This is what 2 years progress REALLY looks like as a true natty. Stop listening to all these retards posting about how they could squat 6 plates within 6 months.
"I had those lifts after 3 months"
"I looked like this after literally a week of training"
Yeah sure you did lmao
This is completely normal 2 year progress for white male natty lifters in the gym. Let's talk about it
>This is what 2 years progress REALLY looks like if you are low t with no discipline yes
Nicholas King
Wow, you must have shit genetics. I’m at the start of my second year and I look way better.
Charles Lee
completely normal progress for somebody who doesn't have a lifting program, doesn't pay attention to their diet, and goes to the gym a maximum of twice a week, probably to do cardio. fuck off.
Mason Barnes
no u just suck at fitness and eating right that's all
Zachary Richardson
really depends on how quickly you can progress on the lifts, this guy might have bottom tier strength genetics
Easton Butler
This is what happens when you bulk as skinnyfat.
Remember to cut first, fatties.
Joshua Murphy
You should've lost all that weight 4 months tops if you werent such a fucking pig Bad bait 2/10
Henry Peterson
Coper btfo
Elijah Barnes
Post your lift stats you fat cunt
Andrew Harris
I looked better than your "2 year" pic before I lifted a barbell for the first time in my life. Pays to be a healthy vegan who lives an active lifestyle I guess.
Owen Scott
My phone is dead but I'll show you my 0-6 month and it's more drastic than your 2 years, and I'm at 3 years now.
Tyler King
It's not me you retard. His name is Oskar or some shit, i found it on another site, but the point is that this is totally normal 1 and a half to 2 year progress for any white male with zero lifting experience
Charles Rivera
Peep that gyno btw
Ethan Taylor
With 0 lifting experience at the end of the two years as well, his one year looks like he has more fat and less muscle than his 7 month, and two years looks like someone who jogs and plays tennis in their free time.
Ryan Peterson
The guy is a fraud trying to slander SS saying it doesn't work for skinny fat and instead trying to sell his own program
Jackson Gonzalez
While I agree with you, I think that things could have been done to achieve mor ein the first year. Starting out just suicide cut to skelly (should take 2-4 months max if being super aggressive as in only eating 1000 calories a day and liss cardio 2x a day) then unironically do SS for 3-6 months with a slight calorie surplus to build a strength foundation.
Then either spend the remainder of the year doing hypertrophy heated training or move on to a better strength training program in order to get better lifts to them begin hypertrophy work with, anytime you get too fat up the cardio and/or slightly reduce the carbs. He’d be leaps ahead.
Nothing wrong with the way he looks at all. Any woman would say he looks "buff" and "hench" if she saw him shirtless. Only on somewhere like fit or misc is a guy like this considered to look pathetic and dyel
am scared too fren, it's gettin larger and larger monkaS. I might have to see a doctor.
Adam White
And Oskar himself said that he had no idea what he was doing and was on the completely wrong path. Why not post his pics from when he learned how to train right you dishonest faggot?
James Gray
Holy shit dude, I'm 6 month in and got a visible Sixpack, fuck just quit.
Black men who never lifted in their life have visible six packs, protruding pecs, and capped delts. What are you proving?
Leo Cook
>running SS for two years That's his main problem; if he had switched to a proper hypertrophy routine after 6-9 months of SS, rather than calisthenics, he'd probably look much better by now; that being said, is more indicative of natty progress