Thinking about getting into sips, recommend me some good flavors with 0 calories. Do they make a good preworkout?
they're all 0 calories, retard
Just try them out you fucking retard. Good flavor is all preference. Raze energy is better anyways
If the sip Jew hasn't sunk his beak into you yet, don't let him. Stick with coffee
Boomer energy is actually surprisingly good i mix it with my creatine and send it before i lift
I still say the original Monster is the best-tasting energy drink ever made.
Ask your mom whom's cock tasted the most like an identifiable fruit and sip that you meme-fag.
I only buy white sips because they have the least food coloring
Aldi sips are better, same ingredients. Tastes a little different though, not sure if I'm willing to say if it's better or worse than the boomer monster (also they only have one flavor), but it tastes stronger than the boomer Monster (ultra white power) at least. I use it more as a nootropic to be honest, there's a daily dose of ALCAR, insitol, panax ginseng, taurine, and B-vitamins along with caffeine. Maybe if mixed with some creatine MH, beta alanine, BCAAs, and CoQ10, l-citrulline, phenylpiracetam, and a scoop of sodium bicarbonate it would be the ultimate preworkout.
Monster Energy Drink LLC has been shilling this board for so long. I was sure it didn't get them any business until I saw someone with a "sip addiction" post a thread the other day.
Bawls is better
Kind of lacking in the caffeine department for an energy drink but yeah it's delicious.
The shilling has unironically worked on me. They taste pretty good I think, so I grab one every once in a while now.
>tfw still never got to try yellow sip
>tfw very good chance it would've been my favorite
Also not a true sugar-free sip but Pipeline Punch is great.
>Ultra Sunrise
Fucking neat, I didn't know that was a thing. Definitely gonna have to look out for that one.
White>purple>orange >red>blue
Only zero cal. Not that juice shit
I alternate between ultra zeros and ultra sunrise. I mix in a bang every so often. Bangs give me more clarity but zeros taste better
Fuck /sips/, what you need is /dips/. Gets your blood pumping more than any energy drink ever could.
Sips flavor tier list:
>White power
>"Absolute zero"
>Paradise (most recent)
>Nitrous monster
>Red sip
>Purple sip
>All others
Khaos and assault are now obsolete due to unjustifiable beetus levels of sugar, but damn were they good in the heyday.
Never got to try vr46 unfortunately.
Currently on a bang addiction since walmart started stocking at 1.98 a can
saw this for the first time last night, my new favorite monster besides the white one. Just try what ever monster ultras that sound good to you they are all pretty good just depends on personal taste
I agree original green, its just got that zing that the zeros dont have
fug lad, I keep hearing about green sip being great but they aren't selling it here yet.
Honestly they’re overrated imo. They’re like a sour-ish watermelon flavor. I got 2, never getting a 3rd bc I like the orange, white, red, and blue more
get bangs instead monster is played out
I'm done with the barq meme, they all just taste like shit to me.
>Do they make a good preworkout?
Aspartame and synthetic flavors? Stick to coffee and tea and get some l-tyrosine if you need an extra push to workout.
I pour it in a drinking glass and chugg it makes it way better i agree that all the flavors are shit but its like 2 scoops of prework out for $2 and its already mixed.
>it’s like 2 scoops of preworkout
>thinks 2 scoops of pre for 2 bucks is a steal
>thinks pre mixed is somehow good due to laziness
What world do you live in?
everyone worrys about fapping cuttin yo dick off
this shit right here drink it and your nuts fall off
no joke
oh no
Buy more (((sips))) you filthy goys
No, ripper, assault and VR in OP's pic have sugar. In germany Assault has 18g Sugar/100ml.
Honestly this is why Bang and 2 aspirin is my preworkout of choice (otherwise black coffee)
What do the aspirins do?
Red-bull, supporting lithuanian Jews isn't a good idea
The Monster Zero ones are peak sips, honestly. Tastes amazing and will have you buzzing in like 10 minutes.
Crushing a set in that monster buzz would feel great but I only buy that when I'm driving. When the caffeine dies down I almost fall asleep on the road so I crack a new one.
Protect heart and vessels during demanding work, it really mitigates the chest tightness if you consumed the whole bang.
I'm not obese or at risk of stroke or anything, I just notice a real boost in prolonged aerobic endurance with a couple aspirin. I don't take it every day though. Swam 3 miles the other night on that combo.
It's Barq you idiot
zoomer spotted