>day 3 of NOFAP
Day 3 of NOFAP
me too man. day 3
only fapped like 5 times this year though so it's getting much easier and i barely get tempted or edge anymore. keep it up
2 months in.
Someone posted some insanely hunged and convincing tranny not long ago, and I cannot kill the urge to either fap to it, or cum in a cup full of water and swallowing those nutrients back into my system
>camed the bed while sleeping
>still edges
>using your hands to stimulate your penis isn't fapping, as long as you don't ejaculate
The hell man? Don't try to ruin our progress...
im working up to it man. though ejaculating after a month had a profound effect on me, i can't say edging was anywhere near as destructive (though one leads invariably to the other ofc)
>tfw failed nofap after 5 days
I don’t have any will
takes a few tries / cycles. if you're consistent you can increase your record each time and notice that every time you start from scratch, it feels a little easier
That's good to know; I think the only times I've ever "edged" were when I got distracted/interrupted haha
u can have sex on nofap right?
that's the point of the whole thing.
I've beat many addictions in my life , but this one is scarying me . It feels like a opiate addiction , you just want to masturbate and feel the high to heal my restless legs and mind
Taking the chastitypill made nofap so much easier. Turns out I kept breaking nofap from touching my dick, and this prevents that completely. That means the only sexual stimulation I get is from seeing women, not from touching myself. I will report back how long I go without having uncontrollable sexual urges from purely visual stimuli.
There it is. Why don't you just have other men fuck your gf so you never have to let your evil penis receive carnal pleasure? Nofap is the gateway to cuckolding.
Who else /nofaplent/?
I'm on 6 month no fap
ask me something
>3 days in nofap
do you feel significantly different?
Can you look at people in the eyes when talking to them?
Do you procrastinate as much as before?
Have you gained/lost weight?
Better/worse eyesight?
Brain fog?
Damn it ahhhhhh
how exactly does this work?
Week 2 here allow me to illuminate. I've lasted longer, and only fapped like once a week when I did, but I notice many differences. these gifts accrue over time.
>Brian fog
When I fap, I feel like someone washed my cerebral cortex with a warm cloth. This is not good. Now I am like a snake, always ready to strike.
Idk, but I have WAY less boogers and eye crud when I wake in the morning. I am WAY less greasy and all my pores look pretty much closed, which gives my skin a pinkish hue.
All I think about is how to improve myself. I am never too tired to work out. (In fact I look forward it as it is my daily allowance of dopamine.
>in addition
I don't give a fuck what people think about me. I am way more comfortable in my body and this dimension. I speak quickly and clearly in complete and well thought out sentences.
less horny thats about it
>Can you look at people in the eyes when talking to them?
I look away to think a lot because I'm bad at talking
>Do you procrastinate as much as before?
wasn't much of a procrastinator before but I guess little less now
>Have you gained/lost weight?
wen't from 150-155lbs 6'3 to 145lbs but I think that's unrelated
>Better/worse eyesight?
>Brain fog?
never had
I'm on day 8 or so now, i don't count anymore.
I noticed i wake up horny and really want to fuck something, I'll be thinking about my girlfriend for about an hour straight, and thinking about nothing more but me filling her up with as much cum as i can, and then fucking her some more until she cant walk.
Best thing about breaking no-fap, is my girlfriend is 34, and I'm early twenties. She knows what i want and how high my sexual energy is because of my age, so she'll spread her legs whenever i say.
If i had a gf I wouldn't be doing nofap. And by fapping you are literally cucking yourself with your hand. Because by fapping you are suppressing your biological urge to fuck real women by fucking imaginary women. Practicing chastity in order to harness your sexual energy in the way God intended, is the ultimate b&r
It puts a shell around your dick so you can't stimulate it. You also can't get an erection because the shape of it is flaccid. The ring goes around the base of your cock and balls and can't come off under normal circumstances.
>tfw no Zarya waifu
>short hair
Its like you kikes arent even trying
>doesn't want to die by snu snu
Never gonna make it
anyway, i'm on day like 13, I just wanna smash this girl who came home but she isn't texting back, balls gonna exlpode
if i had that i'm like 200% sure i'd just start shoving cucumbers up my ass to nut
Day 2 over here
We'll all make it frens
>no fap february check
>no fap march 10 days in
Dont give up fellas
Large muscular upper bodies on women look unnatural and unattractive.
Just a heads up for anyone suffering from ED :
I did it for months and when I actually tried to get it up it was the same pathetic shit. Noporn helps a little bit, but the REAL shit is the Angion Method. This shit feels like injecting viagra into your penis, I can not even remember having an erection so fucking good, felt like my dick was going to explode from all the blood pouring in.
>masturbate like 5 times Ash Wednesday
>didn't realize it was Ash Wednesday until it was almost 12:00 AM Thursday
>Decide to not give up red meat, but masturbation
Been going strong since Thursday, good luck out there boys. Releasing day after Easter.
>Mal Malloy
Relapsed 2 days ago edging too far
Who else /banana/pilled here? I’ve eaten like 6 bananas today and I feel great
The drawing is fucked up, he should be holding it in the other hand in the mirrored image.
you gonna shit like once a week
>tfw every drunk girl's little bit of attention gets you hard
Are you sure? It looks right to me
>Noporn helps a little bit, but the REAL shit is the Angion Method
Quick rundown?
Day 2 over here
day 25; going for the full 90
doing a 3 day water fast to clean my system for further gains, about 50 hours in atm.
Nofap doesn't turn you into a superman, that's a meme. It's a way to break a bad habit and heal various sexual dysfunctions.
You're not supposed to do it for multiple months, unless of course you're having sex.
Noporn makes it much easier to get aroused by simple things but it doesn't do anything to your erection quality.
I've been only doing AM1 for one week and I can already see a massive difference. The first time I was really discouraged since I could not spot for shit the vein Janus was talking about and I could barely keep my erection for a few seconds, having massive trouble getting it up again. But the next time I could see the vein through the middle of my shaft so I applied my thumb as a startup, then I got going with two thumbs and a few seconds after that, I got aroused again but this time the erection was MASSIVE and I could feel the blood getting into my penis.
hello skeleton
doing no fap lent too bro. Been going hard and i get erect from scratching my balls. Stay strong fellow christ bro.
maybe focus on eating instead of not touching your pee pee?
You are right, my bad
failed after about 10 days. its always after a night of drinking. im going to cut drinking max to 2 beers or half a bottle of wine SOCIALLY
day 4 bros
Cut that shit out asap bro. Beer is one of the most estrogenic foods on the planet
>its always after a night of drinking.
i hear you. this is my primary trigger as well.
Day 50 and it's so fucking easy as this point.
I am trying to stop. I've been fapping twice a day for weeks and it makes me feel unmotivated to do anything... I hope I can make it today, please Lord show me the way
Brainlet... study more
>have foot fetish
>didnt even turn me on
Lol nice try feetlet
Can nofap turn you gay?
Behold, the BenisBreaker3000. Shit must be terrible to get a boner in, especially during nofap.
If too horny, just go biking.
Can relate. fapping was such an easy way to kill time when bored and wanting instant and low-effort pleasure. It's too good of an escape.
On day 18 right now. I was really horny for a while, then it kinda calmed down for a few days, and now I'm really horny again. I hope that I start to level out soom
Your brain carves for dopamine. If it doesn't get any, it will go into withdrawal. It will do anything to get it. Therefore you can go through a gay phase, because your brain extremely want that dopamine. It isn't uncommon. If you relapse at gay porn, you actually make yourself gay, because you link strong pleasure with disgusting shit.
>doing the dishes
>there's a weird glass bottle cap in the dryer
>immediatelly think to myself how it looks like a glass butt plug
>want to shove it up my ass
>remember I'm on day 15 of nofap
Why is life so hard?
Doesnt count, youre still good