Before you ask your retarded question about what program you should run, make sure to read below. This was polled by the 30 strongest users in PLG on what they deem to be acceptable or great programs. Novice programs aren’t included as you shouldn’t be focusing on powerlifts as a novice.
There aren’t too many universally accepted programs, however, the go to recommended program is running PH3. Voting was almost unanimous. Once you complete the cycle, feel free to start back to week 1 as this week is relatively easy and acts as a deload. You can typically run this program at mid to late intermediate, all the way into advanced and elite levels of strength. The good thing about this program is you can run it for years without stalling. It simply works. Available for download here. Programming (As of 4-7-2016).xlsx?dl=0
Smolov is another program that can do wonders for your gains. It came second for the top ranked PLG program.
food is the best substance for PURE ANABOLIC GAINS. you only downplay this because you're an emaciated, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing daily caloric intake.
nobody gives a shit that you can stay lean as fuck and peacock your little dainty fairy boy abs around for girls that won't ever see them. nobody cares about those needles you stick in your ass that don't do shit because you don't eat enough.
bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.
nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".
>2019 + 3 >still doing powerwaddling >doing weightlifting assistance lifts as your "sport" >being fat >being slow >being weak outside of sport-specific range of motion >not being a savage and launching weights in the year at maximum velocity GIVE ME ONE FUCKING GOOD EXCUSE WHY YOU'RE DOING POWERWADDLING INSTEAD OF WEIGHTLIFTING.
Oh god. Haven't had choccy milk on years. Had some great chocolate croissants this morning though.
Jack Myers
do not engage pube head. report him and move on.
Jordan Hughes
love me cooki love me isley simple as
Levi Price
>grug squat low bar >grug hip hurt >grug squat high bar >grug hip no hurt
should i put any effort into making lowbar less painful or just stick with memebar?
Adam Fisher
addendum: >grug squat lowbar >grug hip hurt >grug squat highbar >grug hip hurt and back explodes
is grug genetic cave-in?
Justin Rodriguez
.t shit bench, shit squat, shit deadlift, shit every other lift, shit body, shit hobbies, shit job (jk you don't have a job CUEEIHEMAGTTSTWCBTHABOLAWACSYA [Called Up Every Enemy I Have Ever Made And Gathered Them Together So That We Could Burt The Hatchet And Bond Over Laughing At What A Colossal Sperg You Are]), shit life.
Get a hold of yourself, quit the delusional LARPing on an Laotian Man/Boy Love Enthusiasts' conclave, post your no doubt pathetic body and lifts, fuck off to get your life in order, and stop being so predictable.
literally me, low bar hurts my hips and shoulders, high bar hurts my back.
Christopher Gray
said everyone that has a fat friend
Colton Peterson
Who here /postponingcutandcryingthemselvestosleep/
Landon Nelson
am I the only one here who does not drink, smoke, eat shit and sleep 9hours a day by simply modifying my mind?
Adrian Perry
who here /strugglingtocutduetoinabilitytorefusefriends’highcaloriedebauchery/ ?
Bentley Jones
>.Called Up Every Enemy I Have Ever Made And Gathered Them Together So That We Could Burt The Hatchet And Bond Over Laughing At What A Colossal Sperg You Are
>my little bitch just can't get over his obsession with me
considering the fact that THIS is the loser behind these boring posts, it's not surprising. how fucking embarrassing that this limp dicked piece of shit *always* spergs out whenever he's reminded of what a loser he is lmao
>I have no reasoned response or counter argument to defend against the stone cold #Facts you just savagely BTFO'ed me with! >I know, I'll post buzzwords and memes and hope no one notices how utter butt devastated I am!