>when some retarded dude or gal is doing barbell squats and they feel the need to thrust their hips forward at the end of each rep, resulting in one of the most retarded looking rookie mistakes in all of weightlifting
I think everyone who thrusts their hips forward need to be escorted away from the gym. Just this week I saw 4 different people doing this!
Bubble muscle bros trying cardio, cheating the stair-stepper by leaning all their weight on their arms.
Ian Wright
Saw a dude doing cleans on the smith machine.
Oliver Price
(Bettee believe all those "cardio bunnies" are mocking bubble bros failing at cardio in the same way this board mocks "thots" for doing "meme" exercises around the gym. Maybe you'd gain some mental health by broadening your perspective....will do much more towards finding loving relationships than pounding at diet and exercise, but ideally you do both.
Lincoln Morales
>thrusting hips forward >rookie mistake Louie Simmons would kill you if he heard you
Jayden Turner
Trouble is, they think it adds something to their workout so they do it purposefully, achieving the exact opposite
Joshua Ward
>cringe shit The spic that does barbell curls by using his legs and hips to jerk it up. Then looks around at everyone like he did something special. Looked at him the other day and just shook my head. Absolute moron. No surprise he wears gloves too
Gabriel Perez
Bu-but starting strength told me to do that
Ayden Phillips
it doesnt, westside does though
Matthew Adams
At this point I can't differentiate trolls from genuine retards so I'll take the bait. There is absolutely nothing wrong with activating your glutes at the end of the motion.
Jayden Walker
I hate people who obesses over what someone else is doing instead of doing their workout I never know who that is because I'm always focused on working out and the gtfo stay gay OP
Brandon Hernandez
This guys squats in split/sumo stance, drop like 1 inch to touch box with ballsack and they call this a rep. Give me a break. I like their approach to accessory exercises but overall westside are losers.
Hip extensors along with the abs are responsible for that posterior pelvic tilt/thrust. They are actually going through the full ROM.
You’re just an insecure fag that only does what Jow Forums tells you to do, and make fun of people who do anything different because you’re so scared of being wrong.
Jordan James
Last week some bro told me my barbell row form sucks, turns out he never heard of pendlays
Sebastian Lee
Yesterday this faggot was dumbell chest pressing 55s and was grunting loudly and dropping/throwing them on the ground like they were heavy. After he was done he carried them back ONE AT A TIME with a TWO HANDED GRIP. Did I mention this faggot had AIR PODS? If you're the faggot who does this, stop dropping the weights like a pussy.
Mason Lee
I swear to god some dyels actually throw the weights on the ground with force, Fucking niggers
Lucas Wood
Ive actually inquired into why some people do this and it is because of crossfit. Apparently for a rep to count they have to do that little maneuver at the start and end.
Benjamin Allen
I saw a thot squat on the bench press
Xavier Hall
240-270lbs Boomers drinking beer while discussing PCT in the middle of half-assed training with weights that my 110lbs wife would consider too embarrassing to grunt with.
And this isn't something that happens once a month, this is daily shit. Two fatasses that vocally give birth while cheat rowing 80lbs on cable row machine or while push pressing 65lbs. Every. Single. Day.
One time, the bar/gym/stable/conference center owners had run out of beer, so the fuckers bought their own case, wrote down their names on each bottle and filled up the fridge with their own shit. Wouldn't even give a shit about them, but they're a waste of perfectly good roids.
I'm older than they are, user. I'm a guy who brings his wife and kids to the gym.
It's a gym that sells beer and coffee at the counter, there aren't any zoomers there, period.
Kevin Myers
>brings kids >no zoomers
Jayden Lewis
people born after 2015 aren't zoomers, user.
>he's never seen a toddler learning to walk, because he was tired of standing cable lat pulldowns and wanted to play with the rope for tricep pushdowns.
My son could deadlift his own weight before he could say his own name.
Daniel Butler
It actually makes my ass flex so I consider it a good way to end the squat
Anthony Miller
>tfw your son can't say his name at 18
Aiden Brooks
people who stand around the equipment i want to use and talk instead of working out. douche bags that can't be bothered to put the weights away so it looks like someone is still using the equipment. girls that bitch about people checking them out when they are wearing clothes so tight you don't have to imagine what they look like nude.
Nathaniel Evans
>that guy wearing a baseball cap
Christopher Bell
the gym swami that wears leggings under shorts, base ball cap, hoodie with the hood up, and huge head phones. you aren't a youtube celery bro you don't need to hide your identity.
Besides seeing how sorry the military recruits are each year, for most part no problems. Worst tick is that faggot who stands right in front of the DB rack and does their exercise.
When the old guy is using the power rack. He is the only other person that ever uses it and there is only one.
Jordan Jones
But that way it feels amazing on the calves. You should try it
Benjamin Butler
Based boomers
Jace Martinez
For calves on stair stepper (actually one of the best ways for those with small calves to level up and overcome the boundary), still use your full weight, but instead of lifting your legs up for each step, spring up by pushing off your toes. You should be able to switch between different muscle groups being used during cardio based on technique. For example, running you can isolate either your glutes or calves.
Bentley Hughes
I hate people who slam their weights down theyre so autistic
Juan Sanchez
so what some dyel was in his zone, focus on yourself bud
>hating on someone for using airpods Earbud wires mess up my bench press setup
Carson Jones
The weight doesn’t move when you shove your hips forward at the end of a rep. You don’t achieve anything once the bar’s back at its starting height.
Hip lockout is arguably necessary when deadlifting because you can’t stand at the top if your hips aren’t through. Powerlifters exaggerate it to make sure they get white lights. It’s not necessary in a squat though because you don’t move the weight any further, and if you compete you don’t need to do it to get a white light.
Nolan Watson
>Bubble muscle the fuck is that
Luke Reyes
lost it at soon as I heard Ronnie say yeah budday
Michael Carter
I guess this belongs here.
There was a girl a couple days ago who for some reason was curling right behind me as I was squatting despite it being far away from the curling part of the gym. It made me uncomfortable but motivated me to do a few extra reps, so mixed feelings overall.
Seen some of dumb CrossFit stuff. Dudes using 4 dumbbells to balance on while doing pushups and shit like that
Landon Powell
I think just a non-native speaker. He has a point though I guess.
Juan Mitchell
Literally everyone over the age of 30 at my gym is an utter braindead faggot. I hate them all
Bentley Brooks
bitches that use the curl rack of squats
Thomas Rodriguez
>westside is one of the most if not the most successful powerlifting gym at winning comps >their technique allows them to get the most weight up within the rule set which is what powerlifting is >some cope machine on a chinese rice sorting forum calls them losers
Evan Anderson
People who squat in the curl rack
Lucas Hall
assholes who think they're entitled to monopolozie 3 stations with their retarded hiit style resistance training in a small ass gym
dude got me so mad last week I interrupted him mid set which I would usually never do
Levi Perez
Every fucking time I go in I see this fucking paj with some gay pony tail using 4 pairs of dumbbells, and almost 3 different ez curl bars all around his feet.
The dude hogs up most of them for the entire time he's there and then just leaves the shit.
I swear to fucking god they need to kick his faggot ass out.
>pic semi related throw in like 3 bars and another pair of 20's and it's what this asshole does.
>when my dog tries to walk in even though he knows hes not allowed on the mats
Wyatt Wilson
So you hate people doing the exercise properly ? The hip thrust at the end of the movement helps deliver power and reset for the next repetition in the set.
I understand if you mean people super over exaggerating the hip thrust where their pelvis nearly passes their stomach which loses stability and power but people doing this are usually women with 60 pounds.
I'm glad I use my military bases' gyms. Cadets get in massive trouble leaving shit around.
Parker Harris
Imagine thinking like this
Carter Hernandez
I'm glad I finally invested in home gym equipment. I don't miss a lot of this shit.
Adam Jackson
>Be me, new to weight lifting >learning the four main lifts >deadlifting lmao2pl8 > I get it done for 1X5 > form was all wrong, I was in wormchad mode >knew the other guys at the racks were probably thinking the same thing this thread is now IM SORRY IM DOING MY BEST I WILL FIX MY FORM FORGIVE ME
William Stewart
gym buddies who use 2 machines at the same time
while one dude was bench pressing, the other would go there and help him.The after he was done bench pressing they would rush to some other machine. I wanted to bench press so I removed the weights they had there. Manlet told me to wait a bit
gym buddies are a fucking faggots.just train by yourself and fuck off
Carson Nelson
Yeah but do you have the supreme facial physique Louie Simmons? I think not.
this could apply to this whole thread. I see shit that annoys me every time I step in the gym, but you'd be better off ignoring it unless it has a direct impact on your workout
Christopher Nguyen
The only thing that really bothers me is when guys do supersets with all the equipment during the busy hours. Just last night there was some dude doing bent over rows in the squat rack, dumbbell curls somewhere else and then doing the incline press while REEEEing when someone thinks they're finished and touches the weights.
Evan Fisher
Just do lower weight and more reps to get form perfect and then add weight, don't chase numbers when you're a newbie
Xavier Bailey
How can he put them away when he's so busy posting topless pics on his insta?
Landon Brooks
supersetters are the worse. Unless you're in during the graveyard shift of a 24hr gym, then fuck off with that shit. At my old uni gym, there was one squat rack. And sometimes in the mornings before class there would be this guy who was always doing circuits with a ton of different equipment. And he'd always get pissy at me for going over to use what appears to be an empty squat rack, because apparently I'm just supposed to wait around while he does everything else in the gym too.
Andrew Powell
boomers do that shit all the time in my gym
you can shame them easily by working in though
3+ pl8 always scares them off
Hunter Morales
I see this guy everyday using some weird very high top sneakers like the pic with higher, uses two different sport tracking devices and neon tight clothes to DO A SPLITBRO WORKOUT WITH LIGHT WEIGHTS
I really HATE the girl that goes to my gym in extremely tight yoga pants and a crop too and only does ass exercises. Then, after she gets a pump she poses in the mirror and takes dozens of selfies
Austin Myers
Nice projection manlet
Nolan Murphy
Lucas Ramirez
I like having a loose circuit where I change up the routine whenever someone else wants to work in, letting them use the machine. I almost always make up the missed sets and it's good to change it up sometimes anyway.
Jeremiah Stewart
The Boomer women using equipment you want to use that have five minute long conversations between each set
Liam Bell
I was high
Wyatt Butler
what a dumbass lol
Matthew Moore
aesthetics without strength
Hudson Walker
this is why i go at midnight.
Nolan Watson
This has happened to me also.
Zachary Wood
fucking gym twinks leaving weights on the barbell you do that shit one more time im gonna rape you gay in the shower!
you stupid nigger fuck stop forcing the 30 year old boomer meme this is your third or fourth thread for fucks sake when is it enough ? once you see a screencap on reddit ? People like you should be forced orange clockwork style to read threads similar in quality to this shit and then write an essay about it like tood fucking told you to. Bitch you probably dont go to the gym neither have you been lifting, ever. a thread died for this, then agian it probably was some no fap or tfw no gf shit but it is 10 times better than the fever dream of a story you came up with to get your little "hehe boomer" chuckle. I just cant wait for your reply, something witty and original like t. zoomer. You little shit just cant help but to barf up threads like this to get your little dopamine rush everytime you samefag "hehehe boomer". I am used to this shite ever since the greentexts frim Jow Forums stuff took off but jesus christ I would rather have Sneed posters up in this thread since they ATLEAST post some OC. But thats not you, you dont make OC, you dont contribute a little bit, overall your shit threads are a net loss in quality in every aspect. Stop making them, you little shit. "B-but the boomer meme has always been Jow Forums. No, no it hasnt, just stop
Kayden Richardson
>that guy who goes to the gym when he's clearly sick
I was sick whole week because some faggot decided to be """tough""" and spread his disgusting germs while doing shit in the gym. I hope that faggot ass cornholing cocksuker gets pneumonia and fucking dies
Don't give me that fucking bullshit about running being weak on your knees. If your knees are hurt from running you're either arthritic, or have shit form. Running with proper form is the best exercise for your joints to keep them going into old age.
What's more, you're not doing shit with that elliptical anyway. That mememachine isn't burning anything. It's basically like sliding across a polished wooden floor with your socks on.
If you're actually looking to improve, in any way, stop fucking around, put your God damn shoes on, and go outside and start jogging. Going super fucking slow is still dramatically better than fucking around on your slider machine
>pack of sandniggers arrive at the gym >all loud durka durka shoutinga t each other >most of the time skinny shitters wearing some soccer jersey like arsenal or something >gangin up in 3 at one place, talking instead of actually doing their set, checking instagram >filming themselves doing embarassing lifts >this one arab fuck was deadlifting and would just smash the barbell with the weights on the ground at the end of each movement creating the most annoing noise in the gym
I hate arab shitters I hate them I hate them
Evan Taylor
Am I missing something? What is he doing?
Juan Nelson
Nolan Walker
That's how women usually type, it's because they generally have lower IQ than men.
Julian Stewart
Really the only annoying people are the roided out muscleheads hogging the weights for like 10 sets.