Where do you find muscular women that are still feminine looking? It seems like every woman with muscle definition has no tits or hips and is built like a fridge.
Where do you find muscular women that are still feminine looking...
Glorious conan fantasy art
Crossfit, shit program but the girls have nice bods
that's me and my gf, can you please take this pic off of the internet?
More importantly where do you find girls like this that arent just whores and thots?
Are there girls that lift for the same reasons I do?
Shes hot but mirin your tri's
thanks lad, no homo
The impact Frazetta has is ridiculous, you can tell this artist tried to be as close to Frazetta as possible. Very evident in the females figure.
Post more it's glorious
Even better if its a wallpaper
If your not familiar you should look into his stuff. Personally I almost prefer the illustrations. That being said a ton of killer fantasy/sword and sorcery came out of the 70s. Check out the movie Frost and Fire, he illustrated it.
The movie is called Fire and Ice, made in 1983.
Bookmarked. I'm a fan of this nerdy shit, Conan the barbarian is my favourite film and I love the D&D games like baldurs gate. Can someone rec any novels/films/games along similar lines?
Some armature women in climbing gyms have great figures. That and swimmers.
Oh yeah, my bad
I was sure it was Frazetta. Turns out it's someone called Brian Leblanc
And track girls. My first crush was a track girl, her body was insane.
Aren’t they kinda just sticks from running all the time? Volleyball/softball master race
Most guys don't lift for the same reasons you do.
Looked him up, you seem to have posted his best work. Something about a lot of the rest is iffy. Pic related
You must search my friend. Become the Warrior and his Heroine you want to see. It is about the journey, user. Not the end game.
Also power couples are confirmed Jow Forums.
Track girls are my Motivation and Goal.
Secret to feminine muscle for women is no cutting.
All women are whores, there are some who hide it better than others though.
Read the Conan short stories. Pretty sure they are on Project Gutenberg or something.
I think some are less detailed than others. The ones OP posted seem realistic and more minute details like the striations in the musculature.
she has a good body but such a bad attitude.
well she is a woman user
This is what im talking about. She posts crotch shots then writes
"escuse me silly boys just becuz i post a sexy pic doesnt mean its sexual mkay. sexy is not sexual"
Most women are oblivious to the fact that attraction and attractiveness stems solely from sex.
Why else would she post those kinds of pictures?
Cause she likes how it feels to get attention from women? lol no.
And even the argument, "cause it makes me feel good." is retarded
being SEXY and ATTRACTIVE to other men make you feel good. Otherwise you're just half naked.
Lets be honest thots bait men for likes, subs, approval to boost their fame.
Then act condescending to men instead of ignoring it.
Its rude and sexist. They need to shut up and post more pics or gtfo.
Swimmers have gross boxed frame. Women trail runners who rock climb are the best.
Running only turns you into a stick if you are top caloric or protein deficient, and that's only endurance running where about 10% of expended calories come from protein.
>Women are opressed and sexualized
>There's more women on this earth than there are men
>Women post half naked photos and become famous for it
certain types of gymnasts and/or stippers. Not the fat ones though, the ones that can do insane pole dancing ticks.
Based. I fucking love Frazetta.
Sorry but fuck your topic, OP. I'm dumping some good American art that glorifies the beauty and strength of the human figure.
So, what happens if a MtF ex-man wants to fully become a woman and has to take female hormones to achieve that, but she(male) also likes to lift weight to get big muscles, but in order to do that she(male) has to take massive doses of male hormone?
This is why you should do squats
they put a gun in mouth and pull the trigger
Born in Brooklyn to an immigrant family. American enough for me.
>wants to fully become a woman
Would have to be born as one
Unironically Frazetta art inspires me on leg day
Fabulous hidden powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic sword and said "BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL"
Finally, a non-Frazetta piece to finish my dump. This one's a /tg/ favorite, perhaps it would be appreciated over here as well.
That’s what happens when people breed for looks instead of looks+physical fitness. We end up with disgusting genetics.
Finally, here's what the artist himself looked like. Not a bodybuilder, but I'd call that pretty good shape, no? A good Jow Forums illustrator.
This thread made me nostalgic for a barbarian post-civilizational archeo-future that will probably never exist
Can I interest you in an excellent cartoon pilot that will never exist?
>It seems like every woman with muscle definition has no tits or hips and is built like a fridge.
That's because muscle definition requires being lean, which means losing the fat on the hips, ass, and tits that give a woman her feminine shape. What you're looking for is very difficult to achieve naturally - it requires great genetics, significant muscle mass, and just the right level of leanness.
Anavar + fake tits + Brazilian butt lift is the main way women obtain the muscular but curvy look like you see in those drawings.
seconding the other user with the robert howard conan books. they're short and to the point and they're fantastic. he also wrote some lovecraftian stuff, some weird west stuff, a shit ton of boxing stuff and a lot of other stuff. I mean fuck, he wrote all of this in the span of about 10 years before he killed himself. fucking insane en.wikipedia.org
I haven't delved too far into his non conan stuff outside of the lovecraft horror, but they've been pretty good. then there's also other sword and sorcery books goodreads.com
setting wise they're quite different, but thematically (spaghetti in particular) westerns and ronin films are incredibly similar to sword and sorcery stories. the main character is on a selfish adventure seeking wealth or the thrill of battle. he may or may not find himself in a situation where he ends up being the hero who saves the day, but it's never on a world ending scale and he never sets off with the intention of saving anyone. he's saving some villagers from an oppressive gang or a woman being held captive by a cruel pirate captain. he's always traveling, he doesn't like being locked down to one place, and he values loyalty above all else, even if to a temporary employer. so if you don't mind gunfights and gangs over steel and spells then it might scratch the same itch. it's definitely easier finding good western/ronin movies than sword and sorcery movies
I can also recommend the dark horse conan comics. the writing isn't as good as howard's, but there is something nice about having the visual element to those stories. they're presented chronologically as opposed to jumping all over the place like howard did with the stories
It looks like she has a massive horse cock hanging between her legs haha
Not merely Lovecraftian by resemblance. He was close friends with Lovecraft, and several of their stories exist in the same canon.
The gym
>not posting thicc huntress by franzetta
tf is wrong with you guys
They exist, and I'd like to know too.
no tits
Isn't that the battlemage?
OP here, I'm cool with it
The pilot exists. I loved it when it aired, and it still bums me out that it never got developed into a series.
It was ten years too early for the game of thrones fantasy hype train.
>the guy who made this also made this
what the fuck
Nope. Muscle as in seeing muscle. Requires large muscles.
Womens body fat isnt evenly distributed on the body. Obvious to anyone with a set of eyes.
Skinny girl + big tits + weight training = muscly girl with big tits etc.
Wow, thanks
Dat nigga looks like those totem enemies from Spyro Gateway To Glimmer.