/PLG/ Powerlifting General

Before you ask your retarded question about what program you should run, make sure to read below. This was polled by the 30 strongest users in PLG on what they deem to be acceptable or great programs. Novice programs aren’t included as you shouldn’t be focusing on powerlifts as a novice.

There aren’t too many universally accepted programs, however, the go to recommended program is running PH3. Voting was almost unanimous. Once you complete the cycle, feel free to start back to week 1 as this week is relatively easy and acts as a deload. You can typically run this program at mid to late intermediate, all the way into advanced and elite levels of strength. The good thing about this program is you can run it for years without stalling. It simply works. Available for download here. dropbox.com/s/ibp3e6w9vzkrvc9/Ph3 Programming (As of 4-7-2016).xlsx?dl=0

Smolov is another program that can do wonders for your gains. It came second for the top ranked PLG program.

Third ranked program is Canditos squat program. Available for download here. canditotraininghq.com/app/download/964456972/Candito-9-Week-Squat-Program.xlsx

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Other urls found in this thread:


food is the best substance for PURE ANABOLIC GAINS. you only downplay this because you're an emaciated, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing daily caloric intake.

nobody gives a shit that you can stay lean as fuck and peacock your little dainty fairy boy abs around for girls that won't ever see them. nobody cares about those needles you stick in your ass that don't do shit because you don't eat enough.

eating. food. is. king.

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bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.

nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".

bench. press. is. king.

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btw, OP is a balding, chunky manlet with bitch tits. he is known as 'pube head' and would thank you very much to refer to him as such.

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eating is a crutch for the talentless

>2019 + 3
>still doing powerwaddling
>doing weightlifting assistance lifts as your "sport"
>being fat
>being slow
>being weak outside of sport-specific range of motion
>not being a savage and launching weights in the year at maximum velocity

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I took extra liter of milk, 3 eggs and spoon of peanut butter for the sake of this post but now my farts smell like death.

based, eating some chocolate cookies right now

So I can deadlift your olyboo total.

The price we pay

I squat more than you

please we both know you can bench his total.

Prove it

What's your best squat (real squat, not the powerlifting bullshit)?

My best worst squat is 250kg, I've done 235kg highbar, but can probably get 240+ on a good day.

>Not using this gif instead

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Less than me and you've trained for several more years.

How long do you think I've lifted for and how much do you squat?

lmao I fucking love you MA

Based (and redpilled).

Might walk to the cornershop and purchase some cookies.

Bit chilly for a walk today but I'm still going, like a big boy.

Also, fuck you MA, I might end up buying some candy.

what kind

Trip choc desu

highly based, chap

based and powerbloating general

>daily reminder to cut

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>450grams of beans
>a 120 gram sausage
>followed by 140 grams of oats with milk and cookies

gonna shit myself lads

>from head full of hair built chad to balding twinkcel


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>still twice as much hair

That’s the power of steroids

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You can definetely get really strong by getting big and fat. But as the saying goes, you'll only get to choose two;


Holy shit, he looks so much like a friend of mine in the left pic it's unreal.

Post a picture of him

you are so desperate for outside contact that you asked strangers on the internet to post pictures of their friends both of which you do not know.

>ou are so desperate for outside contact

Actually, lower bodyfat increase your test.

t. 88kg @ 6'3"

Who here /bloatsley/

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Oh god. Haven't had choccy milk on years. Had some great chocolate croissants this morning though.

do not engage pube head. report him and move on.

love me cooki
love me isley
simple as

>grug squat low bar
>grug hip hurt
>grug squat high bar
>grug hip no hurt

should i put any effort into making lowbar less painful or just stick with memebar?

>grug squat lowbar
>grug hip hurt
>grug squat highbar
>grug hip hurt and back explodes

is grug genetic cave-in?

.t shit bench, shit squat, shit deadlift, shit every other lift, shit body, shit hobbies, shit job (jk you don't have a job CUEEIHEMAGTTSTWCBTHABOLAWACSYA [Called Up Every Enemy I Have Ever Made And Gathered Them Together So That We Could Burt The Hatchet And Bond Over Laughing At What A Colossal Sperg You Are]), shit life.

Get a hold of yourself, quit the delusional LARPing on an Laotian Man/Boy Love Enthusiasts' conclave, post your no doubt pathetic body and lifts, fuck off to get your life in order, and stop being so predictable.

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number one priority is no injuries
everything else is bonus
do highbar if lowbar is impossible
good vibes user

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literally me, low bar hurts my hips and shoulders, high bar hurts my back.

said everyone that has a fat friend

Who here /postponingcutandcryingthemselvestosleep/

am I the only one here who does not drink, smoke, eat shit and sleep 9hours a day by simply modifying my mind?

who here /strugglingtocutduetoinabilitytorefusefriends’highcaloriedebauchery/ ?

>.Called Up Every Enemy I Have Ever Made And Gathered Them Together So That We Could Burt The Hatchet And Bond Over Laughing At What A Colossal Sperg You Are

Kekked and checked

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>my little bitch just can't get over his obsession with me

considering the fact that THIS is the loser behind these boring posts, it's not surprising. how fucking embarrassing that this limp dicked piece of shit *always* spergs out whenever he's reminded of what a loser he is lmao

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You also forgot, bench over 2 plate.

>high bar is the memebar

now you're just baiting

>I have no reasoned response or counter argument to defend against the stone cold #Facts you just savagely BTFO'ed me with!
>I know, I'll post buzzwords and memes and hope no one notices how utter butt devastated I am!

Oh god, these autismal tears, they are delicious

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why are you so skinny?
im 6'1" 102.5kg

I'm 18 and want to stay lean for now. Also I have no legs but I bench 120kg x6


Not gonna make it.

>highbar 375 x 15
>highbar 420 x 8
Am I strong yet bros or still twink dyel?

>I have no legs
sorry for your loss :'(
i have 2 of them, and they are rly big

So you have no legs and no upper body mass. You're just a twink.

pls be kg

I wish

I have upper body mass. I'm pretty big for normie standards, and you can't be all that small with 120kg x6 bench.

No bully :(

>and you can't be all that small with 120kg x6 bench
*hehs in 72kgs*

>you can't be all that small with 120kg x6 bench.
Are you arching like a cat and using wide grip?

kid in my gym, that 16 or 17 years old, 73kg lifts 180kg at dl, 115 on bench

The younger you are (assuming you're past puberty) the better progress you'll make. Relative to starting age.

is the cailer woolam dude natty?

Doing sports early makes gaining muscle and strength easier later in life as an adult.

On 100% natural testorerone protein supplements.

>please respond to me, sir

yawn. tl;dr. it's long past time for your to kys, manlet dumb fuck.

How long until I go from Average to Savage?

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What about OHP

This is now a Blondie thread.

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If you had a more positive mindset about your recovery you would be healed by now. I guess you don't have the attitude of a winner.

>Question: Do you have any advice about how to train when injured?

>Jim: Focus on what you CAN do, not what you can’t. The attitude of a winner.


app looks good, what is it?

mb ios? im in fitnotes in android. it's functional but ugly as fuck, haven't found anything better.

Blondie has a giant gay head and you eat dicks.


>Blondie has a giant gay head and you eat dicks
t. homosexual INCEL

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Calling Fitnotes ugly is a stretch, the worst thing is a lack of a dark mode.


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That is #1 projection material, fucknuts.

I’m disposing some Norman khan right now

Just realized I didn’t dispose any this morning

This Norman khan is weird though

Hard to describe

Thought it was gonna be Norman khannarrhea by the way my stomach was feeling moments before heading to the toilet but so far it isn’t

Yes it smells bad but not the usual stink

But stinky none the less

Put your head in the toilet and flush

>homo projecting homosexuality onto others

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Nope. As you can see. Barely any arch, pretty much just retracting shoulders, and very close grip.

I have like a 6'4" wingspan but grip the bar about half a thumbs length from the smooth.

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You're that tw*nk that does nothing except bench and thinks 120kg is good

>me on the floor

lol i'm like 5'7 and my arms look longer than that. Who are you kidding?

Are you the fag that couldn't believe someone could bench 130?

Men are talking now sweety

Just saying you can fool others but not me. I know all your manlet tricks.

>need to finish my 300gr pasta from this evening and eat 4eggs to complete my day

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my wrist hurt just by looking

>manlet can bench 120 x1
>this that's worth posting

Grade A projection. 120kg is not my max, and I only posted the pic because someone asked about my grip/form. And I'm 6'3".

Why? My wrists feel fine. I had more trouble with them when I was gripping wider.

You're a manlet with a 120 bench, you're not fooling anyone

The Saturday night incel crew are a bunch of fags.