Can you train to have hunter eyes

can you train to have hunter eyes

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Fuck me those are some fluffy tails. I bet those kitties would live a butt scratch. All cats do.

i see them commonly in very religious christians. could just be nofap tho

They would tear your hand off m8, they look feral.

I've tamed feral kitties before

They don’t look feral at all. They look like two well cared for Maine Coons. Look at their fur, those cats have humans taking care of them.

Right cat looks like he takes no shit from nobody but has a good heart
Left cat looks like he'll chill with you while plotting to steal your gf house and empty your bank account

no but u can bloatmaxx until your forehead fat passively squintmaxxes for you

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It could be.


Is the maine coon the most Jow Forums cat?
Post your maine coons anons.

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FUCK ive been doing it all wrong by twinkmaxxing, these are some next level hunter eyes

OMG SO CUTE ahahaha look at the fluffy little tails they're so cuddly hahahaha come here fellas hop into my lap hahahah cuddle time : ) :) :) :) :)


*but sorry, small black cat is the most Jow Forums

Got both user, black one is the boss despite being half the size

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Absolutely based

Based cutemaxxing cats

Post cute smol black cats

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haha, just like humans

10/10 would watch lovable hijinks


Have you tried becoming a hunter?
..., you fraud.

You just need to spend time looking at the sun every day. When the effect wears off just stare at the sun again.

Are hooded eyes the mos kino facial feature of all?

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nice try shlomo

Smol kitties are best

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Meet Blitzwing

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I have two. Here’s the fatter one.

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Cats take care of their own fur.

not fitness related

wanna guess how ur mom is fitness related???

>not fitness related

than we shall make it

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I prefer the Cairn terriers.

But if they are wild they don't have as much time for it when they have to spend time hunting for food. House cats look prettier because they don't have to do that.

my kitty is smol and lost a leg

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Fuck off. 4channel is all about caturdays.
lurk moar

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uhm, im not sure that's how felines work user.

Caturday motherfuckers

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Cats r amazing ty friend

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get better cat

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