You do spice your food, right?

You do spice your food, right?

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all you need is pepper and salt, and cayenne pepper if you eat chicken

Go home Pajeet.

Go home norwegian

This post reeks of Midwestern white bread Y*nk

That' a lot of oregano

Attached: ienjoy.jpg (164x224, 11K)

OP thank u for the laugh I literally stared at Ur pic for like ten minutes laughing at all the oregano. Omg r u like selling them on the side to weed addicted kids who don't know shit about weed lool

Where else would I be posting from you stupid fuck

yeah, montreal steak seasoning on most my meats before cooking and salt and pepper for everything else. Maybe some hot sauce too.

My people conquered the planet so we could spice our food, so naturally.

And yet british food is still the worst in the world

not OP but if you're making your own red sauce you'll want some

Did u reply to the wrong person u retard. Fuck off faggot

are you gonna smoke all that weed?

shut it fatty
you need oregano in your red sauce

What is red sauce, user?
Pls spoonfeed

When you tards actually learn to fucking cook, you'll realise why the world was ran by spices and salt. They literally make food into cloud 9.

If you have good quality food spices make it worse. Like a nice steak, you should want to taste the flavour of the meat, if it’s low quality then spices help make it tolerable

Always go for overseasoning rather than under. It will save your food.

Good steak still benefits from salt since it helps bring out the savory nature of the meat and the creamy fat. But considering most of this board lives off cuts of chicken and ground beef, seasoning is almost essential

Steak is an exception.
Try eating eggs and chicken breast every day without seasoning, it's hellish.