What are some good alternatives for maple syrup in my morning oatmeal?

What are some good alternatives for maple syrup in my morning oatmeal?

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>Maple syrup in oatmeal
That's fucking genius. I've just been using honey but fuck that now

Not joking

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Ikr, it’s soo good. But I’m concerned about how much sugar this adds to my diet and I was wondering if Jow Forums had some alternative for it

waldens farms syrup. the pancake is ok but the maple tastes like the real shit

Are you for real?

Yeah, I sometimes put raspberries or blueberries in it but they get all soggy after like 20 seconds and they don’t add much flavour they just sit there

Man, that looks pretty good, thanks user, god bless

>waldens farms

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1-2tsp of brown sugar
not nutritious obviously but the 4-8g of sugar is okay provided you're not a ketoid

anything thats not the syrup is disgusting. I bought that shit during prep hoping to satisfy my peanut butter cravings but it was horrible

I hope it helps. Maybe its just been so long since ive had real syrup that i dont know the difference anymore, but the maple one is good enough to eat alone. Just be careful with any of the other shit. Most of their stuff is pretty gross and tastes nothing like the real thing.

A pinch of salt you fat fuck

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Oh, never thought about that. I kinda like my breakfast to be sweet not salty tho. But thanks for your suggestion user!

Frozen raspberries.

>not making clearly superior savory oatmeal with fried garlic and spinach with low sodium onions sauce

onions based. not onions. Wtf just happened

I don’t see myself doing all that in the morning, but I may try it some day cause it sounds good asf

honey is actually natural and good for you...

I don’t know if I like the taste of honey that much, I only ate it once but I’ll try it

Peanut butter, down it all with a glass of milk. You're good to go.

>he needs his oats sweetened
never gonna make it

cinammon. but don't get that shitty processed stuff that has added sugar. Crush your own twigs if you can. Its so good and virtually calorie free

If you're doing quick/rolled oats, try honey
If you're doing steel cut, literally just cinnamon and salt is enough

Shit, I’m so dumb, never thought of that. I love cinnamon, WILL TRY!

Cocain or Heroin

Takes 15 mins at the most bucko. You’ll be glad you started your day off with a quality meal like dat


There is no good substitute for maple syrup

Scoop of whey