>So why aren't you using steroids user? You'd look a lot better.
Natties, the fuck you doing?
So why aren't you using steroids user? You'd look a lot better
I really doubt youve ever talked to a woman before
I have. And you can too if you get on a cycle user.
Idk as long as you nattymaxx your physique it is more than enough to get girls, even the puny ottermode is 'jacked' for them. Also I'm afraid of fucking my hormones up, I'm young.
>he thinks natty is good enough
Don't lie to yourself.
You must have some incredible genes because roiding would otherwise give you acne and gyno and accelerate baldness, etc.
>he's such a manlet, so lazy, and such a genetic failure, with no discipline, he has to CHEAT and inject cow hormones, LOL!!!
Bruh you are delusional if you think any girl puts value in a guy being disciplined with lifting.
Delightfully devilish trips tho, check em
Body Dysmorphia
Post your natty body and prove us wrong
Women are absolutely repulsed by steroid bodies. This is not cope. You can ask any normal woman and they'll tell you. Anyone who says otherwise clearly doesnt interact with them.
Ottermode is peak physique for female tastes, but it's still second place under "handsome face and not fat."
I agree with you, but...
What form of autism is this?
Your turn faggot, guarantee you're a pussy.
It's amazing to me how you still have bitch tits.
Go get that shit fixed man.
Your waifus and dating simulators don’t count
Post your body now, since he did. Lets see the power of roids.
It's loose skin, used to be 300lbs at 15.
Maybe solo AI, or HGH can fix it.
If all of that fails, then surgery
The thing is, gear will make your nutrient partitioning much, much better. With all your nutrients organized and partitioned, your body is able to access its resources much more efficiently. This results is needing less protein intake, and the gains just come easier in general. Think of gear as storage totes organizing your nutrients.
>Smol hands
>bitch tits
Weird flex but ok, gonna be a yikes from me dawg
>You can ask any normal woman and they'll tell you.
Then ask them to describe a steroid body and they'll describe a pro BB with saran wrap skin, distended roid gut, and hideous veins all over. Meanwhile, they lust after celebrities who use gear without overdoing it and carry a bit of bodyfat.
Op mogged into the stratosphere.
I mire the fact that you managed to escape such a weight. Arimidex is cheap as fuck and it works wonders. I recommend it for e2, I can post bloods if you want.
As for your nips I think it's gyno and afaik it's irreversable so get surgery.
The next step for you is roids. If you have this much love for your body that you came down from 300lbs, why stop here?
>Being so insecure that you need to make 10 roid threads to justify juicing.
The fuck outta here
Nice gyno fag.
Lel, the only autist here is you.
I do want to progress dawg and I actually do consider roids but I'm only 19.
I want reasonable experience of bodybuilding as a natty.
Women dont like competition pro-bodybuilder bodies. The absolutely do love your typical gym rate steroid body
New rule: Anyone who wants to talk shit about roids must post body.
All the natties are experts on hormones and health but once they get asked to show their incredible body they hide or avoid. If ottermode really is peak aesthetics, why are you insecure about it?
10/10 comeback.
Remember, the ride never ends. Bodybuilding is a life time commitment striving for a perfect physique, a physique that nobody is ever going to achieve, THAT's the only reason we get up and keep going. Good luck on your journey, bro.
Not the same guy you're talking to btw, but I'd be satisfied with Omar mode, I have more aesthetic insertions so I think I'd look better with his size but the sad truth of the matter is, that is great progress for a natty and most people will not even achieve that
How has Jow Forums become so fucking pathetic that they're seriously responding to an obvious joke, like are you breathing through your fucking mouth? You actually think that's the body of the guy posting? Holy fuck this board sucks
Thank you pal, we need more people like you on this board.
We're all gonna make it.
Uhhhhh I am actually the guy with that body.
Yes It does look bad.
Yes I have gyno.
Yes I am a wristlet
No I won't stop lifting
No I won't give up
No I won't turn back to fat.
>the fuck you doing?
living past 40
this board is such a fucking shithole
it's filled with larpers, false flaggers and shills
if you are not 6'8 300lb with abs you might as well kill yourself according to the average poster in this shitty fucking board
if you are natty you are a fucking loser and if you are on roids you are chad
I swear this board is fucking lookism and inceldom incarnate nowadays.
Then leave and stop whining, sissy.
I’m way too vain to ever use roids
stop bitching about what I said fucking faggot
>no u
That's my point. Blood, sweat and tears for something that doesn't look all that impressive compared to your average roidhead?
I just can't understand why someone would want to stay natty.
Explain it to me Jow Forums.
Hardmode: Do it without using the word integrity, respect or hard work.
That shit don't matter.
Stop arguing over stupid shit while complaining about "the state of this board!!!" What happened to "being the change you want to see"?
Ego is the only reason to be natty. That and possible health complications that no one here actually has
I keep teeter tottering between wanting to gear and then wanting to be natty but fuck it. Maybe if I started at 16, but I m23 now. Cycling test will be the best thing I’ve ever done
>that no one here actually has
>Cycling test will be the best thing I’ve ever done
How sad.
Holy fuk. You natty?
That guy is a roiding manlet from /fraud/
I wish I could but legit harder to find than any other illegal substance
Its really not blood sweat and tears. Thats how you overtrain and plateau. Correct natty lifting is actually mega chill just excruciatingly slow.
Too many negatives to justify, a mate of mine got terrible acne and it scarred horribly. My numbers are very good without roids and if I wanted to be bigger I'd just increase my training intensity or diet.
I posted there once to explain the art of bodybuilding. Are you the fat powerlifter who squatted 500lbs? Also I'm 181cm
I’d rather live past 50 than be able to squat 600 pounds