No drinking motivation thread. Does the urge go away? It goes away right?

No drinking motivation thread. Does the urge go away? It goes away right?

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def goes away after about a week

i thought all my hobbies would be boring without but really its just the same

With all addictions, the urge never goes away. Just being honest. It never goes away.

bro just drink water it's not rocket science

That's not true.

Thank god I never have urges to drink, it definitely feels good though

I just hate hangovers too much to do it consistently, fuck that

Yeah, they get old. Plus it's nice to think before bed if you don't have reasons to be anxious.

Yes and no. It will eventually drift away as more abs more time goes. But I’m 2 years sober and to be honest when a bad bout iof depression comes, the thought to drink still lingers. But I got lots of experience now addressing the issues be finding health mechanisms to cope.

But probably what your feeling, yes, it will get easier

Quit being a total pussy. Nothing wrong with moderate drinking.

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not everyone can do that

It might and it might take a long time.

I feel absolutely no urge to drink and haven't for months but I'm also pretty sure that if I start then I'll drink for weeks straight.


i was drinking a 6-pack of microbrews per night for about 4 years and I was able to shake the urge after a week. I've drank 3 times in the past 3 months for special occasions and my life is much better.

It depends on if you are far enough gone to be dependent on it or not. I realized one day that I had incorporated a glass of whiskey into my post-work afternoon routine and had drank consistently daily for months, and then I just stopped. It was a bit of a struggle at the beginning because of force of habit, but it went away after a week or two of not drinking.
I'd imagine people with a physical dependency have more problems.

Not true at all

A six pack is absolutely nothing.

it's not a contest to see who can drink the most. 6 pack per night is a lot of beer and i absolutely felt the urge to buy that beer.

"Former" alcoholic here. I quit drinking Jan 1st. The first 2 weeks i still got urges pretty badly, but after that I don't really feel like it anymore. Just have ways to cope, especially if you have a shitty day

nigger i literary drink 2 litres of beer every nigh you fucking me, iget that mad pussy niigar i fucking trippin

If you work on whatever was causing you to drink, it will go away

I'm about 2 months sober, used to drink beers vodka whatever every night, mate left 4 cans in my fridge today no plans on skilling them

i mean it depends on the "level" of your alcoholism but yeah it will eventually

the hardest part for me is that all my friends still love going out and getting fucked up. i don't really have a "reason" per se to quit so it makes it that much more difficult to say no when they offer. Anyone else dealt with this? do I just need to find new friends now?

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Don’t have to quit if you never start

All addictions: the urge should go away if it is treated and you have dealt with the things inside yourself that need confronting/accepting/healing. If you still get urges, you are a time bomb, suffering through existence. Please, for yourself, get help.

Yes, eventually it'll just make you feel shitty and wish you hadn't had that beer or two, unless you get shitfaced, then take some hair of the dog, then you're right back on the wagon.

You never have a hangover if you don't stop, that's the problem. You do feel like garbage though if you drink for two days or more.

I meant off the wagon, my bad.

Absolutely true, haven’t snorted coke in 12 years and I still get the urge. Haven’t had a drink in 20 days and I really want whiskey right now.

It's all about willpower. Any addiction can be defeated. Alcoholics/junkies/whatever are a joke. If you want to quit, then do it. People that revolve their lives around a substance are pathetic.

It does go away. Chances are you'll even become disgusted by it instead

yeah i still have dreams where in my dream im doing coke or other stims, and in the dream i like need them to function or else i move all slow and shit.

Speaking of all of this shit, I haven't smoked weed in about two years. It's been a while. Mom sent me too.. weed rehab to change myself, in Florida. I guess something worked. But as user said, the urge never leaves. It is always there. On a side note though, I did pick up some acid last night and I am eager to take it. It's been a long time and I need the visions. Would prefer shrooms tho tbqh
pic rel used to be me

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based brain cirrhosis poster

Define urge? The cramps go away after a few days...

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I dont get it anons, I had a meh date the other day and at the end the girl said let me know if you wanna hang out again. I sent her a text letting her know I was still interested but got no response.

I tried lifting and meditating but I cant get rid of the feels? What coping mechanisms other than drinking and pr0n can I try?

stop having feelings for anything, and become a void; a machination capable of nothing but lifting.
and the point that which you do this is stop having
>coping mechanisms
just accept that they will come and go

makes one wonder how many lives were thrown away because of bullshit fatalist thinking like this

30 year old fag here. Nope the urge never goes away you just get used to compromise. Pick days you don't drink and decide how much you will drink on the days you do. Also drink something else like soda on off days.
>Inb4 b-but you will die from that
Fuck off kids you don't drink

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if you're a drunkard then yea it will
when you drink you want to drink more because you're a drunk
so you feel like shit all the time and drink to feel better
when you try to sober up you feel like shit and then reach for the booze because dealing is new and scary depending on how long you have been drinking
so you get past the initial physical addiction if you're in that deep and with professional help so you don't kill yourself if you're that addicted via withdraw
you get past the initial physical part then deal with the mental shit
where people try to sell you on all sorts of remedies and reasons
meanwhile you walk around and notice everywhere sells the shit, but drugs are bad and for bad people
not this drug apparently so everyone is a massive fag about it
you power through then get a few years under your belt then something awful happens and you might falter
you accidentally drink then feel like shit and maybe do it a couple of times
but you always feel like shit you never feel as good as when you first did it
and it's very very obvious how shit it is
then you just shitcan those thoughts that say run for the bottle when something is fucked

or you cave in and fuck your life up even more and are a bitch baby
or you do other drugs worse
or try to fill that void you somehow think is there, which really isn't, with other nonsense that everyone has sold you

the question is do you want to feel good or feel like shit?
if you want to feel good you don't drink if you're a drunkard
at all

Drinking addiction feels nearly impossible to get over, I drink handles of vodka like water and it's getting in the way of my gains.

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>I drink handles of vodka like water and it's getting in the way of my gains.

Switch to something weaker and taper down. It's the only way user.

Well it sucks to be those faggots with no self control.

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Why are you here?

Day 13.

Drink some tea instead, avoid being alone. If you really Jones that fucking bad go somewhere public where it would be weird if you were drinking and stay there all day doing something normal. Anyone asks you why you're loitering explain that you're an alcoholic trying to avoid being in a situation where you can convince yourself to start drinking.

Imagine giving advice based on the belief that you are totally average and everyone else is exactly like you. What an NPC world view.

addiction initially is not mainly about self control
if the substance is physically addictive that is
if not well then having bad self control will fuck you in many areas not just taking drugs

Stop drinking take GABA til physical shit is capable to handle and be sure mentally. The last part is just up to you. You can get a lot of warm words for it from different groups or meditation, but honestly It`s gonna be shitty emotionally with or without support.

I drank until drunk every day for ~10 years and quit 1.5 years ago. Still no urge to drink at all.

almost double those stats here
20+ years quit about 3/4+ years ago


Anyone ITT never want to drink because they know it tastes bad and the effects of being drunk aren't anything remarkable? Also, carbonation is awful, alcohol is expensive, and I've never felt any social compulsion to drink something I knew I wouldn't like.

I just started hating drunk me. I slowly started losing more and more control. Then to avoid embarrassment I started drinking alone. That was fine for a while until I realized I only got a few hours of extra enjoyment of whatever before I pass out listening to some song on repeat. Just made me cringe all the time so I don't drink anymore save for special occasions and luckily I feel back in control when I do these days.

There never was an urge. Alcohol is poison.

Yeah I went from drinking a case a day to not giving a shit.
Have a couple of beers with a meal, call it a day and move on. The desire does disappear. Over time. Could take a year.

Yup, you wanna know why you drink? Stop drinking.

Play it forward in your head. Don´t think about the drink, think about the consequences.

It comes and goes. There are days you don't think about it and all of sudden you see a drink you think how good it would feel to down it. I'm going on 3 years of being dry and it hasn't been difficult at all, just a bit boring at first. At my lowest I was drinking a handle of cheap vodka a day, wouldn't really come down, I just kept drinking to "function" so I wouldn't crash and burn. The part of my life is over though, and going back seems pointless. Just always remember it's mind over matter and that you're always in control.

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I've been drinking every weekend for the past 3 years. As soon as it's friday or saturdat, I feel an intense urge to get drunk. But once those days are over, I feel no urge to drink.

It never toes away completely. But the urge is reduced and easier to resist over time.

painkillers and anime are the answer

Enjoy the estrogen boost, lmao

Just lost my job to my drinking problem. For years now I have been drinking at least a 6 pack every night, often 10+ beers. On the weekends hardcore binges.
Day 5 and its tough, especially at night when the depression sets in. All these years of mistakes and shame are flooding back and I finally have to deal with my issues instead of drinking them away.
I quit for a month last year but I was just smoking weed heavily to deal with it. This time I get emotional like a little bitch with nothing but the thoughts in my head, but I'm managing. Saturday night was a tough one, somehow managed.

It goes away the second you find fulfillment in something better.

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Went to a craft bar, drank maybe 6 beers. Fucking feel awful today and all I've done is sleep :^(

>implying you're not totally average

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How did you lose it? Coming in late? (or not at all)

holy shit lol

I have kept a dry period of 100 days from Jan 1st each year for 4 years. This time I started early, 100 days before the years end, and I'm now considering at quitting fully. In my previous experiments the true urges have been gone after about 2 weeks. But then there is the biggest problem left: how to handle stress? My blood pressure at this stage was very high because I was overdue on relieving the stress the old way. After about 2 months you have developed a new routine and don't feel quite so stressed-out anymore. Your brain starts to realize that it has to cope the stress without the liquor. It helps to pick up a new hobby to fill in the time left from drinking. Thoughts about drinking will always linger but they aren't really urges and any sane person can say no to them.

Now after about 5 months I started to noticed that I don't build up stress almost about anything anymore. I like the newly found benefits a lot and it tempts me to quit fully but I also would like to go back to occasional drinking just to keep in touch with my buddies. I'm afraid that if I drink once it will quickly escalate to the old drinking pattern and to inability to cope with the stress while sober. I'm also thinking about going to pubs to meet buddies but only drink non/low-alcoholic beer. I hear it's a trending thing.

literally me

Probably smelled like wine, plus my performance was shit and I was constantly forgetting things, not something exclusive to work either. I feel like after a few years of near daily drinking my cognition has really suffered.

And how are those gains?

Decent. Dl is near 600lbs.

Reassuring. Thanks for the input.

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Same fucking way. Didnt drink last night because I didnt want the calories, doing the same tonight. First sober saturday in probably 5 or so years

If you pussies can't handle yourselves and drink moderately, then yes you shouldn't drink.

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>tfw only addicted to food and weed
Drinking and other things can be fun, but I've only really been hooked to food and weed. Currently fixing my diet and having success though. Still smoke too much but it's not affecting my grades in uni at all, and I haven't had any discipline issues so far when it comes to eating either.

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You can drink on weekends and make natty gains as long as you plan it out and fit it into your macros. One of my good friends is like 1/2.5/3.5/4.5 with monster cardio because he's Army ROTC, and he drinks on the weekend all the time. He's near autistic about his nutrition, sleep and lifting on week days though.

Just stick to low calorie high ABV liquor and diet soda if you have to make a mixer. Protip: Club soda/seltzer water is the best way to mask vodka. It's ridiculous how well it works, you can barely taste it through the sparkling water.

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>Always the drunkest in the room when my friends stop by.
They have to drive home so I get it but I kinda feel like shit

First time I tried quitting, I went 70 days and it surprisingly wasn't that difficult. Then it occurred to me that I hadn't seen most of my friends in 2 months. I ended up meeting up with 2 of my best friends and you know what we did? We drank.

Next time I quit I went 110 days, but the second I was out with these guys and the plan was to drink, I drank with them. It is very difficult to go for a long time being the only sober one, especially when alcohol doesn't seem to negatively affect their lives in any way. Only after I drink with them do I realize that it will ALWAYS affect mine.

Quit for long enough and you'll think that you're cured, but you never will be.

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Do you end up going back to some old habits?

The urge to drink will pass eventually, whether you drink or not. Grow the discipline to get through the urge by holding off enough times, and you can go the rest of your life sober.

Every time I went out and drank with them, I would blackout, wake up the next morning, drive straight to the beer store. The next 5-6 days would be a blur until drinking would no longer alleviate the hellbender-induced hangover, then I would spend the next 2 days red in the face, looking like absolute shit, clinging to life.

Once I hit day 2-3 of being permadrunk, I have no choice but to wait for the weekend to come down off it, because I would not function at work while detoxing.

All because I went out to celebrate someone's birthday one night, or some equally pointless excuse to drink.

I always thought I was a no off switch drinker, but I cannot say I have ever been that bad. Have you always had this bad of a relationship with alcohol user? I hope you are sober and happy now

It gradually developed over a few years until it got to this point. And thanks, I have been sober for a while now, and very committed to keeping it that way!

Mine got bad for a bit, spending weeks depressed and binge drinking 4-5 nights a week. Down to just drinking with the friends on Saturdays. My friends couldnt make it today so I have no problem just being sober this weekend. Good to hear you are sober man

It goes away completely. Dont listen to the doomers.

I gave it up completely 14 months ago and i never have the urge to drink anymore. You eventually realize that it's pointless and it's poison. You're literally poisoning your body and wiping away memory brain cells when you drink.

>cringe at the smell of vodka
>hate 90% of situations that involve drinking
>feels like my first time orgasming after taking a mouthful of vodka
How do I get rid of this pleasure?

buh resss

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t. satan

>Haven't drank alcohol in 5 years
>Was never an alcoholic or anything either
>Stopped drinking it because it's poison, tastes like shit, being drunk is pointless and I hate partying
>Also a huge moneypit
>People ask me if I drink and say no
>"Woah user! Why don't you drink? That sounds boring?"

Why does this always happen?

>With all addictions, the urge never goes away. Just being honest. It never goes away.
Not for me at least. I was a huge soda addict a few years ago, but I stopped and haven't felt tempted to have any ever since.

Why is there such a stigma against those that don't drink alcohol? Am I missing something? Why does it seem like people won't trust those that don't drink?

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after about 8 months without drinking any alcohol, you will realize that beer actually tastes bad.m

It's genetic, some people are just born alkies sadly and take extremely well to the boozie side effects. I'm one of them so I'm really careful when and where I drink because once I pop I can't stop. Just be glad you're gregarious and not an angry drunk and try not to drink often.

>that sweet, sweet release of dopamine after that first swig of beer
I only drink once a week because of this

i tend to only drink socially, which rarely happens since i have no friends. apple cider is my drink of choice. it actually tastes good. no more than one though since it's filled with sugar.

Not saying it's not unhealthy or an issue but if you can stick to JUST a 6 pack per night for 4 years then you have miles more self restraint than even a regular "functioning" alcoholic.

That is probably the lowest tier form of "alcoholism" desu senpai. Unless you are a 90lb woman you wouldn't even get properly drunk off of that. No shit you could shake it in a week.

Oh yes. I feel booze instantly then flatline til I pass out, a gift and a curse especially since I rarely get terrible hangovers. I'm just lucky I never let it become a problem.

i quit in november but still feel like doing it and I slipped up a few times. I really need to quit because I was having liver pain and eczema from drinking so much. the worst is the anxiety and paranoia, plus your body feels retarded from it they call it "dry drunk" I'm just looking forward to healing at this point. you have to keep saying no and keep focus on your goals and never forget the shame and hangover feelings because drinking is never fun like it was before addiction ruined your life.

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Do you addicts enjoy the taste of alcohol?

I didn't know Post Malone was in Nam.