The guy from art of manliness has been doing starting strength for four years now...

The guy from art of manliness has been doing starting strength for four years now, being coached by mark rippetoe himself as well as elite-level coaches and has competed professionally, reaching an OHP of 215, 315 bench, and 605 deadlift, and he doesn't even look like he lifts

how the fuck can ss be marketed as anything but a scam? what an absolute fucking disaster, could you imagine lifting with elite coaches, competing, training for four years, all for THIS? as far as I'm concerned, this is the final nail in the coffin for fucking "strength training", if you want to actually look like you lift, you need to avoid ss at all costs

how? how tf can you lift for years and still look like someone who has never entered a gym? I am fucking amazed

Attached: art of dyelness.png (941x749, 781K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Almost like he doesnt train for aesthetics.

you got a pic of him shirtless? the picture doesn't give that much to be honest

there are no pics of him shirtless to my knowledge, he's a married mormon so i doubt there are any

setting aside the fact that everything you'll ever read about SS states over and over that aesthetics aren't the goal, he still looks decent to me.

Attached: 1.png (1362x816, 1.49M)

Dude really

Wasn't that hard

He was in my recommended like yesterday and I was going to make the same thread

almost as if strength training is a waste of time for looking good huh

>Almost as if

>because they have different goals than mine it means they're getting scammed

>capitalizing it

How the fuck can you have those numbers and look like that? what went wrong?

That does not look like the chest of a man who benches 315

Art of manliness is the biggest cringe shit ever

probably because he couldn't bench 315 in 2015.

>buh strength is mostly muscle.

Fucking kill yourself strength-cucks.

maybe because strength is specific and doesn't really mean shit when it comes to looking muscular
really makes you think doesn't it?
almost as if there are superior ways to train for looking good...
that's the reality of strength training, you focus on the lifts you do, you get better at them, even if you gain next to 0 muscle you can put on dozens of pounds on the bar.

>he can't recognize phoneposters
fuck off newfag

>The guy from art of manliness has been doing starting strength for four years now
no he haven't

>seething strengthcel

He means he's actually trained by one of the starting strength coaches

>maybe because strength is specific and doesn't really mean shit when it comes to looking muscular
this is exactly why you need more than "le big 3" and why you need to rotate your exercises from time to time.

post body with timestamp

post body

Ah. Didn't see the date

There are powerlifters out there with a more developed chest though. He has solid upper body strength with his OHP being just shy of 2pl8, but you would think his bench would be higher. Just seems like he neglects it to compete with other lifts or something to me

Attached: maxresdefault(12).jpg (1280x720, 81K)

Post penis. Post penis with penisstamp, bucko.

Training for strength or aesthetics makes no difference if volume is similar.
Post a video of him doing those lifts.

>Just seems like he neglects it to compete with other lifts or something to me

He does indeed. Because ohp is used in "strengthlifting" meets instead of bench.

>Be beta male whose idea of manliness is 1950s suburban dad
>Make a blog for other beta males and onions boys
>Get a literal cuckold as a coach
>Manliness overload.jpeg
>Fast forward 4 years
>Still dyel
>Get shit on by chad who has only been lifting for 3 months

>how? how tf can you lift for years and still look like someone who has never entered a gym? I am fucking amazed
Strength training and bodybuilding are not the same thing.
Strength training and bodybuilding are not the same thing.
Strength training and bodybuilding are not the same thing.
Strength training and bodybuilding are not the same thing.
Strength training and bodybuilding are not the same thing.
Strength training and bodybuilding are not the same thing.

he forgot to eat

He's autistically obsessed with old timey manly guys, and fellas like Sandow didn't like "over developed" pecs. I assume he's going for a similar look

high volume explosive 12x10 exercises daily will build joocy muscles
nothing else will

>There are powerlifters out there with a more developed chest though. He has solid upper body strength with his OHP being just shy of 2pl8, but you would think his bench would be higher. Just seems like he neglects it to compete with other lifts or something to me
Powerlifters that are advanced usually do a lot of upper body volume, programs like sheiko have a lot of benching and assistance work too
That's possibly the only way I can see anyone making upper body gains while powerlifting.
Meanwhile you can do nothing but bench press for sets of 5 and keep getting stronger without gaining a single ounce of muscle.>Training for strength or aesthetics makes no difference if volume is similar.
explain the enormous masses of dyels who fell for strength memes on this board then
the only ones who look "aesthetic on strength programs are the genetically gifted and the ones on gear.

>explosive exercises
>high volume

gtfo crossfit fag.

Sandow didn't like overdeveloped pecs because he developed his proportions based on Greek style statues. The guy must not have been that autistically obsessed since he has erred on the side of powerlifting than old timey bodybuilding

Who the fuck does SS for more than a year?

Army pal of mine would do upper body daily like that every evening (concentration curls, pendlay rows, DL, lateral raises, shit like that) and sprint for 4 miles in 400m intervals in the morning.
In 4 months he became a big guy 4u, 48" chest and a 28" waist fuaaa I'm gonna do the same

Sorry to break it to you, but this is what a natty looks like at this strength level.

You have been watching too many fake nattys and it skewed your perception.

There is no such thing as "training for aesthetics", training for strength also improves your 10rm, 12rm etc, the only thing that matters is strength and how you achieve it doesn't matter.

The bottom line is, only a chest big enough to bench 3pl8 can bench 3pl8.

>(concentration curls, pendlay rows, DL, lateral raises, shit like that)

Those are not "explosive" exercises. The olympic lifts and their variations are explosive.

cope harder, plenty of natties at that strength level look far better

Are you gay dude? It's about being strong who cares how

There are hundreds of natties on Jow Forums that look 100 times better than this fake, basedish "masculinity" fagget

>Are you gay dude? It's about being strong who cares how
It's almost like most of the people lift for looks...........................

right brah but fuck semantics you know what I mean
I just wanna look aesthetic in clothes without being a total weakling

Angles, lighting, pump, bodyfat
not wearing a shirt helps
how can you be sure

Post a video of you benching 3pl8 and deadlifting more than 6pl8 and then we can maybe have a discussion
I swear to god these fucking discord trannies shitting up this board need to be euthanized.

Attached: 1546977124795.jpg (641x491, 43K)

That's just his genetics, nothing to do with strength or aesthetic training. Jonny Candito trained for strength and looked like this

>grey hair
How old is he?

>how can you be sure
Gee i wonder how.................

Also Candito is much leaner

>Post a video of you benching 3pl8 and deadlifting more than 6pl8 and then we can maybe have a discussion
Post a video where you stick a fucking dildo into your fucking asshole.

High reps are the only way to build mass, this has been known forever

I'm not joining your degenerate crossdressing incel harem if that's what you're after.

Attached: discordtran.jpg (3640x2140, 993K)

>the only ones who look "aesthetic” are the ones on gear.
Fixed that you for famalam.
Nobody looks your version of “good” as a natty, stop using Instagram and YouTube fake natties as your standard.

Attached: 359CF366-9A9A-48CA-A1AA-D73665039101.jpg (2000x2000, 190K)

It’s not the routine that makes people look like shit. It’s their diet. If you seriously listen to people like Alan Thrall, Candito, and Rip on their advice to drink a gallon of milk, eat 4000 calories a day, and only focus on lower body, you’re gonna look like shit.

Plenty of normal gym goers who get stronger at a slower pace because they eat normally and place more volume on pressing movements

It's almost like bench, ddy, and le squatz are not enough to stimulate most muscle groups and they need a direct work to grow. Almost.

What's his height?

kys vain faggot

it's a tough pill to swallow I understand, but that's why so many people hop on gear after maxing their natty strength and not looking like their favorite youtuber.

Why not? Cmon don't be afraid. Trust me soon you will start to enjoy and CRAVE cock in your boipussy.

Honestly they are enough. But you need more upper body volume. Legs grow relatively quickly

Two retards fighting

>he doesn't even look like he lifts
Thats because all you normally see is drug users.
A natural powerlifter will only look fat or regular at best.

see jeff nippard vs jonnie candito

How fucking bad do you look?

>Honestly they are enough
Doubt it, friend. What about, for example your delts or biceps? Lats? Traps? Do you really think ddy gives enough stimulation to your lats to make them grow, esp when compared with, say simple pulldowns?

And you can eat like shit as long as you cut when you're done bulking instead of permabulking to 25+%bf

meanwhile a natty bodybuilder will look good
that's the whole point of this discussion, powerlifting or strength training is a waste of time if aesthetics is the goal

pretty accurate post desu

Attached: 1466449137458.png (600x600, 812K)

explain this then
guys who had no fucking clue how to train, following their own instinct, absolutelly 100% natty since roids weren't even synthesized back then, and their diets weren't ideal
they look better than all these dudes who are being trained by "experts"
why? because they trained like fucking bodybuilders you fucking retards

Attached: unknown.png (452x457, 232K)

Nah, I rather be natty powerlifter than bodybuilder. Ive known many bodybuilders that kept up for years being natural and you couldnt really see the difference from the regular gym-goer till he started cutting for a competition.
Being natural sucks arse and whatever you go for you will never look "good" in anybodies eyes because drug users will always beat you, even if they only uses test boosters.

Attached: 2ldenj.jpg (640x845, 108K)

delete this

low bodyfat makes a big difference

explain this then
every single guy posted here looks better than all the strengthcels in this shitty board
how can this be? because they trained fucking hard and didn't give a flying fuck about "strength programs" like nerds here do.

Attached: indian bodybuilders.png (453x457, 173K)

Did you took their height into your consideration, sir?

But those dudes are low bodyfat in those pictures, put them on the guy in OPs pics bf% and you wont see much difference.

Sorry, let me clarify. I don’t think you shouldn’t hit stuff like curls, pull-ups, rows, and stuff like that. Those are still tried and true movements. I was just saying shit like bench is GOAT for chest and memes like chest flies are pointless.

why are you doxing yourself
if any of these retards on strength memes actually cut down enough to see their abs their strength would plummet though and they would see how little muscle they actually have.

You are aware that marky boy has authored other routines, right?

>being insecure enough to care about "looking good"

bottom right was 6'1 and 210-230lb

>ever not looking like shit

Attached: natty.jpg (1244x711, 180K)

>little muscle they actually have.
I dont think you understand what powerlifting do. Natural BB or PL people will both plummet on low bf%.
Why are you so passive aggressive about this subject? Its like you hate people who can lift heavy things.

I think he had shit fatmans genetics. I bet his parents are full on burger mode.
He's in permanent barrel mode. He does look manly like John Wayne type.
I also think he does 0 cardio.

not just that, you can CLEARLY see that their delts and arms mog the guy in the OP, no fucking contest.

Attached: unknown (1).png (450x457, 237K)

Post body and lifts with timestamp aesthetic boy

>6'1 and 210-230lb
pretty nice for a natty, tbqh.

>Post body and lifts with timestamp aesthetic boy
Post penis and asshole with a timestamp, faggot boy.

I don't think you know what you're talking about, there's more to strength gain than myofibrillar muscle protein synthesis, much more.
It's like you are just being emotional and trying your very hardest to deny reality which is that bodybuilding type of training is far superior for muscle growth.
Why or how you even try is beyond me lmao, anyone with a brain knows that if you want to train for something you should actually train for it since it will give you best results.

I already posted bodies here, guys that were 100% natty and mog the living shit out of all your precious little strengthcel fat fucks who literally are trained by other people and still look like shit(LMAO)

>anyone with a brain knows that if you want to train for something you should actually train for it since it will give you best results.
But this is what ive been saying all this time.

>OHP of 215, 315 bench, and 605 deadlift
why is his bench so low compared to OHP and deadlift?

Literally how my grandfather looked his prime and my only goal to be that barrel chested manly appearance and pure strength .

bottom right looks like an Indian Bugez

then why are you even arguing with me?
strength training is a waste of time if you want to look good, this is a fact considering you can just make BETTER gains by training like a bodybuilder

Every one of those trained for strength

>Wow, I couldn't even use a screwdriver to hammer in nails! Screwdrivers are a fucking scam.

What ive said in this thread is that powerlifters will look fat and that bodybuilders will look like regular gym-goers. Both will look pretty much the same if they cut down. Ofcourse the bodybuilder will look better but it wont be too noticable.

Bodybuilding program / Powerlifter program, they both need the same shit its all about how you train and for what purpose.