.

i mean if shes just saying a compliment and walking on/passing you by just saying thanks is fine but if she stops at you and starts talking sure give it a try. wont always work but it cant hurt. as long as you just keep it light

What if I say she has a pretty smile but she wasn't actually smiling and her response is "but user I'm not smiling"?

She was standing or sitting (forgot which) with a group of people on the sidewalk (an extremely wide sidewalk) and I was walking past, it was as I passed and I didn't stop, just glanced over toward her and thanked her

My usual response when thots call me goodlooking etc

>"hehe my mom think so aswell"
>"are you serious?"
>"so you saying there is a chance?"
>"Yeah i use my sister night cream daily"

Probably sound autistic, but everything i say is full of autismo i believe, only reason i get away with it is because i actually look good

Ahahahahahaha, that uggo ass girl was reluctant as fuck, you just know she dipped and lost that idiot immediately after

If she's fixated on you and taking the time to give you a compliment she was certainly smiling.

because they don't spend all day on french toothbrush collectors forum.

>>"hehe my mom think so aswell"
But better,
>heh thanks, I bet your mom would think the same, wanna have a 3-way?

sounds like you did the right thing. a lot of people just give compliments and girls do it more often. if a guy told you nice hair youd likely assume he was gay and if he did that to a girl she'd assume he was into her while girls/women kind of get a pass. just take it as a nice ego boost for the day in most cases

What if she was so awestruck that she couldn't smile? as if she was dumbfounded? with her mouth hanging open?

Many will not, or the signals will be so vague you won't be able to notice. I've found out about this afterwards.

But as said, really be honest yourself first. Would you bang yourself if you were hot chick?
If not, just don't hit on the 8-9-10s, you'll strike out every single time. Stick to the 7s and 6s.

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Well what if she wanted to actually talk and be friends, how would she indicate that to make clear its more than a compliment and rather an invitation to conversation?

Me to the left

This cute aryan loli comes up to me yesterday, we start dank meming in public, and then she says "You have a phone, I have a phone. So why don't I have your number?" I gave it to her and we just sent each other cursed images. So cuteeee!

true but i feel thats more daily life and people you see more often. if you are attractive enough random girls who see you and are interested will want to grab your attention because they wont meet you ever again
she will likely come up to you and stop you in your path or if you guys are in line at a cafe or something and are in a position where a conversation can be held and she starts talking to you

>she will likely come up to you and stop you in your path
Do girls seriously do this? Like if I'm just out walking down the sidewalk.

That guy is LARPing for real, girls thees days literally will never initiate anything with a guy, no matter how good you look, they all got social media for their daily validation so either you have to approach her or another guy on the internet will
This isn't 2005

>how to act like a confident and dominant robot

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Did girls actually randomly block guys paths in 2005 like the LARPer said?

it can happen. desu ive been out of the dating game for years and it did seem to happen more when i was younger and i guess more attractive as has said i may just be a boomer now who's out of touch but when i wore my suit i would get girls stop me daily to ask if i was a model and to say they've seen me in the store i worked at

>wore a suit

Dont know, probably since i hear his stories a lot from older guys, im 23 so i dont remember shit from 2005