>walk into gym
>see a bunch of minorities
>walk out of gym
Walk into gym
Other urls found in this thread:
>Not mogging all of them
>walk into gym
>see this dude
>i want to help him but I don't even know where to begin
and I thought packs of minorities were bad...
Home gym ftw
>>walk into gym
>>see exactly no minorities, ever
>>lift shit with people who's 7th great-grandparents were some of my own ancestors.
Feels good, man.
>walk into gym
>summer season is starting so it's full of german cyclists
>at least ten of them hogging the racks, doing 30+ rep squats
>didn't even have the decency to change their outfits
>whole place smells like death and sounds like gibberish
>towels, phones, bottles on all the equipment
All that pompous arrogance and they still act like niggers, drives me insane.
>Walk into the gym
>see this crime against the nature
what do?
I don't get it. What's the problem?
Only one pl8? Squatting in the curl rack?
>walk into gym
>see a person
>walk out of gym
the problem is more holistic than just the pl8. I mean look at him, just look at this cocksucker and tell me there's a god
Why are there minorities in your home?
>Why are there minorities in your home?
His wife took few refugee "kids" for her and few for his daughter.
I've been here for 3 long months now and I still don't get this
Good stuff OP.
First time I ever saw a minority in my gym was also the day my locker was broken into and robbed.
Fair point
This is honestly worth changing gyms over
Why would you ever put your fucking water bottle on the fucking SAFETY PINS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Based user. Don’t let those stinky brown people ruin your workout with their awful odor. Luckily I go to Anytime so if I was in that situation I could literally drive 5 minutes down the road to a different location.
>those stinky brown people
Those "stinky" brown poeple smell 100 times better than you fucking albino trash. They also are railling your oneitis or your wife with your daughter right now.
smelly shitskins you wish you were white
Why? To get cucked by litterally every brown person openly? You people have no spine, no guts. I could fuck your gf right in front of you and not only you would do nothing, your gf would enjoy the shit out of me. Just look at instagram, all your 8+ are fucking supperior brown dick. Just look at the pron, same thing. why do you think white women vote to bring more brown people. Coincidence? I think not. The fact is that browns are more sexually attractive to white women, than white males. Period. It's that simple, and it doesn't take a genius to see that. Evidence is all around you.
Not that guy but the reason for the things you listed are the Jews manipulating gov't officials in those countries. They were convinced that they need more people so the housing market doesn't crash amongst other things
Also kill yourself pls
holy fuck
butthurt kneegrow detected
>walk out of gym
>Walk into Equinox
>Every minority is the "respectable type" who made it into a good school/is child of an oligarch
>Make friends
>Claim you support diversity
>Really just classist elitist
It's just a forced meme
minorities usually have horrible lifts and smell like dead animals and shit after 10 minutes
Indians and Black's are the worst but Asians are the most annoying (shit weight at low reps that they continue for hours, completely monopolizing a rack)
>walk in gym full of minorities
>"wow you are very strong sir"
>"Thank you"
>continure lifting
Girls avoid gyms with a lot of minorities which helps me focus on lifting. Minorities is my new friend now.
Your mom is a forced meme
>walk into gym
>so out of shape i'm already exhausted
>crawl out of gym
Don't know why but niggers just naturally always smell like shit.
It smells like white girls squirt. Whit*d
This guy and his vocaroos are some of the funniest things that I've heard yet.
More like day-old sweaty rags and weed lol
>be in gym
>see some skinnyfat looking motherfucker peek into our gym
>see him flee in terror
>loving minorities so much you abandon your own gains so they can more easily get theirs
Sweet and wholesome but NGMI
my theory is they dont shower regularly and are too dumb wipe their own ass properly.
>stays DYEL
What a good story
>namefag is too new to understand this forced meme
This isn't reddit.
they should make a no white people gym I bet you could do that without getting sued
if you steal this idea fuck you
ayyy, me too, bro. i lift before work and compared to doing it after or late at night there are NEVER any non-whites. niggers don't go to the gym at 5am. that's the white man's time
>no white people gym opens up
>niggers prop the door open after hours and let in the whole hood
>clouds of ditch weed smoke blowing out
>windows rattling from the bass
>police show up
>five niggers pull guns, fifty niggers die
>no white people gym closes down
I seriously never wished that
Nothing to get my dude, this is Jow Forums's version of the fingerbox meme
>go outside
>see minorities
>see women
>get angry
>think of this the entire day
What can one do at this point?
>go to nephew's soccer practice
>niglet on team
>does nothing but engage in monkeyshines
>sheboon mom or sister or grandma (or all three-in-one, who the fuck knows, look up nigger incest stats) laughs
>coach is about to pop a vessel holding in his desire lynch the fucker
this town used to be all white just a few years ago. god bless progress
Shitskins in the gym are almost always fuccbois.
>homegym master race
>be on treadmill in white town in a black city
>negroes enter gym
>get off treadmill and leave gym
you can fucking have it darkeys
What does this mean
Happens every time
At this rate I will never get in shape
bros I used to do the same thing. Here's how I got over it.
I went go to the gym and just cycled on the stationary bikes for a while. That's it. Nobody judges you on the bikes. Then I'd reward myself with a soft drink or something.
Did that a couple times. Then I started to go on the treadmill for a while. Same idea. Then machines, and then free weight. Took a little while to get comfortable going to the gym without feeling like I was being judged, but I did it as an underweight dude and I'm sure you can as well.
Protip: Get some earbuds and listen to your favorite music. Makes it easier to relax and zone out.
>walk into gym
>see a bunch of minorities walk out of gym
>walk into gym
>see a bunch of minorities
OP is a pussy
i am legit impressed this thread is still going. if this was /v/ or /tv/ some tranny mod would have deleted it immediately while dialating with a black dildo.
Wtf is dialation?
>wear ear buds while working out
>they get all sweaty and manky and disgusting within a few sessions even after they’ve been cleaned
shitposting threads always last on Jow Forums unless they are extremely obvious political shit bait or /tv/ cunny threads
>muh boogeyman of the month
kys retarded newfag
>mods do more work /tv/ and /v/ than Jow Forums
Google it, you're in for a treat
(when a guy cuts his dick off and turns it into a zombie 'vagina', the wound has to be prevented from closing or else all of Dr. Shekelsteins work is wasted)